View Full Version : burger king...

Alex J
07-02-12, 02:21 PM
anyone had the Steak House Angus burger?? havent had a chance to get to bk much these days, just seen it on tv and my mouth is watering lollol

07-02-12, 02:26 PM
Yeah - had one the other day.


07-02-12, 02:32 PM
No Bk in scarboro,infact theres no KFC either in this sh1thole.

Alex J
07-02-12, 02:52 PM
No Bk in scarboro,infact theres no KFC either in this sh1thole.id HAVE to move lol

07-02-12, 02:53 PM
Start a facebook group to build a KFC, worked for Yeovil lol

07-02-12, 02:53 PM
nahh supercharger meall is what you want nom nom nom

Alex J
07-02-12, 03:01 PM
nahh supercharger meall is what you want nom nom nomBLEAK!! had that the other day, thought it was weak!

07-02-12, 03:03 PM
Start a facebook group to build a KFC, worked for Yeovil lol

PAH!!! we have 2 in hinckley.... but they are changing the old one into a pizza hut takeaway.....(see previous posts about hinckley being the cannabis capital of britain, based on total number of pizza shops)

i worked in a kfc when they were still staffed by people who spoke english as a 1st language, and it was still called kentucky fried chicken....we had to have our full name on the badge....i happen to be a saunders.... but the locals thought i was related to the colonel....

Alex J
07-02-12, 03:05 PM
hinckley being the cannabis capital of britainyou havent been around here then, kids can skin up by the time they are 12, and use mopeds to ferry weed around. people look at you werid if your not smoking a joint in public lol

07-02-12, 03:06 PM
ask turbolocks... he keeps having to cap off gas supplies to hash farms.......in hinckley..

07-02-12, 03:19 PM
BK is best end of! All their burgers are nomable especially the Angus range. I'd go mad if there wasn't a Burger King near me.

07-02-12, 03:25 PM
theres a place called the 'handmade burger co' & they have a place in leicester, i'm guessing its a chain... the burgers are way better than bk & they sell beer too

Alex J
07-02-12, 03:29 PM
theres a place called the 'handmade burger co' & they have a place in leicester, i'm guessing its a chain... the burgers are way better than bk & they sell beer toosounds way to posh to me lol

07-02-12, 03:39 PM
There's the GBK Gormet Burger Kitchen - real nice quality burgers but sometimes funk waiting 25 mins to eat one. BK cannot be beat for speed and quality ;)

07-02-12, 03:55 PM
sounds way to posh to me lol
its in leicester FFS, how can it be posh? the tourism board is promoting EDL marches to get visitor numbers up

07-02-12, 04:58 PM
Living in hockley you have no reason not to get there, Youve got a bk closer than me, my local is 18 miles away! lol

07-02-12, 05:38 PM
bk and kfc are turd , mc'd all the way for me:)

07-02-12, 05:53 PM
bk and kfc are turd , mc'd all the way for me:)

We all know why you like Maccies Riggy, so you can do burnouts on the car park lol

07-02-12, 07:30 PM
Lmfao @ Graeme, thats about the best bit about mac dee's, apart from the breakfasts lol

KFC and BK are just pure win, especially the chilli cheese bites from BK :thumb:

07-02-12, 07:55 PM
I like pie, mowgli is right about hinkley big time weed area, wouldn't surprise me if mowgli had a full on rasta beard and dreds.

07-02-12, 08:14 PM
turbolocks, you've obviously never met me..... i really don't need any illicit stimulants....

07-02-12, 09:13 PM
Burger king are king of the burgers but they are expensive and their chip game is weak. Big mac large fries and a chocolate shake is always a winner for sub 5 quid. But as said in another thread its gotta be zinger tower burger for ultimate winnings.

07-02-12, 10:13 PM
Burger king are king of the burgers but they are expensive and their chip game is weak.


