View Full Version : What your car thinks of you

08-06-12, 04:59 PM
bit of fun :)


mine lol

"I'm pretty contented really, having not had a bad life. I could do with a little more attention, but I'm probably just getting a bit needy. So I'm pushed quite hard and work hard and drink a lot, I think that is a fair compromise really"

08-06-12, 05:06 PM
"So I've lived a little and been around the block a bit, but hey who hasn't. There is still a bit of life left in me and still love to sprint a bit, just not for as long as I used to. So I'm pushed quite hard and work hard and drink a lot, I think that is a fair compromise really. "

lol True! lol

08-06-12, 05:30 PM
I've been around the block a bit and covered a fair bit of mileage. But I can still surprise my owner. I've started to show my age a bit now but at least my owner is loyal and keeps patching me up. V funny and so true

08-06-12, 06:21 PM
"Hey whipper snapper, I still have a lot to give, It just takes longer for me to give it nowadays. Beware, I've had enough. Keep on treating me like you do and I will dissapoint you and leave you stranded somewhere really incovenient. (I do know when you are late and rushing and will choose this opportunity to wreak my revenge!) "

08-06-12, 06:23 PM
"I'm not sure if I want to go on really, I've had a good run but roads are so busy now. I'd quite like an easy life and need a bit of an overhaul. There are too many cars on the roads now. It's not like what it used to be in my day. I'm not all that well looked after really, but there are worse owenrs out there. I was talking to an older Ford the other day, a cute car with lovely bumpers and super chrome bits, anyhow I learned that some owners change the oil regularly and check the tyre pressures. I just wish my owner did this for me once in a while. "


08-06-12, 07:51 PM
My driver looks after me so I'm not putting fail his way lol

08-06-12, 07:55 PM
Methinks this is a load of shiz tbf...


"I've been around the block a bit and covered a fair bit of mileage. But I can still surprise my owner. All I'm going to say is that prevention is better than a cure. If you spend a little time and money on me I'm sure I'd be a lot more reliable. "

Nova (which is pampered compared to the astra, and had a quarter of the mileage and is three times as old, and i pretty much clicked the best option in each section)

"I'm not all that old and now I've got some experience now. Why do they keep using that horrible cheap fuel, don't they read the forums at TorqueCars? I'd go much better if they didn't skimp so much on repairs. "


08-06-12, 07:58 PM
i just got the same for my nova.....

08-06-12, 07:59 PM
Awaits Alex J's lol

08-06-12, 08:27 PM
Awaits Alex J's lol

It's too scared to say in case it gets scrapped lol

08-06-12, 10:05 PM
"I'm not all that old and now I've got some experience now. Would it really hurt to check my oil levels and tyre pressures once in a while instead of every 8 months? Come on, I'm not asking for much but you do tend to leave everything to the last minute and it's often too late then! "


08-06-12, 10:08 PM
Mine just called me ,W*NKER

08-06-12, 11:37 PM
did it for the 3 cars i'm using/been using recently and all scarily accurate!

saxo vts "I can still keep up with the newer models although my owner is starting to look around at other cars now. Ok so I'm not that pretty to look at but at least you can't deny I have lots of character! "

absolute shed to look at, but i love the way it drives, its in the process of being replaced by something else just now!

xe corsa gsi "So I've lived a little and been around the block a bit, but hey who hasn't. There is still a bit of life left in me and still love to sprint a bit, just not for as long as I used to. Beware, I've had enough. Keep on treating me like you do and I will dissapoint you and leave you stranded somewhere really incovenient. (I do know when you are late and rushing and will choose this opportunity to wreak my revenge!) "

engine came off front engine mount recently while acclerating hard in 2nd leaving me stranded!

nova td "So I've lived a little and been around the block a bit, but hey who hasn't. There is still a bit of life left in me and still love to sprint a bit, just not for as long as I used to. My owner is in for an expensive shock! Little do they know but my engine is about to break and I really could do with a new set of tyres. "

engine blew last month lol

09-06-12, 05:10 PM
for the daily golf gt tdi

"So I've had a busy life and i'm not as young as I used to be, well that's not a bad thing. Experience counts for a lot you know! So I'm pushed quite hard and work hard and drink a lot, I think that is a fair compromise really. "

And the weekend nova xe

"So I've lived a little and been around the block a bit, but hey who hasn't. There is still a bit of life left in me and still love to sprint a bit, just not for as long as I used to. My owners not too bad really, apart from the fact I only seem to get cheap parts now and then. "

Simon 1867
09-06-12, 05:22 PM
"So I've lived a little and been around the block a bit, but hey who hasn't. There is still a bit of life left in me and still love to sprint a bit, just not for as long as I used to. Life can be hard and full of knocks but I don't do that bad really, my owner does look after me and I still try my best to please them. "

10-06-12, 07:03 PM
I can still keep up with the newer models although my owner is starting to look around at other cars now. Beware, I've had enough. Keep on treating me like you do and I will dissapoint you and leave you stranded somewhere really incovenient. (I do know when you are late and rushing and will choose this opportunity to wreak my revenge!) "

Ooo dear, Think I should treat her better! lol

10-06-12, 07:56 PM
"So I've lived a little and been around the block a bit, but hey who hasn't. There is still a bit of life left in me and still love to sprint a bit, just not for as long as I used to. We'll my owner is not great if I'm honest. I could really do with some major work but this wont happen unless I spew my guts all over the road. " :eek:

10-06-12, 08:22 PM
the XE:

"I can still keep up with the newer models although my owner is starting to look around at other cars now. So I'm pushed quite hard and work hard and drink a lot, I think that is a fair compromise really. "

And the Corsa lol

"I'm pretty contented really, having not had a bad life. I could do with a little more attention, but I'm probably just getting a bit needy. Beware, I've had enough. Keep on treating me like you do and I will dissapoint you and leave you stranded somewhere really incovenient. (I do know when you are late and rushing and will choose this opportunity to wreak my revenge!)