View Full Version : Help needed C200 w202.

Angus Closier
05-03-12, 04:11 PM
Guys I know its not a Nova and not even a vaux but I had a blonde moment and need help to revert it.

I managed to get a plug socket stuck in the plug tube, It seemed to slide in just fine and now cant remove it for the life of me.

Any help would be amazing.

Its the 2l petrol btw.


05-03-12, 06:23 PM
well its not gonna be a diesel is it :p

every time ive got one stuck, ive managed to pluck it back out with some long nosed pliers. have you tried spraying some lube down the inside to help the rubber slide?? (ooh err!)

Angus Closier
05-03-12, 06:34 PM
well its not gonna be a diesel is it :p

every time ive got one stuck, ive managed to pluck it back out with some long nosed pliers. have you tried spraying some lube down the inside to help the rubber slide?? (ooh err!)

Yeh yeh....just cba with the "what engine is it might help" type quotes.

Its just stuck inside the tube which is in the center of the head? if that makes sense....

I think I might have to drill and tap the socket but not sure that will work.

Tried lubing it up lots and lots but it really don't want to move.

Cant see how it slid in so easy and now wont come out.....


05-03-12, 07:35 PM
oh right, so its stuck against the tube itself. i was thinking you were meaning it was just the rubber bit stuck over the plug....but thinking about it that would have been easy cos if it was that stuck you could have just undone the plug lol

i cant really think of another way to get it out, cos i take it it'll be too deep to be able to weld an extension or something onto it??

if you drill and tap it like you said, you should be able to attach a slide hammer or something onto it. its strange that it went on so easily, it must just be cockled over slightly or something.....

Angus Closier
05-03-12, 08:11 PM
I just dont understand, Went in so easy! I have tried to square it up but it seems to be in the right place just not moving.

I was thinking I could use an expanding bolt with a slide hammer but I dont think I have enough room to get the expanding bold in.....

Think I will just tap it.....