View Full Version : x16xe questions

26-08-12, 09:27 AM
1. does anyone know the skimming limits of the x16xe head? as i have a huge notch in the face of it.

2. does anyone know of any decent cheap mods to this engine whilst i have the head off?
ie. is there a better stock inlet cam i should be hunting down?

i'm not necessarily going down the power box off ebay route, as i would like to keep it stock looking at this time.

any decent linkys would be much appreciated.

26-08-12, 10:10 AM
Replacing both manifolds with better flowing items makes a huge difference on these engines, especially the inlet side.

I believe both my (C16XE) cams are standard and work very well with a raised rev limit. Internally just fit some ARP rod bolts if you really feel the need, otherwise unless you want to stretch to getting headwork done theres not much else to do.

26-08-12, 10:15 AM
As for the skimming limits I have no idea unfortunately. Is it in the Haynes?

26-08-12, 10:40 AM
yup the measurement is.. just me being thick, i'm used to the engine section being in one chapter.......not spread over 5..

it says 134.900 to 135.100 mm, so i have .2mm, or 8 thou to play with, not very much

26-08-12, 10:56 AM
If your thinking of putting a power-box on it at sometime, its probably best to do it now with the head off so the stupid pipe can be removed at the back of the engine. Its a real pain to get it out with everything built up.

26-08-12, 11:01 AM
i thought that when i saw the dog's cock bit (i guess its for pulse tuning)