View Full Version : PPi texts etc

09-10-12, 09:13 PM
Anybody else getting these? If its not fcuking ppi its about the accident i had and how i could claim,get them at all hours as well,tv,radio,they call my landline with recorded messages,annoying as fcuk.rant over lol

09-10-12, 09:19 PM
Email (at least five + a day) regular texts, at least one a day, simply ignore them as theyre mass sent out to every possible number from 000000000001 upwards!

Dont ever be tempted to reply to them saying get to fukk, as they will just know its an active number/email addy, delete and swear under your breath lol

09-10-12, 09:25 PM
You could also double check every form you ever fill in for that little box about them using your information, take care though some you have to tick and some you don't!

However it sounds to me like the damage is done now mate and they already know what colour socks you wear! lol

09-10-12, 09:41 PM
I get the ppi loan one all the time. I've never had a loan in my life but gave a good few mates help

09-10-12, 10:20 PM
I get the PPI one and one telling me about the "accident" I had They piss me right off

09-10-12, 10:29 PM
i used to get texts and phone calls off a debt collection company after some women called margaret stewart went on for weeks and weeks and they finally seem to have given up

09-10-12, 10:34 PM
I keep getting these, fcuking annoying! I tried ringing one of the numbers constantly on my work phone for about ten minutes but it never got answered, must be automated,
I also got a local number ringing me once a day for about a week. It rang twice and then stopped before I can answer. Rang it back and it is a dead number!?!

You can register for TPS which should stop the calls but not the texts :(


09-10-12, 10:39 PM
I actually had a company phone me & ask for £350 up front,told them to piss off then did a bit of internet research on them.turns out they start taking unauthorised payments off your credit card if your daft enough to give them the number,some poor bugger ended up with 3 x £350 payments taken :eek:

09-10-12, 10:39 PM
I keep getting the same south London black guy ringing me over PPi, wont have it that i've never paid it.. As any loan i've had i've taken it off. But he tells me they'll have put it on as "dats wot they did to sting ya mate" i've told him no, you can see what you pay on your statement and i've never paid anything. Last time he annoyed me so i said "look Leroy i've never paid it you thick dumb ass sound mostly liking got your jeans around your **** black c**t"

Since then he's not rung back...

09-10-12, 10:46 PM
I have only ever had two small loans and neither had PPI as I worked for the bank I got the loan for so I knew it did not have it on. I had enough savings to cover the loan if the worst happened so I had no need for it so made sure it was taken off. I have had calls from these morons and I tell them I have never had it but they don't beleive you and tell me I must have not known it was on there. Err yes I would know and I have never had it so fcuk off and leve me alone!

09-10-12, 10:58 PM
I did have some ppi on my morgage which i didnt know about (never check my statements!) When I realised I phoned the bank cancelled it straight away and claimed the cash back direct from them. Think it was only a couple of month later I had a the cash + interest back in my bank! just over £2500 paid for last years holiday thank you very much! lol

10-10-12, 07:55 AM
I've had a range of credit in the past, all of which I've refused the PPI on. I don't quite see how banks supposedly sneak it on (as the adverts would have you believe) as its always been pretty transparent. Mind you, whenever I've worked from home recently, the TV advert breaks are nothing but PPI/accident/cash4gold/instant40000%APRloan type things. Which all seem to stop around 4-5pm. Make of that what you will...

Anyways, the best way I know of to stop the calls is set you answerphone to the connection tone for a 56k modem. Mate who sites next to me at work did that, after getting a good 4-5 calls a day - I think he had about 2 or 3 more calls then they stopped. Changed his answerphone message back to standard after a couple more days and has had none since!

[edit] I like how this is titled 'PPi' like the I is for Injection lol

10-10-12, 08:55 AM
l get these text an just delete ignore etc, but it got me thinking...
So I checked out an old flexi loan and credit card I had with my bank HSBC an guess what, yep they had put payment protection on them an I never noticed lol so I'm claiming it back off them.

10-10-12, 10:49 AM
I'm in the process of claiming back PPI from 7 loans and 3 credit cards

Hopefully get some cash back so I can buy a Signum lol

craig green
10-10-12, 10:57 AM
I get it all aswell, luckily I dont have a landline as my parents get bombarded with pre-recorded phone messages.

The law needs changing regarding this sort of stuff. It's harassment. People must get woken up & disturbed at all hours by this shiyte.

10-10-12, 03:20 PM
You can register for TPS which should stop the calls but not the texts :(


Just signed up and one of the options for "what is your main reason for signing up" or whatever the exact wording is, is stop SMS messages. So it seems any company that continue after your mobile is registered on that, is breaking the law. Won't necessarily stop them if the mobiles they're using are 'nothing to do with the company' etc etc but it 'should'.

edit: Nevermind was just reading up on the blurb on it and it doesn't apply to SMS messages, so that box is basically the "I'm wasting my time" tickbox... still if a lot of people tick it it will start to get recognised I guess.

10-10-12, 05:56 PM
I tend to flip the script on them and try and sell them insurance, either that or tell them to fro.


10-10-12, 06:39 PM
I tend to flip the script on them and try and sell them insurance, either that or tell them to fro.


Lmfao, mate its such a switch that youre so down to earth, i likes it lol

10-10-12, 07:43 PM
i had one today that wouldn't believe me when i said i had never taken any out.. ever.. he kept on with the script, so i just put my phone on the ledge in the cab & drove to my next job... he had gone when i checked it when i got there.

i had one persistent one on the office phone, dozens of times per day, so i waited till it ended & they had a press the number menu, so i did & got thru to a real person, they told me that the same message was used by several dozen different companies so i threatened them with getting the police involved as it was harassment.. they went..

but mostly we just used ridicule & heaps of BS to get rid of cold callers..

last week i got a bloke trying to sell photocopiers, and i said 'how old are they, as nobody i know has bought one in ten years' and he put it down on me