View Full Version : body panels....... availability

04-01-12, 09:16 PM
could do with some odd panels to get my shell usefull again
could make from steel sheetin probly but i'd rather buy if possible
would like

inner sills
front wheel arch inners(rear part)
boot corners
inner rear wheel arches
chasssis top panels(behind headlamps)
battery tray

is any of this available? and where from?
or does anyone have templets/home made panels to buy/copy

04-01-12, 09:20 PM
First three, forget originals. You will need to remake these from plate.

Inner rear arches are very difficult to get know, prob best to patch the originals

Last two, you can get non genuine replacement parts.

04-01-12, 09:39 PM
hi give bodicar a ring on 01142442874, always can get what i need for any car plus they deliver in person.

04-01-12, 10:05 PM
good info cheers. can anyone else further

04-01-12, 10:23 PM
got a complete shell here if you want come and cut the bits you want out of it?? (but you buy the complete shell)

04-01-12, 10:34 PM
2 far but thanks. + probs take less time to make the bits