View Full Version : Painting gsi bumpers

10-11-12, 12:27 AM
I have managed to get my hands on a full brand new unpainted gsi. Goin to leave the skirts as they are and paint the bumpers. I wasn't expecting them to b dimpled when I took them out the packaging. All gsi numbers I have seen painted are smooth. So these have to b prepped flat before painting? Or would like of a 2 PAC primer cover the worst of it?

10-11-12, 09:31 AM
Painted from the factory there is a slight dimple effect, what you have is right for a brand new unpainted bumper. IMO it looks better fully smoothed off so would be worth preping properly.

10-11-12, 09:34 AM
Personally I'd use a high build primer and flat that back, that's what I always did with grab handles etc.

10-11-12, 01:43 PM
Perfect cheers guys