View Full Version : 1.4 & 1.6 cams the same?

06-05-12, 09:15 AM
Hi guys, new here but expect lots of questions as I build a 1.4 8v engine into a GP Midget oval race car!

Can anyone tell me if the cams are the same on a 1.4 and 1.6?

This car's being built on a real budget and it would make it a lot easier finding a cam second hand if a 1.6 cam is the same.


06-05-12, 09:34 AM
14nv is the highest lift standard cam in the 1400's not sure on the 1600's have a look in the haynes manual it has the info in there

06-05-12, 11:36 AM
I meant in order to find one secondhand, sorry. Ie if I find a fast road / race cam for a 1.6 will it go in the 1.4?

06-05-12, 11:40 AM
the 1.6 cam actually has lower lift than the 1.4

06-05-12, 11:50 AM
the 1.6 cam actually has lower lift than the 1.4

someone else who cant read. hes asking about after market cams not standard cams and in which case in my experience most fit both as most have both types of dizzy drive

06-05-12, 02:41 PM
someone else who cant read. hes asking about after market cams not standard cams and in which case in my experience most fit both as most have both types of dizzy drive

in original post
:Can anyone tell me if the cams are the same on a 1.4 and 1.6?

only after did he say about aftermarket cams

06-05-12, 03:11 PM
Surely by proxy the same would apply to after market cams and getting a fast road cam from a 1.6 could actually reduce performance if its not aggresive enough?

06-05-12, 03:39 PM
what sort of spec is a gp midget oval racer??? is it like some crazy miniature old indy car racer ??

edit.... http://www.gpmidgets.co.uk/

they look fun

06-05-12, 04:06 PM
Why not run a pugeot engine you wont have the associated cost of converting it to run solid lifters, plus you can get alloy blocked ones which must be 10 a penny in scrap yards.....

06-05-12, 11:19 PM
in original post
:Can anyone tell me if the cams are the same on a 1.4 and 1.6?

only after did he say about aftermarket cams

i quoted jon-nova therefore my comment was directed to him.

Surely by proxy the same would apply to after market cams and getting a fast road cam from a 1.6 could actually reduce performance if its not aggresive enough?

just no! any after market cam is better than any standard one

06-05-12, 11:51 PM
So because another member chose to comment on my behalf that defies what you put across to me, said member has no right to reply? I know censorship is slowly taken over the internet but i was completely unaware it had yet taken over PNG as it appears Kev was oblivious to the fact too.

I do apologise on behalf of novasrikev or am i not allowed to do that since it was him you quoted? but then again i am quoted in the same reply as him....maybe you should clarify the situation so people like me won't get confused as to whether we are or are not allowed to post in response to another member if they are quoted with someone else aswell as them in a post.What would happen if you was the original poster of the topic, surely that would never work out since they can't quote from above and get a reply?? I'm sorry Burgo, I don't think this new thing would work out, so maybe best if you just take your head out of your bum bum instead:)

07-05-12, 12:03 AM
So because another member chose to comment on my behalf that defies what you put across to me, said member has no right to reply? I know censorship is slowly taken over the internet but i was completely unaware it had yet taken over PNG as it appears Kev was oblivious to the fact too.

I do apologise on behalf of novasrikev or am i not allowed to do that since it was him you quoted? but then again i am quoted in the same reply as him....maybe you should clarify the situation so people like me won't get confused as to whether we are or are not allowed to post in response to another member if they are quoted with someone else aswell as them in a post.What would happen if you was the original poster of the topic, surely that would never work out since they can't quote from above and get a reply?? I'm sorry Burgo, I don't think this new thing would work out, so maybe best if you just take your head out of your bum bum instead:)

why would he have been replying on your behalf when it was only you who had replied after the OP had stated he meant after market cams.

I dont have my head up my **** at all im just fed up with all the mis information on this forum of late. To you it may be a simple mistake but to the person who takes the wrong advice and spends there hard earned cash on the wrong thing its so much more.

07-05-12, 12:32 AM
So you just thought you'd have a go at someone that technically didn't give wrong information? None of us get paid for information we give and none of us deserve to get spoken to like a knob due to your issue with wrong information. Maybe one of the Admin should make the technical section of the forum replyable to Moderators only to stop future dilemmas with wrong information? or maybe it would be easier to reply in a mutually respectful way that the information is wrong and what information is right?

Simple fact is i could reply with

Can anyone tell me if the cams are the same on a 1.4 and 1.6?

someone else who cant read. hes asking about after market cams not standard cams and in which case in my experience most fit both as most have both types of dizzy drive someone else who cant read. hes asking whether the cams are the same, not if they have the same drive.

If you want to go around acting like that then you have to make sure no-one else can pick up on your mistakes.

07-05-12, 12:40 AM
its clear to see you the one with a stick up your **** as you've taken such offence lol. My reply was 100% correct in that they are all indeed the same apart from the cams drives in terms of fitment which i believe to be the OP's concern.

if you wish to bleat on then do so by yourself as i have much bigger fish to fry, at the end of the day the OP now has the correct information and thats all i could give a **** about

07-05-12, 11:13 AM
How do you comprehend that someone must be stuck up thier own **** to take offence? Someone causes offence by being rude, insulting or being of annoyance, someone does not take offence by being stuck up thier own ****. Your snotty stuck up replies caused me to be offended, simple as:)

07-05-12, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the help, sorry of the first post was misleading.

Anyone used these guys?


07-05-12, 05:25 PM
yes, Mike swears by them, (but he does swear a lot) and so do other people.

what is the popular running gear in one of these then? i'd have thought bike engine was the way to go