View Full Version : Lol @ eBay gimp

29-02-12, 09:35 PM
Lol I have got my car advertised on eBay, advert has my number on there and states please don't text, if your genuinely interested call me.

It has 2 days to go and is currently on £5100 so I get a text offering me £4800, umm hello? So I did respond saying as its currently on at more than that and the time left, thanks but no thanks, he then replies with... The same guy wiining your car won mine last week but didn't turn up so he will mess you around, now the winning bidder has 4500 feedback @ 100% so I'm thinking he never! Plus the fact other bidders can't see who is winning.

But really why do these people bother?

29-02-12, 09:40 PM
But really why do these people bother?

Because there properly retarded lol

Ive received a message this morning askin me to sell a BIN item for £50 delivered because "thats all I can afford this week".

29-02-12, 09:40 PM
Well it's gonna be stolen tomorrow morning, so I'll give you a tenner if I can collect tonight.

29-02-12, 09:45 PM
FACET Ebay is ace for buying, **** for selling!

29-02-12, 09:45 PM
Well it's gonna be stolen tomorrow morning, so I'll give you a tenner if I can collect tonight.

Have a job Mark, I only make them to order ;)

29-02-12, 09:47 PM
Have a job Mark, I only make them to order ;)

Not you, I wait for you to offer up experiments at bargain prices lol

edit: My money is on the bailey header for yours, and your GAZ are indeed GHA btw lol

edit again: Actually if you're making bailey headertanks to order in your shed you've got skills, I'll go for the escort bumpers lol

29-02-12, 10:21 PM
Everyone is retarted. Fact.

29-02-12, 10:25 PM
Everyone is retarted. Fact.

You either maked a mistook or that was intentional lol

29-02-12, 10:54 PM
You either maked a mistook or that was intentional lol

I-phone fail, I kinda like it though lol

29-02-12, 11:44 PM
im selling these atm. paid £14 for them in a rather dull brass state, polished them up now up for £40 lol surely some tit will want them

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/424281_10150726843957845_717137844_11763217_582925 58_n.jpg

Old man Jimbo
01-03-12, 09:26 AM
Giggles at the sudden upturn in brass candlestick sales on Ebay as bandwagon gets lots of jumping on by PNG members.

nova gsi ian
01-03-12, 11:24 AM
Ebay is just a place for timewasters to play!.....FACT.

01-03-12, 11:51 AM
I dunno.. We sold a checker plate boot floor kit for a discovery3 last week, and all sorts of people were trying to tell us it was over priced & we ought to sell it outside of ebay.... Then 10 mins before it was up, the bidding started on it & we did really well on it..

Old man Jimbo
01-03-12, 12:42 PM
It's a fecking den of sin and deprivation Ebay...

01-03-12, 10:18 PM
Giggles at the sudden upturn in brass candlestick sales on Ebay as bandwagon gets lots of jumping on by PNG members.

i have a problem with shiny things :(

02-03-12, 07:44 AM
i know a bloke who goes round the car boot sales buying up brass things, then when he's got enough, weighs it in at the local non ferrous place...apparently its worth pretty good money if you get a large load..

02-03-12, 03:47 PM
apparently its worth pretty good money if you get a large load..

feck me i could be a millionaire ;)

Cars nearly done on ebay now! was hoping for a little more but tbh the intrest has been quite credible except the moron who was texting me! Hopefully a little last minute flutter and i will be happy!

06-03-12, 09:05 PM
Well got to say the guy who one my car had a feedback score of a whopping 3! He rang me within 90 seconds of auction ending, arranged to come down at earliest mutualy convenient time, arrived today with a big lump of cash, paid and left then rang up when he was back in Yorkshire to say how much he loved the car. That's how it should be!