View Full Version : Rough Idle

08-08-03, 10:09 AM
My Nova GTE Engine has run fine since i put it in. But from yesterday, the idle speed keeps going really rough, then after a bit of driving, it goes smooth, then it will go rough again. It drives ok through the rest of the rev range, it just at idle. Ive tried cleaning my air filter and ive reset the ecu. But its still doing it. Why is this? Could it be the idle control valve? What should i do? Cheers

08-08-03, 10:21 AM
theres no idle valve on the GTE

more likely to be the air coasting valve or the thin pipes joining to it.

this thing kinda looks like a brass bell and sits just behind the cam cover in line with cylinder 4 (dissy end). its got a number of thin pipes. check all them for leaks/cracks. next thing to check would be the choke control which is a plate shaped item with a pipe conecter each side situated just to the left of injector #1 with a 3/4inch water hose coming out of each side!

08-08-03, 10:27 AM
Cheers Dicko, i will check them a.s.a.p.!

08-08-03, 10:30 AM
also pipe from afm.... for splits etc

08-08-03, 10:38 AM
Ive got a very strong feeling that it could be the big rubber pipe that comes off the air flow meter. Because, when my engine was idling rough, i had a look under the bonnet and i touched the air flow meter and it wen worse. Cheers ste_sa

08-08-03, 10:54 AM
use some duck tape until u can find/buy a new 1 :)

thats what i did and worked a treat

08-08-03, 01:08 PM
Right!!, ive just checked all them things under the bonnet. The pipe coming off the air flow meter seems ok. On the coasting air valve, one of the thin pipes had come off, so i put it back on, but the idle is still rough. Should i now do an ecu reset?

08-08-03, 03:18 PM
you shudnt need to

what do you mean by rough/ might still be a prob somewhere!!

08-08-03, 03:25 PM
Rough, as in the opposite of smooth! Only joking! I mean the idle isnt one smooth constant note like it used to be, its chuggy and goes up and down between about 800 and 1000 rpm. And the engine shakes like its going to stall and the exhaust does small pops and spits air, no liquid comes out of the exhaust.

08-08-03, 03:46 PM
thats an airleak!!!!!

there is a pipe that conects to the main rubber hose on the inlet and that goes behind the engine!! check that aswel..basically any pipe/hose/conection ANYTHING that might be leaking air btween the airbox and where the inlet goes into the head!

08-08-03, 05:30 PM
like dicko said it could be an air leak i just thought i would say mine is playing up a bit just like yours but mine is the ecu

first i check to see if it was

take your blaking plug out it is by the ron plug then put a wire to the two brown wires on the plug turn your igintion on and your engine light should flash once then twice( it will do that bout for times ) then count the number of flashs

eg flash three times then a space then four times its 34

you will need to go to a garage to find out what the number means though

i found out my egr vaule was piped up wrong then it wasn't working sorted them then has code to say ecu was faulty

sorry it a bit long winded

08-08-03, 09:57 PM
The exact same type of thing happened to my 1.4 sr i know it seems simple but all it was on mine was that the tickover screw needed adjusting. So i warmed up the engine then brought the tick over up really high and kept adjusting it down until it was just right which was about 800 and its been fine ever since.

14-08-03, 09:39 AM
I think ive sussed out whats wrong with it now. I think its the throttle control thing thats near the throttle cable. Does anyone know how to fix these or how much is it for a new one? I dont fancy getting one from the scrappys just incase its broke aswell.

14-08-03, 09:55 AM
do you mean the throttle position sensor? the black thing on the opposite side than the cable?

if so i have a working 1 at home i dont need!

14-08-03, 10:34 AM
Yeah, thats what im on about. How much are they to buy new?

14-08-03, 10:44 AM
about ?50-?60 i beleive

14-08-03, 10:55 AM
Thats very expensive, how can they charge so much?! How much do you want for yours? Where abouts in the uk are you?

14-08-03, 11:12 AM
im in stoke.

do you know rexy he's also from bolton


14-08-03, 11:22 AM
Stoke-on-trent, thats only about an hour away from me at the most.

14-08-03, 01:04 PM
correct, about an hour, 45mins if you give it some right foot action. but easier if i post tbh would only be about ?2?