View Full Version : Engine Problems

05-05-12, 10:12 AM
hey all im new here!
My brother-inn law has a nova 1.3 on a F plate and recently he has been having a few problems while driving. Once the car starts to warm up it will start to splutter and will cut out when he comes to a stop at a junction and is slightly hard to get running nd has to rev the hell out of it to get it going. the bloke who owned it before him took the manual choke out and the fuel filter if it did have one?! anyone got any ideas?

thanks Orais

tom reid
06-05-12, 06:37 AM
I'll guess at timing and or fuel mixture issues.

06-05-12, 08:50 AM
when you say he took the choke out what has he done with it? as if the chokes just being left on once it warms up all your doing its heavily over fueling it and it wont run. so need a bit more info


06-05-12, 08:57 AM
Need to understand what has been done to it, at a guess this car should have the later pieburg 2e3 carb that was originally auto choke iirc, please correct me if wrong?

Easy way to check is to take the air cleaner off and see if it has one venuri (1b1 carb) manual choke or 2 venuris(2e3) autochoke as std

Has it been serviced lately?

sounds as if the choke is on with no other info.

Plenty of advise available from the happy bunch but clear information helps

06-05-12, 09:00 AM
Need to understand what has been done to it, at a guess this car should have the later pieburg 2e3 carb that was originally auto choke iirc, please correct me if wrong?

Easy way to check is to take the air cleaner off and see if it has one venuri (1b1 carb) manual choke or 2 venuris(2e3) autochoke as std

Has it been serviced lately?

sounds as if the choke is on with no other info.

Plenty of advise available from the happy bunch but clear information helps

your thinking the same as me then and if it is a auto choke arnt they prone for seizing anyway?

07-05-12, 10:04 PM
no choke was taken out when the choke was in the off posion and has to let it warm a little. before going anywhere. i will try get more info tomorrow as he back at his army barracks now

07-05-12, 10:16 PM
blocked jet or dizzy timing, what does it idle at? not sure if its just what i remembered from somewhere but isn't it the worlds hardest challenge starting a car with the choke off?