View Full Version : Speeding

21-07-03, 02:07 PM
Just had this emailed to me from bloke at work.
dunno if its been shown on here before.


21-07-03, 03:27 PM
i need some new underware

21-07-03, 03:53 PM
the Anton range perhaps?

21-07-03, 03:55 PM
quality erotic pants -> http://www.kiniki.com/product_1_99_1.html

21-07-03, 04:47 PM
it also appears that wisewood likes the Ateam?

21-07-03, 04:50 PM
I'm just howlin mad... just like murdock :lol:

21-07-03, 04:52 PM
lol @ the site :oops: The A-Team is just classic, MR T is the best, I ain't getting on no plane fool!!

21-07-03, 05:22 PM
BASTAD! I shat my self then if I get anymore points on my licence I'm banned and have to do a re-take. :cry:

21-07-03, 05:24 PM
i was a bit worried at first till i noticed it said birmingham - on the 16th, at whcih time i was in wrexham, all day - in the pouring rain, in the clio driving through streams of water and flooded roads which came halfway up the car doors!! :o


oh what fun.
right up to the point where i got water in the dizzy and had to phone the aa as i had no wd40 woth me :lol:

21-07-03, 05:25 PM
I knew that it was a can when it listed the time/place. Never been there!

21-07-03, 05:26 PM
this has been done to death now .. how boring

21-07-03, 05:30 PM
i'd never seen it before.

21-07-03, 05:30 PM
me neither

22-07-03, 08:58 AM
WTF. It says that my car has a speeding offence in cabridge about 400 miles from my house a couple of days ago?? It wasn't me! Someone must have knicked my car and tacken for an 800 mile round trip!

LOL i have just clicked the picture!


22-07-03, 10:50 AM
Tis wierd - it told me that on the 16th (last wednesday) i was done doing 41.3 in a 30 limit in Birmingham.

I was in Wales !!!
not a million miles from Birmingham, but much further away than i drove that day, I had the AA bloke out to disperse the water from my dizzy after i drove through a river :lol:

22-07-03, 12:10 PM
You have allready told us that story wisewood! :lol:

22-07-03, 12:12 PM
are you implying that i am forgetting something?

i'll have you knwo i rememebr everything!
i never forget anything at all!


22-07-03, 01:35 PM
gee wizz thought someone must have nicked my car.

shame would be ace if u could check it like that. im waiting to hear as i was doing 85-90mph onthe way bak from billing :cry:

22-07-03, 01:36 PM
you get flashed at that speed?

22-07-03, 01:37 PM
so, i was doing 110 there + back same as whe ni went to pv, and same as past 3 years

herd nothing yet :twisted:

22-07-03, 01:45 PM
nah it wasnt one of them it was the new style that actually face u and take u from couple of miles bak i think :evil:

22-07-03, 02:01 PM
the ones that face you like that - look like a normal gatzo but facing the wrong way dont record your speed. They read your tax disc.

22-07-03, 02:40 PM

it could of been specs or a laser

did it have 2 weird looking things either side of the camera, if so thats a laser, no given point on where it will take your speed, can be a good distance b4 the cam.

specs is usualy a dodgy looking blue thing, sort of liei a normal gatso but the box is biger. there would be 2. the 2nd would be a few hundred metres after the 1st. it refcords how long its taken u to get from 1 camera to the next then works out your average speed

22-07-03, 02:49 PM
there are some of them up near us - the average speed ones. But they dont look like that.

They are on long poles reaching above the road on both sides - and they are about half a mile apart - covering a total of about 4 miles.