View Full Version : 1.4sri swop for 1.6 GSI

21-07-03, 12:22 PM
could anyone give me advice as to what likly problems that i will occur or any insider knowledge :wink: .

Or any guide that are around, usefull books, anyone that has done this job. ive read the novaload guide and i think i understand, but anything further would be great.

tar Greg 8)

21-07-03, 12:55 PM
very simple

but before we need to know more info as to which gsi engine wil be used, the earlier bosch or later multec.

basically if will use everything the same such as exhaust, fuel system, cooling system. but you will need to gt an f13 gearbox or the 1.6 as the clutch/flywheel on the 1600 is bigger so the sri f10 will not fit.

wiring is not too bad, but you migth need to run a fusd live feed to the gsi's ecu and conect the gsi's fuel pump relay to the red/blue wire on your sri fuel relay

22-07-03, 04:47 PM
but before we need to know more info as to which gsi engine wil be used, the earlier bosch or later multec.

Whats the difference between the two? how can i tell? :(