View Full Version : Knee operation

05-09-12, 10:13 PM
Anyone here had surgery on the knee after damaging the Cartilage? It's looking more like I'll need one and wondered whether anyone has had it done, how long to recover etc

05-09-12, 10:20 PM
Guy at my works off ATM with knee op 8 weeks

05-09-12, 10:21 PM
Knee replacement or clean out? The in-laws both have had knee replacements and still not fully recovered. It takes a long time to recover from knee ops afaik

05-09-12, 10:33 PM
Ive had damage to the cartilege removed from my right knee, by way of Arthroscopy, which is all keyhole now, one little hole one side of your knee cap, one on the other, camera in one side and the tools in the other, trim out the broken/torn cartilege and bung a few plasters on the holes in effect!

Had it done at the day surgery unit under general aneasthetic, hobbled out the same afternoon, was off it for about six weeks, but given exercises to stop my knee jamming up, youre able to walk and drive again after four to six weeks but full movement takes a lot longer, i couldnt crouch down properly for a couple of years (which was a pain being a valeter, and part of the reason im not anymore lol)

Its not too painful after a year or so, but every now and then you over exert your knee and get a lovely painful 'click' and your bones move over each other but its only a quick sharp shock :d

05-09-12, 10:43 PM
I suspect it needs cartilage trimming as I can't walk properly at the moment, I mashed it about 14 years ago and left it to heal naturally (didn't bother getting it checked) it bloody hurts now and I can barely drive or walk, just waiting for a MRI to confirm what exactly needs to be done to it, but it will probably be keyhole tidy up. I can't really afford to be off work at the moment as I'm at a critical point in my career, I'm hoping I can return to work in a wheelchair rather than be at home.

05-09-12, 10:48 PM
You will be able to hobble about on it after the op, but its not adviseable as it can stretch out the recovery time :cry:

Its not too bad an op to have in fairness bud, im sure you will be fine, when are they letting you know the results, mine they just prodded and poked about with my knee/cap and told me what i needed straight away, but then mine was a recent injury, rather than an old one thats been left, doesyour knee (before it got as bad as it is now) click and lock at times, and you sort of have to straighten it out and let it click back, as thats what happened with mine, id have to stretch my leg/knee out otherwise it would become painful :eek:

05-09-12, 10:56 PM
Mines fine straight, but I can't bend it much, also my lower leg and foot go cold and numb, something is restricting blood flow. I can stand all day no problems but can't sit for
More than 3-4 minutes before it hurts a lot. I stopped taking painkillers as it meant i could carry on as normal and was walking a lot and it just made it worse when they wore off. Doing more damage but not noticing.

Just waiting for the agreement on what they are going to do to rectify it.

05-09-12, 10:59 PM
Oooh that sounds like youve done a fair bit of damage then if its restricting blood flow then, keep us posted on what/when you find out dude :thumb:

05-09-12, 11:06 PM
Any exercises they give you for it make sure you follow them well, I did something much less severe when an HGV driver changed lanes on me without looking, didn't really notice at the time (I was a touch preoccupied lol) but it got knocked or flung to one side during and just slightly damaged or bruised something inside my knee, after limping around on it I still have problems as the muscle in one side of my knee has weakened, which causes my kneecap to track to one side and various other issues.

If I'd just gone for physio (and therefore kept up those knee strengthening type exercises I didn't know about!) when I first had a problem it'd probably be fine now.

05-09-12, 11:37 PM
i had a motorbike accident i was on bike against car (there fault) and car won all damage was to my left knee i have 20% loss of knee cap so just have the 80% atm i am waiting for a knee replacement but due to my age (21) thats a last resort kind of thing i have had keyhole aswell which is two holes either side which was to see what was happening in there lol but should hopefully be replaced very soon as for problems i can walk but my symptons are that mine gives way alot clicks aswell if bent more then say 70' plus can bend or keep straiggt for very long as get cramp very easy and i have no feeling in the knee so cant actually kneel down due to no feeling but when knee touched i feel it in my shin so somthing wrong with nerves i suppose but ive had it since i was 18 so you just get used to it

plus mine isnt the best looking i have a scar from top of shin to bottom of thigh say 15-20cm long maybe but goes in s shape around knee cap very lucky to have it in 1 piece i suppose

10-09-12, 07:44 PM
Mines fine straight, but I can't bend it much, also my lower leg and foot go cold and numb, something is restricting blood flow. I can stand all day no problems but can't sit for
More than 3-4 minutes before it hurts a lot. I stopped taking painkillers as it meant i could carry on as normal and was walking a lot and it just made it worse when they wore off. Doing more damage but not noticing.

