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18-06-12, 12:48 PM
well well well my luck gets better and better

fractures in my 3rd 4th and 5th metatarsals and extensive ligament damage :d

sat here in a half cast as its still to swollen for a full one, ment to be getting a full one next week (what colour do you suggest?)

6 weeks of doing nothing but xbox :thumb:

18-06-12, 12:56 PM
I'd amputate from the neck down lol

How did you break it?

18-06-12, 12:56 PM
Pink and black stripes lol

18-06-12, 01:04 PM
baiscly my foot was a ticking time bomb, i came down the stairs about 5 years ago and landed on my foot sideways and when i went to a&e they poked it and said it was fine no need for a xray ect.. just rest it, the new xray shows my foot had a few brakes in it that had not healed right and they have let go baiscly

so i blame the pricks at watfords a&e for this tbh

18-06-12, 01:06 PM
I thought you cut of someone's supply and they stamped your foot

18-06-12, 01:08 PM
pffffffff cant touch this lol

18-06-12, 01:45 PM
"have you been a victim of medical neglect??"
Get the ball rolling!!!!!!

18-06-12, 02:03 PM
im not into all that crap tbh andy would rather just get it fixed right this time and get on with it, i think the nhs is a good system its only failed me that once everytime ive really needed them they have been there

18-06-12, 02:42 PM
Is that what is ment by a lead foot

18-06-12, 03:02 PM
getting to my speed awarness course on thursday is going to be fun now

18-06-12, 03:03 PM
really feel for you there !!i too broke my 5th metatarsal and it hurt like fook all the best

18-06-12, 03:22 PM
I had a bright orange cast when I did my ankle lol it was either that or bright green.

As Andy says look into getting some form of compensation...I don't mean take the piss but at least try and cover loss of earnings.

I had 3 months on Statutory Sick Pay which was utter bollocks

18-06-12, 03:37 PM
man up n get on with it f lol :)

18-06-12, 03:42 PM

just spoke to my manager top guy he is going to get in contact with hr and see what im going to be paid and he is going to try and get me some work to do indoors so i wont be on just sick pay all the time

18-06-12, 04:18 PM
baiscly my foot was a ticking time bomb, i came down the stairs about 5 years ago and landed on my foot sideways and when i went to a&e they poked it and said it was fine no need for a xray ect.. just rest it, the new xray shows my foot had a few brakes in it that had not healed right and they have let go baiscly

so i blame the pricks at watfords a&e for this tbh

If they'd of treated it at the time then you'd of probably been worse off now, lol

18-06-12, 04:24 PM
man up n get on with it f lol :)

or maybe lol


29-06-12, 02:37 PM
well I'm back form the hospital and its good news of sorts left me abit angry still,

they can not find any brakes in my foot? when i asked how they manged to cock up so bad they mumbled around bouncing blame back and forth and said "the xrays weren't very good quality", what a bunch of dickwads

had two loads of xrays one with out the cast putting weight on my foot which felt interesting, not mega painfull but fuzzy never felt anything like that before lol

they are now saying i displaced something or another in my foo, but it still needs to be in cast, this time i got to have a full cast that i can walk on that will be left on for 4 more weeks :(

after the 4 weeks if the swelling has not gone down they are talking about surgery

check it out boys brings out the colour in my eyes :p

dont know why but ever since i done my foot in the dog hangs around me more and more, not complaining keeps me company lol

fun fun fun

29-06-12, 03:44 PM
good treatment in the NHS depends on where you live, remind me never to visit Derby, lol