XL bacon double cheese (w/o cheese) for me on the occasion I go. Sometimes Supersized. lol

08-02-12, 12:51 PM
KFC are my favourites on the chip angle, BK go cold too quickly and round here they tend to drown them in salt. McD's chips might as well just be strips of soggy paper lol

hard to say what my favourite burger would be, its a toss up between Fillet Tower, Bacon DXL and Qtr Pounder. The Steakhouse Angus could be a contender too! http://www.emotionless.co.uk/emotes/a/think2.gif

08-02-12, 01:51 PM
burger van burgers are king

08-02-12, 01:54 PM
yes, 'king awful...........

08-02-12, 01:55 PM
i prefer a roast beef dinner simply cos when i cost up taking my tribe to a fast food outlet, a full roast dinner is actually the cheap option.

08-02-12, 01:58 PM
I can't remember the last time I had burger king, if ever! Had maccies once or twice last year (and didn't really enjoy it) I like KFC but again we only have it a couple of times a year. And I'm still a fat fooker! lol

08-02-12, 01:59 PM
yes, 'king awful...........

Flol this.

08-02-12, 02:13 PM
i prefer a roast beef dinner simply cos when i cost up taking my tribe to a fast food outlet, a full roast dinner is actually the cheap option.

you cant beat a nice home cooked dinner

08-02-12, 02:18 PM
i know, but prepping it for 4-5 hrs is the limiting factor....

08-02-12, 02:30 PM
put down the beer/wine when doing the prep that should help cut the time down lol

08-02-12, 02:34 PM
no..... i like to do all the prep work sober...
when i do a roast, it takes about 5 hrs from start to finish.. i only have a single oven, and theres a lot to go in it....

08-02-12, 02:37 PM
I cannot stand BK. I don't mind Maccies though, I love the quarter pounders and cheese burgers. I much prefer Subway though.

You can't beat a home made roast dinner, yummy!

Alex J
08-02-12, 03:40 PM
I cannot stand BK. I don't mind Maccies though, I love the quarter pounders and cheese burgers. I much prefer Subway though.

You can't beat a home made roast dinner, yummy!subway is RANK and stinks of sick, i dont get all the fuss about a stupid roll filled with rabbit food lol

08-02-12, 03:42 PM
it must just be your local one there merris.... the subways round here are ace, and the 3 quid lunch is bang on

Alex J
08-02-12, 03:59 PM
it must just be your local one there merris.... the subways round here are ace, and the 3 quid lunch is bang ontheres 3 around here, even a halal chicken subway lol, all ****! and as for the 3 quid lunch lunch, half a roll and a drink dont cut it!

08-02-12, 04:12 PM
well some of us don't tip (bribe) the scales like you do............

08-02-12, 04:42 PM
alex do you eat anything thats not deep fat fried or made of parts of a cow that even dog food companys turn down lol

08-02-12, 05:21 PM
stupid roll filled with rabbit food lol

No wonder it's rank lol

I love Subway and apart from Burgo and you I don't know anyone else that doesn't like them. I would pick a Subway over BK/Maccies any day.

08-02-12, 05:41 PM
Had a steak and cheese panini from wild bean cafe today, omg that was ruff. At least it was hot though unlike Costa ones that are still cold in the middle :wtf:

08-02-12, 05:56 PM
Subway is terrible, but that's comparing it to local places that have been doing the same for years. Its not good for you either, I looked up the nutritional values of BK, McD's, KFC and subway a while back and the latter wasn't as healthy as they'd have you believe lol

Oh, and the company lies too. Bread guy only does the bread, huh? SO WHY IS HE ALL OF A SUDDEN THE SALAD GUY? :mad:

08-02-12, 06:25 PM
Subway is alright,just not as healthy as they would have you believe!
I ate a footlong meatball thing on a night out when i was blasted outside the shop,then went back in for another! LOL!
Oh and for burgers-BK's angus are win,their chips are trash.
But im a mcd's lover,love nothing more than going in there with a thumping hangover and having a large 1/4 meal and 2 double chesseburgers=bliss!:d

08-02-12, 06:56 PM
Lol that was piss funny, you and chance both stood in the middle of the path munching, then you both looked at each other, said nothing and marched back in the shop lol

08-02-12, 07:07 PM
great fat minds think alike lol