View Full Version : i know everyone is sick of me moaning on about my nova problems but

18-06-12, 09:22 PM
got to love this guy he has had my car for 2 years now to do a xe conversion and some anti-rust work, excusses after excusses all the time

(most recent excusse)
to me "im going thru some stuff leigh im really sorry i know ive taken the piss but my dad is going thru some hard times with his divorce"

facebook status(just found the ****) "woop woop mallia tomorow cant wait"

the good news is im looking at a house with a big garage tomorow so might be finishing it off myself ;)

18-06-12, 09:25 PM
And in English?

18-06-12, 10:13 PM
so your looking at a house and the guy is fukin you about??????

18-06-12, 10:16 PM

18-06-12, 10:19 PM
Still lost

18-06-12, 10:19 PM
mate stop being a ****ing pussy if some lad had my car id get a trailer and some mates smash his fukin door down and tow/trailor the car home! No point winging and doing **** all about it! ..... not being nasty just offering my advice/opinion!

Pistol Pete
18-06-12, 10:22 PM
Utter facepalm moment. Yes i/we are bored of your whining. Go get your car back and stop the pointless posting. Thats if it even exists lol aka slothmeister...

18-06-12, 10:24 PM
mate stop being a ****ing pussy if some lad had my car id get a trailer and some mates smash his fukin door down and tow/trailor the car home! No point winging and doing **** all about it! ..... not being nasty just offering my advice/opinion!

i agree 100% mate

18-06-12, 10:26 PM
Just go and get it back you loser! :)

18-06-12, 10:27 PM
Utter facepalm moment. Yes i/we are bored of your whining. Go get your car back and stop the pointless posting. Thats if it even exists lol aka slothmeister...

his cavalier? i see about 10 photos of that on facebook then he said it went off to someone (who got cancer) and never see or heard anything about it again

18-06-12, 10:28 PM
Yeah come on we really need to go and get it, enough's enough.

Pistol Pete
18-06-12, 10:28 PM
Yeah....sound familliar??!! lol

18-06-12, 10:30 PM
Yeah come on we really need to go and get it, enough's enough.

mate this house has all the room i will need to do it :), been looking for a lockup or garage close to me but they have all been **** or miles away

18-06-12, 10:31 PM
Lost still

18-06-12, 10:34 PM
Turbocripple gave his car to someone to finish
They haven't finished it in two years
He hasn't collected it back for some reason
Guy is taking the uber pish
Turbocripple is sad

18-06-12, 10:35 PM
Lost still

2 years ago i gave my car to someone to do a xe conversion on but they still havent done it, ive been a big knob and let him get away with, its sitting in his lockup untouched basicly ever since he took it from my mums house

this is a slight update to me getting it back and finishing it off :)

18-06-12, 10:35 PM
Turbocripple gave his car to someone to finish
They haven't finished it in two years
He hasn't collected it back for some reason
Guy is taking the uber pish
Turbocripple is sad


18-06-12, 10:36 PM
Turbocripple gave his car to someone to finish
They haven't finished it in two years
He hasn't collected it back for some reason
Guy is taking the uber pish
Turbocripple is sad

So turbocripple is actually sloth...... Lol

18-06-12, 10:37 PM
So turbocripple is actually sloth...... Lol

no he is fat and ginger im fat and have brown hair

18-06-12, 10:38 PM
But you Both pretend to have cars in build that don't exist..... Same person lol

18-06-12, 10:41 PM
(cleared that up a bit hey stu lol)

no my car very much exsits..........just dont know where it all is

18-06-12, 10:42 PM
Bored -rep :yawn:

18-06-12, 10:52 PM
Bored -rep :yawn:

:( i thought it was funny

18-06-12, 10:56 PM
Bored -rep :yawn:


18-06-12, 11:02 PM
ive been slowly getting bits and bobs to do it my self welder,tools and other bits, looking at a low jack engine crane and stand but thats all going to have to wait untill my leg is healed as money will be tight if im on the sick hopefully this house will be the finally part of the puzzle

Pistol Pete
18-06-12, 11:03 PM
All that is of no use whatsoever without the actual car. You fail. Massively.

18-06-12, 11:06 PM
All that is of no use whatsoever without the actual car. You fail. Massively.

no point having the car back in pieces with no were to put it.

