View Full Version : Show us your rain!

28-06-12, 04:29 PM
Well today at work it went dark at about half 11, and then 10 mins or later chucked it down and flooded the village where i live. been a horrendous day weather wise.

then my mrs sent me this picture from where she was of the flood in the town center.

village where i was when it went day

town when it flooded:

28-06-12, 04:34 PM
absolutely bucketed it down here, i was off to pick up a beam from fossit and saw acorsa b stuck into the side of a e46 bmw

jeremy fisher
28-06-12, 04:36 PM
No pics but I had to evacuate the building at work due to flooding and electricity not mixing well. Roof leaked like crazy, we only make composite aerospace components though so not too important!!!

28-06-12, 04:46 PM
Belfast yesterday:


Calamity Josh
28-06-12, 04:50 PM
beautiful sunshine here in essex

28-06-12, 04:57 PM
Belfast yesterday:

Lmao lol

28-06-12, 05:28 PM
Would everyone be annoyed with me if I said we have a nice hot warm day here!

However, the rain we had last night and the night before had some sort of dust in it? I've been driving within a 10 mile radius of my house today and every single car is dirty and dusty, it's like a bombs gone off!

28-06-12, 05:39 PM

That picture of them guys sitting on the roof of that car was took about 2 miles from my house lol further down my street it was about 2ft deep across both lanes. Got some pics on my phone of an epic flood we had at work this afternoon! Within half hour about 100m2 of the building was under 4inch or so of water.

All of the pics here were taken in or around 5 mins drive from me.


28-06-12, 05:48 PM
Would everyone be annoyed with me if I said we have a nice hot warm day here!

However, the rain we had last night and the night before had some sort of dust in it? I've been driving within a 10 mile radius of my house today and every single car is dirty and dusty, it's like a bombs gone off!

I wondered why my car was coving in dust lol had to clean it this morning, was literally grey!

It's been REALLY warm here today and about an hour ago it pee'd it down for a bit. Sunny again now :roll: I havnt seen if the streets are flooded yet but my garage rooms are a bit wet :wtf:

28-06-12, 05:48 PM
not had any of that today just the lovley sun allday love it :)

28-06-12, 06:06 PM
Belfast yesterday:


i'm getting flashbacks about the RUC van that hit a tree & the IRA claimed they'd planted it....... wrong but still makes me chuckle

28-06-12, 06:55 PM
Damn, no rain here. I want a thunder storm!

28-06-12, 07:28 PM
well, i got home & i'm very upset.....

there was a hail storm. not your average garden pea size hail storm, oh no, it was golf ball size hail, and my nova was out ont he drive next to my neighbours clio.

both look like a fat bird in stilettos did a flamenco on them.

i can't bring myself to look at it, let alone photograph it.

i'm weighing up my options on bodywork repairs, i really don't think the dent doctor can fix the roof.. but probably the bonnet

28-06-12, 07:53 PM
wtf that's mental, assume all other cars in the areas are damaged?

28-06-12, 08:14 PM
That's crazy, we're 2 hours away maybe and it's been 25 degrees or so today??

28-06-12, 08:16 PM
we had torrential rain, golf ball sized hail and Apocalypse style lightning, and hours with no electricity, yet in the midst of all this, we still get called to attend a burnt out rover 400 lol how the fcuk did it burn in that weather i do not know lol

28-06-12, 08:25 PM
well, i got home & i'm very upset.....

there was a hail storm. not your average garden pea size hail storm, oh no, it was golf ball size hail, and my nova was out ont he drive next to my neighbours clio.

both look like a fat bird in stilettos did a flamenco on them.

i can't bring myself to look at it, let alone photograph it.

i'm weighing up my options on bodywork repairs, i really don't think the dent doctor can fix the roof.. but probably the bonnet

Just before one oclock Mike, i was out on the car park at work & the hail stones were the size off bloody marbles! Setting of car alarms everywhere.

28-06-12, 08:26 PM
lol the hail went up your way then aswell Mike, spoke to the mother earlier and it had cracked the first pane of her window in the kitchen.
ill try and find a pic of the hail from round here off ****book

Another of the flood in town:

and the hail golf balls:

28-06-12, 08:27 PM
lol the hail went up your way then aswell Mike, spoke to the mother earlier and it had cracked the first pane of her window in the kitchen.
ill try and find a pic of the hail from round here off ****book

I was at work in Nuneaton when the epic hail storm landed, but yes everywheres flooded here. Some roads are upto 5ft deep. Ive got some pictures of my work, flooded within half hour, never in my life seen so much water appear in so little time. One of the storm drains under the building cracked & forced water through the floor like a fountain to.

28-06-12, 08:44 PM
wtf that's mental, assume all other cars in the areas are damaged?

most of hinckley has got car damage... and windscreen damage, and peoples greenhouses don't look too good either..

28-06-12, 08:53 PM
Lmao lol

Exactly the picture I was gonna post up. lol The pictures of the knobheads swimming in it made me laugh.... I assume they didnt know it was sewage making the water dirty. lol

28-06-12, 09:05 PM
It's been so muggy here today. Had a call from my manager who lives in Hinckley at 5 saying they'd had bad hailstorms and as a result her car window screen has been smashed.

28-06-12, 09:12 PM
Exactly the picture I was gonna post up. lol The pictures of the knobheads swimming in it made me laugh.... I assume they didnt know it was sewage making the water dirty. lol

its mostly just soil & dust.

Angus Closier
28-06-12, 09:31 PM
Sucks to be you lot...... Had the best day in a long time here! Shorts and T-shirts weather FTW!

Pistol Pete
28-06-12, 09:32 PM
Shocking. Its been el'scorchio here today. Nearly 28 degrees...


Pic whoring yes, but i took this after washing it. Note the dry tarmac!!

28-06-12, 09:41 PM
Oh aye, it was hot as funk here all day, even whilst it was pissing down with rain! Its been in the 20c's most of the day.

28-06-12, 10:04 PM
That's crazy, we're 2 hours away maybe and it's been 25 degrees or so today??
Another 2hours further and its 35degrees+,whats your point? lol

28-06-12, 10:06 PM
That having 25 degree weather and ice within such a short difference is a bit odd.

Whats yours?

Angus Closier
28-06-12, 10:28 PM
Shocking. Its been el'scorchio here today. Nearly 28 degrees...


Pic whoring yes, but i took this after washing it. Note the dry tarmac!!

Off topic but your nova looks funking stunning!!

Pistol Pete
28-06-12, 10:30 PM
Cheers. Link to build thread in my sig....

General Baxter
28-06-12, 10:47 PM

28-06-12, 11:03 PM
Stunning and humid here today, rained a little and dried up in minutes afterwards lol

29-06-12, 06:45 AM
Stunning and humid here today, rained a little and dried up in minutes afterwards lol

Same for us...if it floods where I live then we're all fooked lol