View Full Version : Looking for an air compressor, What's best???

11-01-12, 11:01 PM
Im looking to buy an air compressor for my garage around the 100litre size.

Whats the best value for money?

Is belt driven better?

What's the quietest you can get? if thats possible?

Any ideas and opinions would be great as ive never owned one.


11-01-12, 11:11 PM
machine mart to a quiete range just for a heads up but theres a fair price jump when you want one lol

12-01-12, 09:37 PM
belt driven ones tend to be quieter, 100ltr should be fine for spraying pannels, more if you take your time. (ive used a 50ltr one for years, not sure on the cfm) The higher cfm the better really.

15-01-12, 10:59 AM
Cheers guys!
What make is yours Gary?
Im looking at Sealey/SIP and Clarke at the mo as i believe there middle of the range and affordable.

15-01-12, 11:36 AM
a friend may be selling his has hes split up with his girlfriend its a 200ltr one big enough for nearly every job

15-01-12, 11:41 AM
simply get the one with the biggest reservoir that you can afford..