View Full Version : Engine wont turn off untill alternator disconnected

13-07-12, 06:57 PM
I have a 1 litre nova with a 1600 8v running an emerald ecu and corsa alternator. When the car is running and you switch off the ignition it keeps running. The ignition switch pulls in a relay which powers the ecu. It is simply wired from where the old resistive wire was (resistive wire replaced with normal wire) to the relay coil to earth.

When the engine is running and ignition on I get 13V across the relay. When the ignition is turned off I get 4V across the relay coil. this is enough to energise the relay. Then, when the wire that goes from the charge light on the dash to the alternator is pulled off the car stops (and 0 volts across relay).

I think I am getting a back fed voltage from the alternator to the ignition relay some how. I think I need to fit a diode between the alternator and the charge light.

Has anyone else had this problem? Perhapse there is usualy a diode in the nova alternator or instrument cluster which i dont have?