View Full Version : Special MK1 Nova Project!!

18-06-12, 05:48 PM
Let me start by saying the 'special' in the title is because it's special to me but it's nothing special in that sense lol

The reason it is special is because it's a June 88 car and guess what Im a June 88 man :d

Anyway Moving on, I bought it yesterday after a hellish train journey to Derby but so worth it!, Its a MK1 1.2, I dont know the trim model of the car though so maybe someone can help with that?

It is not in fabulous condition, Infact very far from it but wheres the fun in buying a minter?

This is how it looked when I got it:

I thought the first thing to start with would be to get the wheels refurbed so I started with the front drivers side wheel, After a bit of work I got it looking better, Not mint but better!

Whilst I was doing that I got busy with the inner arch, It did look like this:

And after some scrubbing and painting on the underseal:

Put it all back together and got fed up with that so I have decided just to one corner a day! Anyway back together and a comparison with the rear wheel:
(They are both clean but the rear one looks very tired!)

I thought Id get busy with the engine bay as the engine was black with grime and oil so I cleaned it and got it all off (Or at least most of it!)

I got busy getting off the surface rust and repainting the bay so it looks better:

The engine needs a proper tidy so thats something for another day and will involve chroming and flocking hopefully!!

I found the original grill in the boot too but it was a very faded shade of grey so I repainted it black and refurbished the griffin and repainted it!, I forgot to take a picture when it was inside but got one in the garage!

Thats it for today!! Tommorow will involve refurbing the front bumper and another corner!!

18-06-12, 05:55 PM
looking good :)

i love novas in this blue :)

18-06-12, 06:13 PM
Its going to need a full respray but im going to keep it the same colour, It is nice!!

18-06-12, 06:48 PM
That's my old car haha glad to see it on here, keep up the work be nice to see it mint :)

18-06-12, 07:17 PM
Should say the model on the v5 bud, but according to my iCarcheck app, its a 'merit' and i reckon the colour is lazer blue aswell btw, i do hope youre going to refit the reg plate where it should be and ditch the motorbike style one pretty please?

18-06-12, 07:21 PM
Should say the model on the v5 bud, but according to my iCarcheck app, its a 'merit' and i reckon the colour is lazer blue aswell btw, i do hope youre going to refit the reg plate where it should be and ditch the motorbike style one pretty please?

Thanks for that!! Yes the reg plate will be getting sorted, I'm going to try and get it as standard and tidy as I can with my (Very) limited ability lol

18-06-12, 08:12 PM
that is nice

18-06-12, 10:13 PM
nice blue looks good .

Will F
19-06-12, 08:42 AM
When are you sending it over for a transplant?? lol

19-06-12, 10:38 AM
When are you sending it over for a transplant?? lol

Haha this one is keeping its it's engine for now, The idea is the black one is my toy and this one will be my museum piece!! That's the idea anyway, Probably won't end up going down like that lol

20-06-12, 05:02 PM
Ok, Well the front bumper was in a state so I thought today I would get it off and get it done however upon removal I found it to be pretty crap behind it and there was a load of mud and crap stuck in it which once peeled away revealed a tiny bit of rust:

Anyway after much sanding and painting (Hammerite to stop it coming back, Hopefully) It now looks like this:

Still got the front bumper in my garden so that will be updated tommorow probably :)

30-06-12, 10:12 PM
any more updates pal ?

30-06-12, 10:16 PM
Not yet! Im waiting for my black Nova to sell then I will have more space to get it done!!

30-06-12, 10:19 PM
A word of warning, cut the rot out. Sanding back and covering with paint and sealer will only hide the rust and it WILL come back. By the time you see it it will have rotted from the inside out.

30-06-12, 10:21 PM
Yeah I will do, I sanded it right back to the metal then put rust stop all over it and painted it but it does need proper welding doing which when I have sold my black nova il buy a welder and learn myself as people charge way too much!!

30-06-12, 10:25 PM
I used Krust in mine, then shutz, it didnt work.

Rust is cancer. If you don't catch it all it will kill your car.

Nice SRI tho

30-06-12, 10:27 PM
Thanks for the advice mate, It is my plan to get it mint in the true sense!, The sri Is nice but the mk1 means more to me!

30-06-12, 10:37 PM
As said rust is like cancer. The steel has to be cut out or replaced. Covering up rust is like sticking your head in the sand!

30-06-12, 10:45 PM
As said rust is like cancer. The steel has to be cut out or replaced. Covering up rust is like sticking your head in the sand!

Krust, then red primer, then shutz, ended in this, rotted from the inside out


01-07-12, 09:15 PM
In Germany we use Fertan (=> Link (http://www.fertan.de/fertaneng.html)) and Brantho-Korrux 3 in 1 (=> Link (http://www.branth-chemie.de/e-home.htm)). Right used these Product will bann away the rust from your car.

We've got a lot of Salt on the streets in Winter (for anti-freezing reasons), thats one Reason why a lot of Astra MK1/MK2's, Chevaliers and Nova's has died the "brown death" in Germany.... When i see Pics of Vauxhalls (f.e. in ebay.co.uk) that were used daily, i'm stunned in what good conditon they are...

01-07-12, 09:52 PM
Your car looks good, I am sure it is a merit from having the black pillars but no wondow surrounds (the L model got those). The base model would have been a 1.0 and had no black vinyl. You should have the rainbow Ronda seats if its a merit and o side air vents.

In all honesty you could make it a cracker but I would advise you to jaut get a new front panel put in, should be a few hundred but, if you prime and paint it well (inside as well as outside -unlike vauxhall) it will outlast the rest of the car.

Are you sticking with the SR bumper or are you going with the original style?

02-07-12, 10:42 AM
Krust, then red primer, then shutz, ended in this, rotted from the inside out


how much did this cost to fix ? mine sort of like this but not hanging down yet .

15-07-12, 08:33 PM
any more updates yet pal ?

05-08-12, 05:41 PM
any more updates ?

30-08-12, 06:31 PM
? anything yet pal