View Full Version : De-Vinyled at last (almost)

03-08-03, 06:38 PM
I have almost finished de-vinyling my sr. I think it looks 10times better than before and the paintowrk underneath is mint with no rust what so ever.

In the following pics you can see a slight colour difference between the 2 reds but since these pics were taken i've T-cut it and polished/waxed it and it looks almost spot on, obviously not exactly the same though.

Anyway from what you can see on the pics let us know what you think looks good/bad so i can alter afew things, i have afew options in my mind but would like to hear some others.




Also got a harness fitted now:


03-08-03, 07:06 PM
looks well gud mate am plzed i got rid of my vynal and bump strips them wheels look spot on 2

r they the harness u got off ebay

03-08-03, 07:35 PM
mate, how did you do it? Was it basically ripping them off? How are they put on? I've just bought a bewt of an SR for my first car and want to get that vinyl off also..... :D

I'm jealous coz it looks cool as fcuk with it off

03-08-03, 07:39 PM
i used a hair drier to peel it off thinners 2 wipe off the glue bum strips came off with boilin water it works best on a hot day

03-08-03, 08:50 PM
You lot got it easy, im doing my car by the bump strips are held on by rivet and clips! Been grinding then off and using filler!

03-08-03, 08:58 PM
That looks sweet! Like the wheels!

03-08-03, 09:21 PM
the bump strips were held on by a plastic silver strips underneath them and some sort of glue. I pulled them off which left some spongy type glue to the car. I used my companies industrial air gun which got the vinyl of well easy, came off like one huge sticker.

The spongy stuff from the bump strips was also taken off by the air gun as it pretty much synged it and then i just rubbed it off.

Used thinners for the glue that was left on from the vinyl.

Doing it requires alot of patience and poorly swore thumbs!

epo, yeh that is the harness i got off ebay. its mint.


03-08-03, 10:02 PM
Looking good there matey.

Cant beat the dark rims ;)

03-08-03, 10:18 PM
It took me a weekend to take off my vynal i just used heat gun finger nails and thinners an looks 100% better with out it thats for sure i am goin to have to get my wheels done in Black i think

keep up the good work


04-08-03, 12:46 AM
my vynal doesnt come off, tried but it aint budging! so i think bodyshop is just going to sand it off!

04-08-03, 10:55 AM
looks v good m8 - wheels are luch.

You missed a bit of vynal though - on the windscreen :D

Sunstrips :x IMO

:roll: :D

04-08-03, 08:53 PM
Gaz mate u should get a nice pair of M3 mirrors or dtm,clear rear lights and take the Suntrip OFFFFFF.
Then ur car will look taste :D

04-08-03, 09:00 PM
Got clear rears, i like the sunstrip, goes well with the window tints :)