View Full Version : 1.2 to 1.4 ohc conversion advice needed

22-04-12, 10:08 PM
Hi all, Just wondering if someone out there can help me figure this out,
I want to convert my 1.2 to a 1.4 and need to know if i can use the manual choke off the 1.2 on the inlet manifold of the 1.4 which is a single point injection from what i can see. What exhaust manifold would i need could i use the 1.2 one or would i need a different one??
(1.4 being 16v)

thanx in advance for anyone who can help :) :thumb:

23-04-12, 09:40 AM
please anybody the 1.2 not going to carry which leaves me no car :cry: :eek:

23-04-12, 09:42 AM
Where is the 1.4 from? It can't be spi and 16v

23-04-12, 09:50 AM
lol was told it was removed from a nova sr :confused:

23-04-12, 09:53 AM
The exhaust manifolds should be the same and why would you want to keep a manual choke if it has a working auto one?

23-04-12, 09:58 AM
cheers there no wirin loom with the engine and need in on the road asap (iam totally useless lol):thumb:

23-04-12, 10:39 PM
does it have a carb or throttle bodie? if your not sure does the standard airbox mount with 2 or 3 bolts?. if you want to run the 1.4sr ignition but dont have the wiring then get your money out as it costs quite a bit. if you are changing it purely because your engine is knackered (what makes you think this?) then why not fit another 1.2 instead. much more straight forward

23-04-12, 10:45 PM
you could simply use the 1.4 bottom end with the top end off the 1.2

an engine number off the 1.4 would help massively.

i ran a 1.4 with a 1.2 top end & it was pretty quick