View Full Version : Test driving an unisured car

27-09-12, 04:02 PM
Is there any way round this?

Currently my Mrs drives a Corsa 1.4SRi, however we've located a suitable replacement for sale a good road trip away. (I like road trips)
(Anyone after a Corsa C SRi? Pm me)

As far as I see it, we have two choices,

Go and look at the perfectly driveable car, but trailer it back, or
Drive to the new car in my Signum, if we decide to buy the new car, ring up the insurance and transfer her current policy over and drive it back.

However if we do the latter this will leave her Corsa sat on my drive uninsured. If a buyer comes along to test drive it.

Where do we stand insurance wise?

Or is there another way round it?

27-09-12, 04:12 PM
Sky moved the insurance from the 182 to the 500 and then issued me upto 30days temporary cover for not much on the 182 for test pilots (and for me to run the tank dry lol)

27-09-12, 05:10 PM
Most insurance companies will insure both for a short period if asked.

Also note that when the corsa is uninsured you have to chop the tax in and declare it sorn. Makes yet another hurdle for selling it!

27-09-12, 05:22 PM
Most insurance companies will insure both for a short period if asked.

Also note that when the corsa is uninsured you have to chop the tax in and declare it sorn. Makes yet another hurdle for selling it!

You don't have to chop the tax in as far as I know. Just sorn it due to no ins.... (Edit) just seen you do! The worlds gone mad!!!!