View Full Version : HELP NEEDED URGENTLY!!!

30-07-03, 08:53 PM
Can somebody please help me my minds going crazy!

I want to fit some different lights to my car but dont know what to go for was thinking of Golf Mk4 lights or BMW Angel Eyed lights.... - wat ya recon?

I want to know if anyone knows whats needed to fit the gold mk4 lights?

Any ideas welcome and any tips really appriciated.....

30-07-03, 09:03 PM
Please don't put those Golf mk4 light's on.. It looks sh*t :-:

30-07-03, 09:05 PM
ok mate cheers..... so what do you lot reacon to BMW Angel Eyed lights and hot easy you think they are to fit!?!?

30-07-03, 09:37 PM
I have never seen a nova with BMW lights on, so i can't say if it looks crap or nice. And i don't know how much work there are to fit them.. But maby it would look cool with them..

31-07-03, 05:07 PM
y reg polo headlight fit perfect to the k2 grill all you have to do is mod the front wings abit trust me i have seen it done

31-07-03, 08:30 PM
seat arosa lights fit too (ask djp_y2k)

As for BMW ones it depends on depth, securing and how much fannyong of the bumper, grill wings and bonnet as well as the slam panel etc needs to be modded

If you know what you are doing you can fit pretty much any style of car light - but it means totally refitting the front of the car for most.

If you know anyone with the BMW lights, pop the bonnet and take measurements from every possible angle.

My only concern would be the curve of the ights - the novas front end is slightly anglews to a centre point and is generally flat - the Beemer is curved slightly - also I think theyre much wider than the nova lights+indicators - the wider they are it may look silly (too close together = cross eyed car!) see if you can take a template (outline) of the lens and stick it to the front of your nova - that'll give you an idea...

Personally Id go for neither - but I love the Beemer dipped lights (the ring of light angel bit)


05-08-03, 08:06 PM
Cheers for your help on this guys you have been a massive help.....
cheers again

06-08-03, 09:43 AM
apparently the beemer lights are almost impossible to get working corectly (electriclay) this idea ws discussed on migwebb a few weeks back