View Full Version : M25 goes into a pub...

Ben (lurk75)
02-08-03, 01:38 AM
Ok bare with me on this one its bit way off...

The M25 walks into a pub in berkshire and orders a pint of fosters, the landlord thought it was quite odd but kept quite and said nothing...

Half an hour later the A38 walks in and orders a pint of cider, now the landlord is completely spinning out. but serves the A road and he then goes off to sit with the M25.

After a while a big slab of unnamed red tarmac slopes into the bar, goes and orders some navy rum and then goes and sits on his own. The barmen is going out of his mind, some of the locals have got up and walked out now.

After 10 minutes the A38 goes back to the car to order another round and the landlord asks him...

"how come your not sitting with the red road over there?"

The A38 replies...

"you must bew joking he's a cyclepath"


02-08-03, 01:44 AM
Haha, heard it before. still raises a smile.

02-08-03, 05:57 PM
'HEY YOU CRAZY' :lol: :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
02-08-03, 07:01 PM
Is unstable

purely random

Sums it up really, used to...

Complete c*nt or something

Some would agree thats more fitting :!:

04-08-03, 01:45 AM