View Full Version : nova c20let running issues

18-09-12, 07:40 PM
Any one help me i took my nova let out for the 1st time all was going well i floored it in 1st gear the temp guage went to the end then back and the car cut out i managed to start it straight away. The car is idiling at 2000 rpm and being difficult to start from cold also the temp guage is still getting funny readings ive checked for air leaks if the icv and knock sensor plugs are the wrong way round would this cause the problems also doesnt seem to come on boost ??? thanks :thumb:

18-09-12, 08:10 PM
anyone help!!!!

19-09-12, 09:48 AM
it would run like crap if ICV and knock are the wrong way round, the knock stops the engine killing itself, the EML light would indicate a problem, is it wired?

are the two AMAL connections the correct way round? mine are on bullet connections as the loom was damaged and I got them wrong. The CTS may be faulty or the wires to it damaged, that makes them run like crap also.

I ended up stripping my entire loom and found lots of brittle wires that were bridging across other cable fractures.

it would be hard to start with a big airleak or a damaged wires

19-09-12, 12:08 PM
Well its does miss a bit from cold also I've checked the amal valve seems to be right I need to double check the plugs are the right way round just don't know why the temp guage is arratic when idiling ?? Thanks for responding:thumb:

19-09-12, 04:24 PM
Well its does miss a bit from cold also I've checked the amal valve seems to be right I need to double check the plugs are the right way round just don't know why the temp guage is arratic when idiling ?? Thanks for responding:thumb:

My temp gauge is erratic for some reason, when i clean and reconnected it it seems to improve but its never been right, Ive ordered a genuine CTS as reopey CTS' cause lots of problems.

20-09-12, 11:52 AM
Yeh will try cleaning it I've ordered a new cts from autovaux so will give it ago :)