View Full Version : Digi Dash in MK1 Nova - Ben.Copeland site has disapperaed

23-07-03, 03:35 PM
I have installed the Astra Digi Dash in my Mk1 Nova and just recently found the Cavalier Mk2 clock surround, FINALLY lol. I was wondering how do I fit the clock surround in my Mk1 Dash? According to NovaUK by Ben.Copeland (web site) I had to do something in order to fit it.

Has anyone saved that particualr page, I have already tried the google cache but the site is not there :(

All help will be appreciated, I want this mod done and finished.


23-07-03, 03:40 PM
i didnt think that the digi could be fitted correctly at all intoa mk1 dash.
obvioulsy i am wrong.

try www.nova-land.com and see if htere is a guide on there.

23-07-03, 03:43 PM
According to that web site it can be.

Check www.nova-land.com and click on interior mods - there is a link which went to Ben.Copelands site.

It better fit lol!!!

23-07-03, 04:16 PM
you can fit it, i did im my GTE. you got to cut the nova dash so the Cavalier Mk2 clock surround fits into the dash, the only part of the nova clock surrond you want left it the top part (cut shorter, kinda a flap), so you can screw the cavalier suround into it. It takes ages do, but if you do it right, the cavalier surround looks like it was meant to fit there, so inturn the digi dash does too!

23-07-03, 04:20 PM
Thanks, now how do I fit the digidash into the Cavalier clock surround? My digidash doesnt seem to fit in there.

NB: Also in the top right of the clock surround and my Mk1 Dash it doesnt seem right - can you help me on that?

You on MSN? if so can I have your addy, you seem a guy who could help me out loads.


23-07-03, 04:50 PM
should the cavalier Mk2 clock surround just fit in after cutting away my Mk1 dash and leaving a flap at the top?

23-07-03, 08:14 PM

is my answer to go and buy a Mk2 dash?

24-07-03, 03:28 PM
I fitted the digi dash into my GTE without the use of the Cav bit. It can be done, you just need to take the dash out and cut it a bit to allow the digi to fit in.

25-07-03, 12:59 PM
OK to tell you the truth you are better off buying a Mk2 Dash, it is a lot easier and simplier.

Although yes it can be done in a Mk1 using the Cavalier Mk2 clock surround but getting it to fit is with great difficulty.

1st: Cut inside your Mk1 dash where you are going to fit your digidash - so you are left with a bigger hole.
2nd: You need to cut the Cav Mk2 surround so you only have the sides. You can throw the rest away.
3rd: Slot the digidash in the gap and put the sides of the cav Mk2 surround in postition. Now the worrying part: glue the sides in place.

Your digidash is now fitted in a Mk1 Nova

NB: This is very time consuming and can look awful if you do it wrong, thats why I prefer to use the Mk2 dash - All I'm trying to prove is that, yes it can be done in a Mk1.

Will show a pic of my Mk1 Nova with the dash in, later today.