View Full Version : big dog breeds

06-08-12, 03:16 PM
anyone got any experience of bigger dog breeds?

I'm looking at getting a mastiff some time this year so I'm reading up loads on them before jumping in head first :d

Ive already got one dog a 5 year old staff called dodger got him when he was a bit over 1 he had already had 3 owners by that time :wtf: people suck! i agreed to take him on before even knowing what breed he was aswell (luckily he wasn't a toy poodle lol)

so i want a dog with a similar temperament to him quite and friendly as anything, only seen him get angry with one person some stupid cow in the park slapped her toddler so hard took her legs from underneath her and he wanted to go for her :eek: (the mother not the kid)

i was originally looking at neo & corso mastiffs but reading in to them there temperament wouldn't suit me or my house, bull mastiffs seem to be the better choice lazy, quite and loving, anyone on here got one or know of people that have/had them?

i want to see pictures of your dogs and read some experiences with bigger breeds :d

06-08-12, 04:02 PM
a bull mastif would be ideal as they are dopey as anything, my boss has had loads and they just want to play and sleep

06-08-12, 05:24 PM
Old boss had one... He tied it to a tractor tyre for about 2 weeks when building a pen for it. After about a week it started pulling the tractor tyre about like it was a toy, now it's too strong to be walked.( so it just gets to run around a field now for exercise) lol . Real friendly, lazy, big slabbering bsatard of a dog though.

06-08-12, 06:26 PM
Might be an idea to trial run a dog in your house for a few days, see how your staff reacts (they can be funny with other dogs in their homes)

06-08-12, 07:26 PM
my brothers dog comes up every now and then they get on alright, takes about 3 days for them to settle down, we normally take them out for a walk together before his comes in the house, it seems to make it less intrusive for my dog


thats them together dodger to the left (mine) and bouncer to the right (brothers),

06-08-12, 07:47 PM
As already said... bull mastif.

My friend has three, all of them are nearly as big as some of his new foul horsey's!

18-11-12, 09:05 PM
My Bruno lol American bulldog


18-11-12, 09:07 PM
Ask Tim Westwood lol

My parents use to breed Great Danes when I was a young lad, god those dogs are like bloody horses lol

18-11-12, 09:10 PM
Mate, mastif's grow farking enourmous!

My friend has a few, he breeds them. You dont walk them, they walk you!

18-11-12, 09:16 PM
I used to have bullmastiffs and show them ,you will not go far wrong with one ,they are a fantastic breed ,very laid back and extremely good with children ,they are very slobbery though you will have slobber everywhere but you will not find a more loyal loving breed . i currently have an old tyme bulldog looks very similar just smaller ,but the bulldog is very stubborn and ignorant compared to the mastiff ,but she will chase a ball and fetch it the mastiff,s would bring it back once then couldnt be bothered after

18-11-12, 09:26 PM
I have no probs with him very obedient very friendly and loves my niece