View Full Version : F16 gearbox problem?

06-04-12, 08:18 PM
I have got a F16 gearbox to go into my saloon with a c20xe. I took the sump off today to have a look and get the box prepped for painting and in the sump was a massive sludgey lump. It was gearbox oil but thick, gloopy and sludgey.

Does this mean box is knackered, or will draining it out and putting fresh oil in fine?

Also will a standard F16 be ok, or should I look for a F20?

Will F
07-04-12, 12:03 AM
See my response to your project thread! The boxes are 99% the same, less the FD.

The f16s tend to be more tired due to the fact they are older....

07-04-12, 09:53 AM
your biggest problem is getting the old stuff out. you need to get the box warm, then swap the old oil for new & repeat. or strip it & blast it with a steam cleaner (followed by immediately dipping it in some sort of oil to keep rust at bay)#

like will f says, it is an old f16 box, so is more likely to be tatered.

07-04-12, 10:04 AM
I have run a box up on a ram/axle stands on parts cleaner mixed with the old oil before to clear crap out.Even done it neat.Dont do it for very long though.
Just go up to say 3500rpm and go through 1-5 then back down to 1.
Drain it all out and refill with fresh oil.