View Full Version : Wanted - Back box for non-cat GSI - or info on where too buy one new!`

11-10-12, 07:08 PM
Hello All,
I'm after a backbox for for non-cat GSI. Anyone have anything that may fit? Nothing too massive please, but ideally a standard one. My local motor foactors all can get new ones, but hey look totally wrong, and would ruin the car totally. Anyone know where I can buy either the correct standard one, or a nice 2" or so aftermarket one that not a total rip-off?!


11-10-12, 07:12 PM
std gsi ones are straight. gte ones are angled

the original tailpipes weren't that bad.

11-10-12, 08:18 PM
I'd love a standard one, but the ones the local motor factors order in are totally wrong. Know anywhere near us that may be any good?

11-10-12, 08:20 PM
i assume you have tried CAS. on the dodwells & checked their stock.. there is that custom chrome place in nuneaton, i've never tried them, but i've not heard anything bad either, then there is jetex exhausts. they aren't that far.

also, my sig has a linky to an exhaust manufacturer parts list.