View Full Version : i Pod's, What one do you recommend?

19-01-12, 06:09 PM
So then, im only just thinking of getting a iPod as Ive decided i need one for work, so what does everyone have and what do you all recommend is the best gb size/spec for the money dont want to spend more then £180. :thumb:


19-01-12, 06:11 PM
Scott you can get a brand new baby iPod nano for about £40 now. Smaller then a box of matches.

19-01-12, 06:14 PM
Where from?

19-01-12, 06:19 PM
Get an ipod touch, any size memory, unless you have a huge music collection you wont over use it.

i say get an ipod touch as you can use it for internet surfing (wifi only) and you have apps and loads of other things you'l occasionally use! oh and games.

19-01-12, 06:24 PM
Where from?


19-01-12, 06:24 PM
Get an ipod touch, any size memory, unless you have a huge music collection you wont over use it.

i say get an ipod touch as you can use it for internet surfing (wifi only) and you have apps and loads of other things you'l occasionally use! oh and games.

Why not just get a mobile phone that'll do all the above and more thou?

19-01-12, 06:27 PM
I'd say the iPod touch as well, it's not worth paying iPhone money if your obviously already in a phone contract though.

19-01-12, 06:30 PM
Touch for £170 ish, or a 5th gen nano (none of this fake iOS sizzle)

19-01-12, 06:35 PM
Any reason why specifically an iPood? You could save yourself a stack of cash by buying a 'normal' MP3 player AND not have to put up with the bloatware that is itunes lol

I'm getting a shuffle for free from work and I still probably won't use it lol

19-01-12, 06:35 PM
Stu wtf is a 5th gen? lol
Argos have good deals on, but none for £40, im not getting an iphone but will upgrade my phone come time to do so, not bothered about games etc, probably just go for the nano then..

19-01-12, 06:37 PM
Any reason why specifically an iPood? You could save yourself a stack of cash by buying a 'normal' MP3 player AND not have to put up with the bloatware that is itunes lol

I'm getting a shuffle for free from work and I still probably won't use it lol

Well as i was going to be a cheep skate and get my mate to load all his songs from his tunes to mine! lol

19-01-12, 06:38 PM
Thinking about it, if you just want music, get an ipod shuffle. if you want something fun and that you will use, get an ipod touch

19-01-12, 07:11 PM

The shape before the latest little touch screen shizzle.

iTunes isn't bad, well it's fine on a mac lol

19-01-12, 07:18 PM
So you dont recommend the nano 6th gen?

19-01-12, 07:19 PM
Ah sod it, get one of these, it plays MP3's lol


19-01-12, 07:21 PM
So you dont recommend the nano 6th gen?

I loved the 5th gen we had at work, then the guy lost it lol. He's got a 6th to replace it and it's irritating a best. Saying that my 1st gen nanos are being replaced with 6's by apple lol

19-01-12, 07:25 PM
Humm... I'll look into it then, Southie i want something small mate to use while out delivering at work.

19-01-12, 07:26 PM
Ah sod it, get one of these, it plays MP3's lol


I got something similar when I went to Germany years ago as I didn't have a pc to update the files but could get burnt cd's posted to me lol

19-01-12, 07:28 PM
Well I'd just get the Nano then tbh Scott, less faffy and simple to use.

Stuart that's not as bad as the old tape deck ones though where you had to power up you cd player lol

19-01-12, 08:05 PM
i had 2 of my 2GB 1st gens replaced with 2 8GB 6th gens...and i didnt pay a penny for the 1st gen ones :p epic wins. battery seems to last ages too

19-01-12, 09:17 PM
You say your not bothered about games but if you get a shot of an iPod touch or I phone or iPad and play games you will want one thier addictive .