18-06-12, 11:42 PM
While he's away brick up all his doors and windows and leave the tiniest hammer and chisel

19-06-12, 12:13 AM
While he's away brick up all his doors and windows and leave the tiniest hammer and chisel

That tickled me lol

19-06-12, 06:13 AM
while he's away go get your car and some interest and stop being a moron

19-06-12, 06:15 AM
You have more rubbish excuses than him...

19-06-12, 06:34 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hobbit again

Old man Jimbo
19-06-12, 08:49 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hobbit again

Done it for you...

19-06-12, 08:53 AM
At least your starting to sort it out tj.... Get a garage for it then you can make excuses when you can't be arsed finishing it like me lol

19-06-12, 08:55 AM
At least your starting to sort it out tj.... Get a garage for it then you can make excuses when you can't be arsed finishing it like me lol

lmfao yer mate, hope i get this new place cant wait to go have a look about later

19-06-12, 09:14 AM
christ sakes man!! ive said you could keep it on my drive or me and iain can come up with something between us.

and whats all this buying welders and stuff? get the pissing car back then see what you need to buy. and while the cu*ts in malia or whatever, bust the lock and go take it


19-06-12, 09:18 AM
christ sakes man!! ive said you could keep it on my drive or me and iain can come up with something between us.

and whats all this buying welders and stuff? get the pissing car back then see what you need to buy. and while the cu*ts in malia or whatever, bust the lock and go take it


i must of not heared you saying that mate, to be fair when iains around i spend most of my time trying not to be humped lol

19-06-12, 09:22 AM
Oi. It's only happened once.

I have your windows that are being melted with a blowtorch at the weekend unless collected.

19-06-12, 09:24 AM
Oi. It's only happened once.

I have your windows that are being melted with a blowtorch at the weekend unless collected.

ok ok ok ok sorry mate will get my bird to drive me up lol

19-06-12, 09:29 AM
Was only joking they're not in the way. Quick to get your windows and not your shell tut lol

19-06-12, 09:33 AM
lol yer didnt plan out to well having you collect them for me then stubbing my toe lol

19-06-12, 10:38 AM
Go and get it back !!!!!!!!!!

Alex J
19-06-12, 10:48 AM
get of the internet, and go get it back you crazy fool

19-06-12, 11:07 AM
Why you still online TJ...go get your car, **** through his letterbox then report him to customs for trying to bring drugs back into the country on his return flight

19-06-12, 11:26 AM
Well at least if TJ has no where to keep it he has had free storage all this time :d

19-06-12, 11:46 AM
Well at least if TJ has no where to keep it he has had free storage all this time :d

and a replaced and repainted rear arch

19-06-12, 12:52 PM
lookie lookie


check out this bad boi yo


going to the letting agents tonight to sign paper work give them money ect ect hopefully be moving in late next month :)

19-06-12, 12:58 PM
Nice looking place, shame the garage will stay that "car" empty lol

19-06-12, 01:12 PM
give me a chance mate, aint even moved in yet lol

19-06-12, 01:33 PM
give me a chance mate, aint even moved in yet lol

19-06-12, 03:07 PM
I know how you feel mate,

My nova is getting rebuilt too, the guy has only stripped it and done fook all else, same old excuses of " my mates car needs fixed for billing " and all that sort of pish, it's been going on since 2004 FFS,

I thought, right I'll get a load of new parts to get the thing done. But still nothing has been done. I'll need to get it sorted out aswell or I'll go insane !!

Nice house btw :)

19-06-12, 03:13 PM
I know how you feel mate,

My nova is getting rebuilt too, the guy has only stripped it and done fook all else, same old excuses of " my mates car needs fixed for billing " and all that sort of pish, it's been going on since 2004 FFS,

I thought, right I'll get a load of new parts to get the thing done. But still nothing has been done. I'll need to get it sorted out aswell or I'll go insane !!

Nice house btw :)

sounds like Ive got of likely then mate, yer its really nice cant wait to move in, so much better then the place im in right now, the big garage was the selling point thats got me signing a 4 year lease latter today

19-06-12, 03:14 PM
What's the sort of value/price of that house?

19-06-12, 03:18 PM
havent got a clue mate, houses up here are so cheap its unreal going to save hard over the next few years for a deposit to buy my own house.