Just waiting for the agreement on what they are going to do to rectify it.

what do you do for a job?

10-09-12, 07:50 PM
what do you do for a job?

I work for an nhs hospital you may have seen on the TV. I support all the cancer/leukemia/liver tranplant video conference meetings. My job is to look after the kit and connect and monitor all the meetings to sure
Patients get an answer about treatment quickly, even if its inoperable!

We show MRI/ultrasound/xray/ct scans.

I do both adults and kiddies

Meant to say, I walk miles each week backwards and forwards as I'm based outside the hospital

10-09-12, 08:40 PM
it will take ages to heal up. my mrs had a new knee in june & she can only just drive & still hobbles round on crutches..

i split the top of my tibia(bottom 1/2 of the knee) in a car smash, and the surgeon told me it would be 3 months minimum, but i managed a total recovery in 2 months because i was getting married.. i simply did every exercise they said to do, and then after resting repeated them about 4 or 5 times, but only if it didn't hurt..my mrs has tried the same thing, but she keeps doing stuff after the pain starts, and then gets upset...

12-09-12, 08:13 PM
it will take ages to heal up. my mrs had a new knee in june & she can only just drive & still hobbles round on crutches..

i split the top of my tibia(bottom 1/2 of the knee) in a car smash, and the surgeon told me it would be 3 months minimum, but i managed a total recovery in 2 months because i was getting married.. i simply did every exercise they said to do, and then after resting repeated them about 4 or 5 times, but only if it didn't hurt..my mrs has tried the same thing, but she keeps doing stuff after the pain starts, and then gets upset...

Your smashed one sounds nasty Mowgli but you recovered quickly, the fireman next door took 3 months just for a cartilage tidy up.

I've had the MRI today, the MRI machine was not what I expected, bloody loud.

A knee specialist is reviewing it and I should get an answer tomorrow. They didn't inject contrast which I wanted to have and I can't have another MRI for a while now so I hope the pics are clear enough to be conclusive, otherwise I'll have to wait a couple of months to repeat it.

12-09-12, 08:23 PM
Your smashed one sounds nasty Mowgli but you recovered quickly, the fireman next door took 3 months just for a cartilage tidy up. nail hit firmly on head..... i've never met such a bunch of workshy jobsworths....a lad who used to work for us was a part time one... they were forever nicking stuff, using their id cards to extort discounts & also try not to get back off a job in case they got called to another... and if one got injured, they would milk it for everything

I've had the MRI today, the MRI machine was not what I expected, bloody loud.

A knee specialist is reviewing it and I should get an answer tomorrow. They didn't inject contrast which I wanted to have and I can't have another MRI for a while now so I hope the pics are clear enough to be conclusive, otherwise I'll have to wait a couple of months to repeat it.

never had an mri, thankfully.... it would make my knee bolts dance a tad....why the wait for the repeat?? is it on safety grounds?
in my day, it was a couple of xrays & the surgeon clunking my knee like a torque wrench whilst i requested a look at his birth certificate to check if his parents were actually wed....

13-09-12, 05:39 PM
Yippee, the results of the MRi are........torn meniscus\cartilage........and.........damaged ligaments.............and cysts inside the knee........not so yippee!

unlikely to be keyhole surgery....but yet to be confirmed

21-09-12, 09:34 PM
Had a touch today, the torn meniscus will require cutting the torn bit away, the cysts (causing the pain and swelling and lower limb numbness) will cure themselves after steroid injections once the tear is cut out. The tear is not repairable as I left it thirteen years and it hasn't repaired itself. The ligament damage isn't enough to warrant open knee surgery, some of the ligament strands are still attached.

I will only need arthroscopy to repair me and direct steroid injections in the knee.

As I'm staff the surgeon is going to get me sorted double pronto but I will need to be off work to recover for at least a week. He wanted it to be three weeks, but I can't afford to be away that long. I'm gonna borrow a wheelchair so I can go back after a week. Pimp my wheelchair here we come.

21-09-12, 09:37 PM
Just be bloody careful you dont overdo it Jeff, keep it well strapped up afterwards then if you need/mean to be around on it, arthroscopy isnt that bad, like i said before, i hobbled out of the day surgery unit the same day, but you may find a week being a little too amitious tbf, but you wont know until the time comes unfortunately!

21-09-12, 09:41 PM
Just be bloody careful you dont overdo it Jeff, keep it well strapped up afterwards then if you need/mean to be around on it, arthroscopy isnt that bad, like i said before, i hobbled out of the day surgery unit the same day, but you may find a week being a little too amitious tbf, but you wont know until the time comes unfortunately!

The week thing worries me, I certain I'm being optimistic about it as I have no idea what my knee will feel like after having it done. How long did it take spud?

21-09-12, 09:44 PM
I was wanting to be up and around after about a fortnight, i think i was driving again about three weeks afterwards, but it was slowly and easy, you wont be doing any trackdays for a month or so at least, i couldnt fully crouch down and didnt retain full movement for going on towards a year, least not without any pain, but then again i used to be a valeter and so was always needing to crouch down to clean wheels/sheen tyres and the like, im pretty sure i was back at work after three weeks though!

21-09-12, 09:45 PM
The internet is big enough for me to be off work three weeks, lol

22-09-12, 12:26 PM
hope it heals up ok for you and stops the pain etc

22-09-12, 08:03 PM
hope it heals up ok for you and stops the pain etc
Thanks fella, I'm filming the operation with theatre view and a feed from the endoscope camera so I can watch it afterwards

22-09-12, 08:10 PM
Thanks fella, I'm filming the operation with theatre view and a feed from the endoscope camera so I can watch it afterwards


the fact that they are doing it is enough for most mortals....

i am personally absolutely petrified of needles & anything sharp that gets used to cut people open.....its a bit like wedding videos to me, they should not be watched afterwards..

22-09-12, 08:18 PM

the fact that they are doing it is enough for most mortals....

i am personally absolutely petrified of needles & anything sharp that gets used to cut people open.....its a bit like wedding videos to me, they should not be watched afterwards..

Firstly, to promote the type of work I offer at the hospital, secondly , I really want to see it for myself, if I could have it awake and watch it on screen, I would.

22-09-12, 08:22 PM
you are a braver person than i.

23-09-12, 12:06 AM
^^ agreed ^^

23-09-12, 10:11 AM
Oh bugger! Just read this, now I'm worried, I hurt my knee about 9-10 years ago playing basketball, it healed an never come back, until... 6months ago I decided to start playing again an twisted it one day on court, so I decided to rest it, it got worse an worse, and I just kept taking pain killers an wearing a support an working on it as my job was new to me (post man) so couldn't take time off or rest it, it finally died down an is alright 90% the time now, but I still get twinges an it clicks bike buggery, so I'm now worried after reading this, looks like I'll need an opp too! :-(

23-09-12, 10:18 AM
Scott, it will most likely be weakening of the muscle since you've been resting on it and probably favouring one side/limping a little. I had the exact same thing happen. Go see a GP, and they will probably refer to a physio... my knee hasn't given me major problems since doing a few simple exercises.

Also better to do it sooner rather than later as favouring one side lead to back problems since I didn't get it fixed quick enough.

23-09-12, 10:21 AM
Everyone who has knelt on their knees for long periods of time/frequently will need this at some point in their lives.
Its why you should wear kneepadded trousers if your ever on your knees.
One thing my grandad has always drummed into me since he had knee replacements years ago.

23-09-12, 10:21 AM
It's likely that you also have an underlying tear or folded cartilage. Did the leg give way?

23-09-12, 10:32 AM
Yep it has give way on me in the past you like a right dick when it happens lol

23-09-12, 10:33 AM
scott, that could be ligament damage

23-09-12, 10:35 AM
Yeah I was told it was definitely good that mine had only given way once or twice at strange angles after long days etc. I'd definitely get it checked out, and referred to a physio if the GP doesn't.

23-09-12, 10:35 AM
Sounds like the same to me, cartilege in the knee, it gets folded over on itself, then 'pops' back out and makes the leg give way, mine does it a little on the operated knee but thats an after effect, sharp stab of pain, then youre fine again!

Go see your vet Scott, sounds like youll need it doing too :eek:

23-09-12, 10:36 AM
Perhaps we should speak to mike about a group buy for carbon knee replacements lol

23-09-12, 10:37 AM
That would be class lol

23-09-12, 10:39 AM
My gp is shirt been 3 times now, tbh I can be bothered to moan about it I will try again

23-09-12, 10:46 AM
Ask for a referral to a physio, I got seen really quickly but it was through Bupa cover my dad gets from work... I think NHS physio is a pretty long waiting list.

23-09-12, 10:47 AM
the problem is that you walk in there & complain about your knee...he sees you walking & you are working, so it gets put at the back of the list of priority referrals..

i once had a chevette estate as a company runabout vehicle (in the 80's ex RAF thing) and it had the heaviest clutch on the planet.. my leg started clicking when i pushed the pedal down.. i rang the quack & he just wanted to sign me off on the sick, as opposed to looking at it. so i got a different job. the clicking stopped

23-09-12, 11:55 AM
Yep it has give way on me in the past you like a right dick when it happens lol

If it gives way regular, it will be ligament damage, the ligaments bind the knee together and give it strength.

My gp is shirt been 3 times now, tbh I can be bothered to moan about it I will try again

The more frequently you visit the GP the sooner it will get fixed, having working in the NHS for the last 23 years, you learn the people that moan the most get the most.

Borrow some crutches and visit every couple of weeks, the will send you to a sports injury clinic physion type service, tell them you can't sleep through pain and are giving up sports and and putting on weight, the putting on weight bit feeds straight into the buzz subject with the NHS at the moment. Also it helps if you state that you are a career for a sick or elderly relative as its cheaper to fix you rather than pay for care for somebody else.

The physio is around £100 per session but an MRI is £700 so they always fob people off with physion first for 6 weeks. You need to appear to be in pain frequently after the physio to prove it hasn't worked.

You will then be offered the MRI which is all you really need to get to. The hospital won't give a monkeys if the GP can't afford the operation, they will just do it.

Putting up with a problem will only make it worse in the long run. You honestly don't want it to get so bad that they remove the cartilage as knee replacement is going to happen sooner and they aren't for life and are not fun at all.

23-09-12, 12:59 PM
My GP was actually pretty good, I originally went in to see to my back as it was shortly after I pulled that badly and just mentioned the knee problem since I was there (didn't realise they were linked at the time) just said I'd had trouble with it since an accident last year and they said it would be worth visiting a physio and asked if I wanted a referral.

21-11-12, 09:52 PM
4 days till surgery, had blood test, been on the scales and blood pressure checked out fine. Cameras are all set to record my operation so roll on Monday, unless they fix the wrong leg or I peg it, lol

21-11-12, 09:54 PM
They will mark your leg with perm marker and get you to confirm which one it is as they do it lol

Good luck matey, dont want to see the vid though :eek:

21-11-12, 09:57 PM
They will mark your leg with perm marker and get you to confirm which one it is as they do it lol

Good luck matey, dont want to see the vid though :eek:

Got it all worked out, bad leg written on bad leg, don't chop or ruin on good leg. Staff written on forehead, cold written on manhood and married written on my ar$e.lol

I will post video after for sickos, lol

21-11-12, 09:58 PM
Hope they don't operate on your middle leg mate lol

All the best ;)

21-11-12, 09:58 PM

21-11-12, 09:59 PM
Got it all worked out, bad leg written on bad leg, don't chop or ruin on good leg. Staff written on forehead, cold written on manhood and married written on my ar$e.lol

I will post video after for sickos, lol



26-11-12, 07:06 PM
Alive and well!
Had my op at 9:30 this morning, my knee is like a ballon, you certainly know you've had it done, really stiff joint.

Three nice holes in my knee, but walking ok, just can't bend it well or sit down easily. Glad it's over.

26-11-12, 08:00 PM
right... now bend it a lot... if they say twice, do 4... keep it moving at all costs.

26-11-12, 08:03 PM
Alive and well!
Had my op at 9:30 this morning, my knee is like a ballon, you certainly know you've had it done, really stiff joint.

Three nice holes in my knee, but walking ok, just can't bend it well or sit down easily. Glad it's over.

Dam it i wanted your novas

26-11-12, 08:07 PM
Glad to hear all went well, how comes you have three holes, a lot of crap to remove in there, it was an arthroscopy you had wasnt it?

26-11-12, 08:43 PM
right... now bend it a lot... if they say twice, do 4... keep it moving at all costs.

I'm trying to force it to bend, don't want it to lock up or lose strenght, so I've been up and down all afternoon. Thanks for the info

Dam it i wanted your novas

Sorry, lol

Glad to hear all went well, how comes you have three holes, a lot of crap to remove in there, it was an arthroscopy you had wasnt it?

One camera, one instrument hole and a drain at the top of the knee for washing it through.
Pic shows nice and clean top pics and the torn/flappy meniscus which was cut away and causes the problems. I still have meniscus left so not jnee replacement in the future.

26-11-12, 08:46 PM
Ahh, i only had two holes for mine, camera and snippy device lol

Nick J
26-11-12, 08:46 PM
Glad to hear it went ok Jeff, I wish you a speedy recovery! May need a new throttle cable on k767 now to make it easier on the knee! It always was a damn stiff bugger that I never got round to changing!


26-11-12, 08:52 PM
Ahh, i only had two holes for mine, camera and snippy device lol
I only had small knees, now it's huge. Lol

Glad to hear it went ok Jeff, I wish you a speedy recovery! May need a new throttle cable on k767 now to make it easier on the knee! It always was a damn stiff bugger that I never got round to changing!


Cheers Nick, No chance on driving it with that old cable, it was bad enough with a good knee.lol
The turbo is a good compromise till I'm stronger.


26-11-12, 09:27 PM
Glad to hear your on the mend Jeff, how long till your able to drive again then.

All the best for a fast recovery :)

26-11-12, 09:42 PM
Glad to hear your on the mend Jeff, how long till your able to drive again then.

All the best for a fast recovery :)

Cheers southie,
Driving is the tricky bit, the physio said as long as I could do an emergency stop. I use my good leg to brake, it's the clutch leg that's knackered. Maybe have a go tomorrow with right foot clutch/brake and accelerate round the block. I've not got the newish car, (2001 gold mkiv) the wifes using that, so it's either the black turbo or a mk1 golf cabrio, the turbo is probably the easiest as its just had a new clutch cable after it snapped a few weeks ago.

I'll upload the video of the surgery when I get my copy.

27-11-12, 04:20 PM
I'll upload the video of the surgery when I get my copy.

Was about to ask where that was....

Glad to hear things went well mate. Hopefully will be seeing you in the new year... Currently being bombarded with requests to do a new years meet for the south east lol

27-11-12, 07:47 PM
Cheers teddy, hope to come to the next meet.
Been walking around as much as I could today, some about a mile and a half. Loosed up a lot but bending the knee is really hard. It's still so swollen and I just don't have enough strenght to lift it from a sitting position to level with my hip.

I managed to use it to push up three stairs without crutches.

I tried getting in the drivers seat earlier and lifting the leg onto the clutch pedal, I can change. Gear with it but the seat is back as far as it will go and I can't reach the steering wheel. Too early I think. It's really frustrating not having strenght in it.

I've haven't needed much painkillers at all but it's aching from all the exercise now.

Yesterday it took almost an hour to walk 100 yards.

Christmas shopping on Saturday,might rent an obese electric cart, lol

29-11-12, 09:40 PM
After three days of rest (not at all) I'm returning to work tomorrow, Friday is such a nice day to go back as its the last one.

If I lift my left leg onto the clutch peddle and leave it there I can driver perfectly, I just have to remember not to take it off the peddle, which does cause it to ache after 20 minutes but at least it's quicker then walking.

My knee felt hot last night and tonight so there is the chance it's showing slight signs of infection but I will see how it goes. I've walked at least three miles today and its freezing which may have helped take the swelling down, but I'm now bored of walking. I don't think I can stand another day walking or stuck at home watching daytime tv.

I tried jogging last night and its nowhere near ready for that but other than that I can get by.

Everyone keeps telling me I've rushed it, and although both legs ache a lot from all the excercise it seems to have worked.