View Full Version : Coilover issues..

Pistol Pete
05-02-12, 12:25 PM
I have a set of GAZ coilovers on the Nova.

Had the rear in the air to re fit my alloys yesterday. When i lower it back down it is a PITA to get the spring sat with the cup in the top correctly. I have to use a length of wood and a mallet to get it to sit.

Could i lock wire it to the spring?

Also what length/poundage springs are you guys running on the rear? Mine seems a little high on the back even with the lower cup sat at the bottom.

Im running an XE BTW.

05-02-12, 12:53 PM
I think iam right in saying Gaz do two different lenghts of rear coil over.
Standard length & a shorter version.

Mine i believe are the short ones so i still have loads of adjustment.
There not on the car at the moment so can measure later this afternoon when i will be where the car lives if you want.


Pistol Pete
05-02-12, 12:56 PM
Cheers. AFAIK mine are the shorter version. If you could measure the spring that would be great. I can then confirm mine. Might need shorter springs then?

05-02-12, 01:01 PM
Remember when i had mine i got them swapped by Gaz for the shorter body version & now you mention it i think i also asked for a shorter spring or bought shorter spring seperatly so i still had plenty of adjustment.
Also with the shorter spring its always under slight tension so spring doesnt dislodge from the cup even when there of the car as they are now.

Will measure later when i see the car :)

05-02-12, 01:11 PM
My springs dislocate too but always twang back into position when I lower the car.

I have some quite long rear springs, it sits nicely tucked under the arch with about 1" adjustment left on the back with a 10-12" spring. If there's travel left in the shock you could always get a few inch shorter springs?

Pistol Pete
05-02-12, 01:21 PM
I'll get a pic. My springs are long. Not sure about the bodies TBH.


05-02-12, 08:42 PM
Here are measurements of mine


About 17" total length & spring is 10"

05-02-12, 10:07 PM
Standard GAZ rear springs are 10" and 160LB

Pistol Pete
06-02-12, 03:47 AM
Cheers for the measurements. Guess i need a shorter spring then.

What about the cup issue?

07-02-12, 07:50 AM
My springs are 8inch long, i have the short body kit made to run lower, i have about 1inch of thread left at the bottom under the platform.(i could do with a 6inch spring)

Do you mean when you jack the car up the springs falls down off it's top mount.. As mine to that by miles. But with so little room the springs have to seat them self's back in the right place when you can it back up.

From the look, yes you need a sorter spring. Id think a 8inch spring would do you.

Pistol Pete
07-02-12, 02:38 PM
Cheers for the info Benn. What I/D and poundage are you running?

Might get some ordered up ASAP.

07-02-12, 08:39 PM
your springs def look too long for what you want.

my spring cups do the same as yours, but when its back on the ground it eventually pops back into place by itself

07-02-12, 08:43 PM
Shorter spring won't help the dislocating, but a cone shaped bump stop might. Not sure why you should have problems with the spring relocating when others don't, but a bump stop will help guide it in.

07-02-12, 10:00 PM
these are mine and i have no issues with height i go high for 1/4mile and then low for the road im running 13inch steels on the rear before i took it off the road and it was decked lol

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298981_10150823844925431_665680430_20670568_679338 620_n.jpg

07-02-12, 10:11 PM
Cheers for the info Benn. What I/D and poundage are you running?

1.9" iirc they are the smaller ones, and i run 300lbs all round.

Pistol Pete
08-02-12, 04:38 PM
Not sure why you should have problems with the spring relocating when others don't

My springs dislocate too but always twang back into position when I lower the car.

Do you mean when you jack the car up the springs falls down off it's top mount.. As mine do that by miles. But with so little room the springs have to seat them self's back in the right place when you can it back up.

Seems others do lol :p

Benn, 300lb??!!

Standard GAZ rear springs are 10" and 160LB

Will GAZ sell me the shorter springs?? Seen a few on Rally Design, but they are yellow lol


08-02-12, 04:47 PM
Yea you can ring gaz direct and order springs,

I've got 8" rearsprings at 160lb and 9" front springs at 300lbs

That's for a let nova,

08-02-12, 06:15 PM
If it's just falling out of the seat and then relocating perfectly fine then that's normal and not a problem?

I thought you had problems with spring relocating back into it's seat.

08-02-12, 06:23 PM
It coming away from the top cup is totally normal. They'll all do it when opening up when jacked up.

And yes 300lbs, i took adjust when ordering them..