19-06-12, 03:21 PM
just had a look this house sold in 99 for 50k and simlar ones sold in 08 for under 150k couldnt get a flat for that if i was still in london

19-06-12, 03:25 PM
That's even a good price at £150k my house is a 2 bedroom terrace it's value is 130k lol

19-06-12, 03:50 PM
My garage lol it's this messy on a Tuesday when i look after my nephew


19-06-12, 05:18 PM
Right dude, i say we all go up and grab it while the conts away on holiday spending your money, if you so happened to take your parts and got confused as his were mixed up in your parts then whoops!

19-06-12, 06:00 PM
I'm game..and can help move crap..

19-06-12, 06:21 PM
right lads the new house is mine ****ing chuffed, anyone got a trailer and can bring me all the gear and help get it all in ther garage?

19-06-12, 06:22 PM
i collect the keys to the new gaff on the 18th

19-06-12, 07:05 PM
That lad who's got it is well respected on aoc, and has very good reputation, i know people who have bought plenty of parts off him. No idea how its come to this, and i wouldnt go braking and entering whilst he is away, just turn up when you know hes there.

19-06-12, 07:10 PM
i know he is but he was just as respected on MIG at one point

Connor if your on aoc go on his services offered page in the west mids region, i posted something there days ago (he has been on line since) and he has not replied to me or returned my phone calls so go figure if he is truly trust worthy mate,

19-06-12, 07:17 PM
I'm not taking sides fella, i think what he has done has wrong, i dont know him, just get the thing back and crack on, sure it wont take you lot long ;)

19-06-12, 07:22 PM
I'm not taking sides fella, i think what he has done has wrong, i dont know him, just get the thing back and crack on, sure it wont take you lot long ;)

i know mate and i understand what your saying as i wouldn't have given him my car if he wasn't respected on MIG (which he is now banned from for scamming money for parts off people), all I'm getting at is people like him don't change and it wont be long till he does it all over again to someone else, if he ever pops up here i will make sure everyone knows what he is all about to save people going through all the hassle i have.

19-06-12, 08:44 PM
Please please please say its napalm lol

19-06-12, 09:07 PM
Turdo, go get it back, I'm busy for the next three weeks or so, but after that don't mind coming over and helping you out (I'm only 6 miles the other side of uttox, bout 35mins from derby) what needs doing to finish?

19-06-12, 09:18 PM
well im in cast for the next 6 weeks mate lol

unsure on whats been done to the engine, i bought loads of new bits for it from autovaux, but thinking of a diy rebuild on the whole engine then fit it

engine bay needs welding and the strenghting plates putting in the repainting (more then likely going to be a rattle can job)
hunt for any rust thats grown since its been sitting(repair/replace and paint)
referb the alloys
strip it out add the bucket seats and send the dash off to be flocked
hook up the nitrous oxide
pollybush it
powdercoat fuel tank and refit (maybe run braided fuel lines)

loads and loads and loads more lol

19-06-12, 09:23 PM
forgot to add loads and loads of anti-rust/protection stuff lapped on all over the dam thing lol

19-06-12, 09:33 PM
I have my own welder, so can help you there, and can help with anything other than paint, offer stands, let me know :)

19-06-12, 09:35 PM
will do mate cheers :), now thats proper club spirit

19-06-12, 09:58 PM
i have a trailer u can use to move the car if i aint racing im in stoke if it helps ( but dont count on me if it gets rough lol )

19-06-12, 10:01 PM
Sorted for getting it back then!

19-06-12, 10:19 PM
sweet cheers boys

20-06-12, 07:03 AM
Please please please say its napalm lol
NG Racing-flirting with VOSA since 2009 lol lol lol

Old man Jimbo
20-06-12, 08:58 AM
Picture fail...

20-06-12, 10:54 AM
I've got a 9" grinder and a nice long crow bar? lol

20-06-12, 11:40 PM
NG Racing-flirting with VOSA since 2009 lol lol lol

That reminds me of Lees video of LET_Nova lol lol lol lol

21-06-12, 12:00 AM
Ive got nothing

21-06-12, 12:14 AM
ive got a pasty...ill sit here and wait lol

21-06-12, 12:21 AM
ive got a pasty...ill sit here and wait lol

Did you pay tax on it lol

21-06-12, 12:34 AM
like feck did i! iirc they scrapped the pasty tax in the end.

21-06-12, 12:44 AM
That was the "joke" bubbasquatt :tumble: