View Full Version : funny car games

28-04-12, 09:49 PM
i was having a reminisce today and remember a little game we used to play

a bunch of us got some walkie talkies and set a boundry and used to play hide and seek around the town centre, 1 car finds people and if your found you help too.

was quite fun to be honest, we did have some safety rules i.e. no silly racing and no moving spaces. and every car had a passenger.

anyone else ever done anything similar?

28-04-12, 09:50 PM

28-04-12, 09:51 PM

fair enough ;o)

28-04-12, 09:52 PM
Me neither. Wish you had not started this thread? lol

28-04-12, 09:57 PM
i'll go and retire into the corner and rethink my actions

28-04-12, 10:01 PM
Never had enough petrol to play games like that lol

28-04-12, 10:04 PM
this was when petrol was 80p per litre

28-04-12, 10:07 PM
How much? haha

28-04-12, 10:11 PM
we used to do mobile phone rallying

find a stretch of road with no junctions coming onto or off of it except either end
have a freind either end of road WITH a mobile phone each with your number ready to call
start off go like funk whilst being timed and if a car turned onto the road you get a call to say so, so run aborted (slow down)

i do not endorse street racing a claim no responsibilty for actions of others after reading this post:wtf:

03-05-12, 01:59 PM
i was having a reminisce today and remember a little game we used to play

a bunch of us got some walkie talkies and set a boundry and used to play hide and seek around the town centre, 1 car finds people and if your found you help too.

was quite fun to be honest, we did have some safety rules i.e. no silly racing and no moving spaces. and every car had a passenger.

anyone else ever done anything similar?

Yes. I have done this. And still do on the odd occasion lol.

We also used to play a game called Leftcountry. Basically, go and find a remote country lane with one or two cars all with passengers, when you get to a junction shout which way and the first answer is the way you go. Did one day and randomly ended up in a proper pikey site at 2 in the morning! We scarpered as soon as we realised what it was! lol.

The best one is when you go one way, the other car goes the other way, then half an hour later you end up meeting each other in the middle of the road. Done that a few times lol

04-05-12, 01:01 PM
I used to do this but on foot round our housing estate back in the eighties !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Old skool

04-05-12, 10:14 PM
I used to do this but on foot round our housing estate back in the eighties !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Old skool thats just hide & seek

i thought the mini golf game was fun .. getting my kids to identify a mini, then a golf, then another mini etc... keeps them well busy on long trips.....

as for old driving games..... when i was rather young & courting....there were certain car based things that i might have been party to involving driving vigorously home from oxford to hinckley....lets just say, being followed by a cop car for the full length of northamptonshire at 2mph under the speed limit is nerve wracking...

04-05-12, 10:29 PM
I used to do hide and squeak in cars years back, and few of my mates organised proper treasure hunts all over the city, they were a laugh, you had clues which led you somewhere and there was a question when you got there which you could only answer once you were at the place, then you had to write it down and hand your sheet in at the end, sometimes we did it for a laugh, other times we all chipped in a few quid and did it for monies too :d

04-05-12, 10:33 PM
spud, i thought i'd never say this to you but...... thats so 1970's

04-05-12, 10:34 PM
Who cares it was a good laugh, we had ground rules and it really was fun :p

04-05-12, 10:41 PM
we used to do navigational rallies at college that were meant to be law abiding things... like hell were they... plot co-ordinates & get going... one rally, we arrived last & pulled 1st out of the hat, so we were still trying to get the potty lamp working as everyone else left, so we sat for 5 mins & plotted the first half of the route on the os map, then i took off... my co-driver (the owner of the potty lamp) was crap, all this 'k left turning onto 5 left' cobblers & i'm yelling tell me the next effing village, then bollocking him cos we'd already gone thru there. we arrived at the finish 45 mins too early, and the marshalls hadn't arrived so hid in the pub up the road playing pool, great days..

another great car game was designated driver for young farmers do's.... thrashing 50-60 miles of country lanes 6 up navigating by pub names, to go to a pissup in a large shed somewhere with a radio one dj on the stage made out of old bale trailers.. then 4 hrs later thrashing back with 5 piss heads in the back offering no directions...even now, 25 odd years later, i'll be driving down some remote road & suddenly recognise a shed where a do was at...