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View Full Version : where can I get this (not sure what its called)

14-03-12, 10:18 AM
Hi all I needed to remove this plastic tube from the o/s rear inner arch/chassis leg due to rust. I think its a breather or water escape channel??

Does anyone know the proper name for it or where I can get a new or undamaged one??
any help is greatly appreciated :thumb:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/419072_3460566514992_1295804377_33447486_173217184 _n.jpg

14-03-12, 10:24 AM
is that not where the breather from the fuel tank goes through the chessis leg to the filler neck?

14-03-12, 11:21 AM
Never seen one of those ever!

14-03-12, 11:52 AM
is that not where the breather from the fuel tank goes through the chessis leg to the filler neck?

Yes that's the 1 do you know where I can get a new 1 or undamaged

14-03-12, 11:53 AM
is that not where the breather from the fuel tank goes through the chessis leg to the filler neck?

That's exactly what it is, I don't know what it's called either lol

14-03-12, 01:58 PM
tried vauxhall

14-03-12, 07:39 PM
Not yet tried, I have opel EPC4 and cant find it on their for the part number so with out a part number or name I'm pretty stuffed when it comes to asking vauxhall lol

Old man Jimbo
14-03-12, 08:30 PM
I've needed one for a while. I've tried various dealers and get a very blank look from the parts desk chaps...

So if you find out I'm interested.

14-03-12, 09:04 PM
At vauxhall they have exploded diagrams on their ****ty computers

14-03-12, 09:50 PM
pretty sure there no longer available sorry

14-03-12, 10:19 PM
Cant be that hard to make?

14-03-12, 10:40 PM
Part number is 90128184, OCP have them in stock and they are only 0.95 Euros. Unfortunately the postage is about 18 Euros minimum :(

14-03-12, 11:04 PM
Hammer a candle in and drill a hole lol

15-03-12, 12:11 AM
Part number is 90128184, OCP have them in stock and they are only 0.95 Euros. Unfortunately the postage is about 18 Euros minimum :(

Have you got a link please if its not to much trouble?

15-03-12, 08:29 AM
Have you got a link please if its not to much trouble?
Here you go LINK (http://opel-classicparts.com/kraftstoff-auspuffanlagen/huelse-4.html?___store=b2c_english&___from_store=b2c_deutsch)