View Full Version : DVLA question

25-10-12, 11:06 AM
To cut a long story short, I sold my old red mark 1 to some bloke on the street. The V5 was in the glove box and I didn't realize this til long after I got shot of it. Now the mark one was never going to hit the road again, this I can prove (least not without an absolute sh!t ton of work) so I assume the bloke wanted it for scrap.

I got a SORN reminder through the other day for it. Do I tell the DVLA I think it has been scrapped? I heard that you had to send off the Cert of Destruction if you went that path, or do I SORN it and forget about it for another year? I don't fancy paying them a big fine or whatever. I don't even have the bloke's details anymore as I had wrote them down, but can no longer find them.

What would you suggest/do yourself?

25-10-12, 11:17 AM
write to them saying you are surprised to get a sorn reminder when you POSTED the v5 to them telling it was scrapped a while ago, its up to them to prove you didnt send it not for you to prove you did

Simon 1867
25-10-12, 11:29 AM
I would contact the DVLA explain you had sold the car but wouldnt say it was intended for scap, as you cant be sure the new owner was going to scrap it. I dont condone liaring tto the DVLA but saying you had posted off the seller part of the V5 is the only thing you can do as its your responsablity as the seller to do this.

25-10-12, 11:45 AM
Years ago you could get your name removed from the v5 but you could just sorn it also to saves a fine later down the line

25-10-12, 12:11 PM
I'm well aware that it is my responsibility to send off the V5 but I was sick of the sight of the bloody thing so wanted shot of it, then realized a few months down the line that the V5 was in the bloody car... One of them "blonde" moments I suppose is the best way to describe it.

25-10-12, 12:13 PM
I had this a few years ago and DVLA told me that it was my responsibility as registered keeper to get the V5 to them and it was not their fault if it got lost in post etc..

So was fined £50!

25-10-12, 01:18 PM
Go round to the guy you sold the car too and give him the sorn form, whilst your there get your part of the V5 and send it off.

25-10-12, 03:49 PM
Go round to the guy you sold the car too and give him the sorn form, whilst your there get your part of the V5 and send it off.

I don't know where he lives lol

25-10-12, 05:01 PM
its up to them to prove you didnt send it not for you to prove you did
Unfortunately not, its up to the sender to prove it was delivered - i.e you have to send it recorded.

I'd just apply for a new V5, then fill out the new owner section with the buyer's details, as best as you can remember them ;) lol

25-10-12, 05:16 PM
Get an address in NI and say that's who you sold it to. The car disappears until the v5 is sent to the NI owner and he takes it to our DVA centre. My GTE disappeared that way when it arrived here and I broke it. V5 in the bin, never told our office, haven't heard a thing 2 years later. :thumb:

25-10-12, 05:30 PM
Aplly for a logbook,pay the £25.
Send off a dingy name to an adress whats been bulldozed (can give you sh1tloads in Hull)
Learn from it.