View Full Version : anybody else weight train / body build???

17-05-12, 12:37 PM
as title

started back in my gym just over 2 weeks ago after a year off now ive got a bit more time

anybody else on here meat heads??

whats your diets and your best/favourite workout:cool:

17-05-12, 02:16 PM
i do like it, been going for about 6 months now and loving it. find it hard to eat the right foods so i have a protien shake after every workout. my routines a three day one, chest tri's on one day. back, bi,s and shoulders and abs and legs the next day.

Alex J
17-05-12, 02:49 PM
im on the fast food diet, workouts are for:gay::gay::gay::gay:

17-05-12, 02:59 PM
i got into it a year or so ago coz i had a dodgy knee and was proper addicted and got quite big for me but when knee was ok i stopped because im lazy and because im 6ft 3 and like a bean pole no matter what i eat i dont gain weight so gave up. dont get me wrong still do gym work now and again but not like i used to. when i was hitting it hard was having 3 protein shakes a day with raw egg mixed in for the morning one but that was minging so that stopped after about 2 weeks lol

17-05-12, 03:38 PM
I do - if the bars not bending your only pretending!!!! My gym is full of posers though too many mirrors.

Am not a meat head or carpet walker, more into cutting, high reps, low weight and cardio. Trained for 4 years and keep diet clean. How about you autoworks & lads?
Who has watched pumping iron - body builders bible that is.......

17-05-12, 03:51 PM
Can't be arsed with weights anymore I'm buying a boxing bag for the garden to try and get back into shape just need to find motivation lol

17-05-12, 06:01 PM
stick someones face on it that you hate!

17-05-12, 06:05 PM
I've just started the gym, need to lose weight while building the muscle back up...

17-05-12, 06:15 PM
I'm no meathead but still doing the gym thing after 18mths and still enjoying it. My main reason for going is just keeping the middle age spread at bay. A few may remember when i started and lost 2 stone quite quickly but i have balanced out now, and my stats are alot better now at 5'8" and just over 15 stone (10% bodyfat). I only eat properly as my goal is general fitness and longevity of strength rather than power bursts. The bulking and getting big is for the younger lads (36 is to old for that crap lol)

Ive just sorted out a gvt regime for myself (german volume training) which is 10 sets of 10 on everything as per my reasons above. also i always do 5 second reps. so on a squat i lower to the floor for 4 seconds then power up and repeat etc (this is the same tempo for every body part) a few examples from different days are

squat 10x10 120kg
deadlift 10x10 130kg
dumbbell press 10x10 38kg dumbells (much more control needed than normal bench press)
dumbbell hammer curls 10x10 20kg dumbells

Obviously my max weights are alot more as i'm not doing 100 reps then lol. As said i'm only a natural trainer and slowing the tempo down normally screws anyone who tries it as they assume they can do the same weight as normal, which is hilarious watching them try.

17-05-12, 06:17 PM
meh im too lazy for the gym lol just reading this thread i was eating a bag of McCoy's :)

Await Dan's reply tho EDIT: he beat me to it as i was writing lol

17-05-12, 06:28 PM
I do.

Definatley not a meat head at 71kg haha. bf is currently 10% but starting a bulk. Just worked out a new diet 3900cals, 86g fat / 330g carbs / 360g protein trying to do it relatively clean but im an ecto so can get away with a bit of dirt haha.

Favourite exercises are dead lifts and squats (ass to the floor!)

17-05-12, 06:34 PM
I do.

Definatley not a meat head at 71kg haha. bf is currently 10% but starting a bulk. Just worked out a new diet 3900cals, 86g fat / 330g carbs / 360g protein trying to do it relatively clean but im an ecto so can get away with a bit of dirt haha.

Favourite exercises are dead lifts and squats (ass to the floor!)

Best gym exercises!!!

That 360g of protein seems a bit excessive?
Do you not go on the rule 1-1.5g per lb of body weight??

17-05-12, 06:38 PM
They are the exercises that really **** me over. lol. I am by no means strong though.

I usually work on 2g per kg so figure should be around 140g. I have icluded traces, so it may have put it up a bit. Trying to get a 40/40/20 split. I could up the carbs and loose a few g of protein i suppose.

17-05-12, 06:44 PM
I used to do 5k meters on a rowing maching every day. Soon got bored & stopped lol

17-05-12, 06:44 PM
They are the exercises that really **** me over. lol. I am by no means strong though.

I usually work on 2g per kg so figure should be around 140g. I have icluded traces, so it may have put it up a bit. Trying to get a 40/40/20 split. I could up the carbs and loose a few g of protein i suppose.

They f**k you over for a reason.
Compound exercises working your whole body :cool:

17-05-12, 06:47 PM
for bulking or building lean muscle generally people go for 2g per pound but no harm in more. Esp when trying to build a high calorie clean diet. 3900 is what i need for just normal dietry needs lol (alot of food), bulking would be more like 4500-5000 and for blitzing abit of spare fat i drop to 3300.

Generally squats and deadlifts are 2 of the key exercises for building lean muscle or burning the fat away. Its amazing how many people ignore them considering the benefits. Ass to ankles is the only way as the man says though :thumb:

17-05-12, 06:53 PM
3900 maintenance, bloody hell. How much do you weigh?

my bmr x1.7 is 2900 so im eating 1000 above. Going to keep an eye on the bf, if it starts to creep too much drop the cals down.

The number of people i see in the gym "squatting" with a **** load of weight not even to 90deg makes me laugh.

17-05-12, 06:58 PM
Many people ignore them because they do work you, and you do feel them lol

My BMR is 1650 calories lol
Bodyfat 10%

17-05-12, 07:05 PM
currently 96kg 10% bodyfat (6 point caliper check last tues) but i am physically active all day and do gym 6 days a week for various things so highly active. We have the 'idiot' squatters in our local. one guy was being gay with 150kg and just dipping his back lololol, so i asked if he could leave the weight on for me, after an odd look he stood to one side and i smashed out 3 sets of ten. almost killed me but had to be done to prove a point as he was bigger than me and i was meant to be doing them next anyway lmfao

17-05-12, 08:06 PM
Don't you end up pissing out most of the unused protein anyway

17-05-12, 09:04 PM
wow didnt think id get this much of a response :)

well i am a meat head :) im 6.3 and 18stone and thats being off training for a year was just under 19 when i was training properly (not fat)

started new "diet" last week to get back into it and get body used to eating 6 times a day again

7am, chicken brown rice and pineapple
10am, chicken brown rice and pineapple protein shake
1pm, chicken brown rice and pineapple
4pm,chicken brown rice and pineapple
5:30 -6:30 training
7pm, chicken and protein shake
10pm, protein shake

all tastes like sh*t but does the job
obviously thats not a permanant diet will be changing off that in 4 weeks time onto the high carb foods

favourite exercises, incline dumbell press + leg raises

17-05-12, 10:13 PM
currently i am eating similar times....

7am ....100g mixed cashew walnut almonds brazils (good protein and essential fats and worth 6-700 good calories blah blah)
10am... sandwich with 5 slices ham, 1/2 pot cott cheese
1pm..... chicken and brown rice with red peppers
5pm..... chicken (or pork/steak/boiling bacon) and veg with sweet potato
7pm..... shake and bcaa's
8-9pm.. training
10pm .. shake and sneaky peanut butter sandwich

I have no idea of values of that but its worked for me and what my aim has been, so if it aint broke dont fix it lol

17-05-12, 10:38 PM
:) sound nice compared to mine at the moment (got some flavour to it)