View Full Version : Samsung Galaxy S II

28-12-11, 09:49 AM
Is there any apps & jizzle actually worth getting for these??

Never had one before, what they like to use? User friendly or a PITA??

28-12-11, 09:55 AM
Angrybirds lol.

28-12-11, 10:11 AM
LOL trust you lol

28-12-11, 10:24 AM
Torch app comes in handy, turns the flash into a torch. Paypal one is better than Paypal via moviles web. Also i have an orange one to keep track of data usage. plus a Natwest one. Plus you have the games, angry birds, stupid zombies etc.

And Google sky map is :cool:

28-12-11, 11:52 AM
Angry birds definitely! :) there's also a phone tracker one which is fab, if you lose your phone just get someone to text the phrase you've got set for it and your phone will ring even if it's on silent :)

28-12-11, 11:55 AM
The vibrator app for the ladies in your life ;)

28-12-11, 12:11 PM
Zedge for all your ringtone and notification sounds.

28-12-11, 12:59 PM
iPhone 4s ftw :)

28-12-11, 01:06 PM
Didn't know there was an iphone app for the Samsung? Does it make the screen smaller, stop you from removing the battery and make the processor slower? :confused:

edit - guess it also blocks the flash player :roll:

28-12-11, 01:37 PM
Haha, very funny, not a lot of difference between the two as far as I'm concerned, having played about on both, I definately prefer the iPhone... You can throw in the flash player jibe, most things are now running on HTML 4 (IIRC) so it doesn't matter too much :)

28-12-11, 01:40 PM
I used a galaxy s2 the other day, didn't like it compared to my 4. (as stuart says though, i'm old and stuck in my ways)

28-12-11, 02:42 PM
I'm overdue an upgrade... Now have my own company, I was looking at buisness contracts against personal contracts. I've had an iphone 3g for years, was looking today at the iphone 4s, samsung galaxy s2 and the samsung nexus.

The nexus was by far my favorite, but is a 5mp camera compared with the galaxy s2's 8mp. O2 have some good deals on the samsungs, where the iphones carry apple tax.

Whats the thoughts on the new samsungs?

28-12-11, 02:54 PM
I prefer her galuxy S2 to my ifail 4 tbh

28-12-11, 02:59 PM
Apple tax? The build quality of the iPhone 4/4s far surpasses the plastic of the others. Plus iPhones hold their value, each operating system update is transferable so an iPhone 4 has the same features (bar a couple) as the 4s.

Plus iCloud, AirPlay, especially when used with apple tv are reasons alone to get the iPhone.

But the main reason the iPhone is my personal choice, is the operating system. It is by far the best, easiest to use and most stable. Recent stats show that around 20% of the apps on the android store don't even work/will crash your phone.


28-12-11, 03:12 PM
I've never had a app crash my phone? And I dropped it in to some boiling chicken stock yesterday day and its still working, how's you iPhone screen I haven't seen one with out a crack apart from a shop window

28-12-11, 03:21 PM
Im not an Apple fan(ny) boy so iPhail is no go for me. And every single review Ive read on the internet rates the S2 better. Even the Gadget show prefer it to an iPhail.

Not that I give two actual funks for anything new fangled technology, I just need a phone that will make calls & send texts. A Nokia 402 would do me fine. Unlike most the world, to me a phone is just that. A phone.

28-12-11, 03:28 PM
to me a phone is just that. A phone.

Lmfao that was me until earlier this year when I got this htc, once you have had a smart phone you won't turn back lol

28-12-11, 03:30 PM
Lmfao that was me until earlier this year when I got this htc, once you have had a smart phone you won't turn back lol

Ive had smart phones since they were pretty much avaliable on the market via business contract only. Nothing new to me chopper.

28-12-11, 03:32 PM
Well your just a werido then lol

28-12-11, 03:42 PM
Well your just a werido then lol

No, I just have a life that consists of a lot more then facebook, internet forums & angry birds lol

28-12-11, 03:45 PM
Lol fair enough, I use it more when I'm at work and have nothing to do, got it when I spent nearly 4 months in hotels would have gone mad with out it lol

28-12-11, 04:17 PM
Angry birds FTW!

I prefer the general look and feel of the iPhone as well, it's more solid, whereas I feel the Galaxy S2 is a bit flimsy and easily breakable. Granted the iPhone has it's bad points but generally I'd still have it over the S2.

28-12-11, 04:22 PM
I don't think the s2 is flimsy. i'm king at breaking phones and this one is still perfect, although it hasn't done the. 7ft drop out of my pocket when getting out my truck yet. lol

28-12-11, 07:06 PM
Pretty sure a story i read somewhere showed that Samsungs Galaxy is passing/will pass Iphone sales, so they are popular for a reason.
Ive got a galaxy 1 and its been fine apart from the occasional freeze. JUst make a backup of your contacts etc just incase!
Only apps i have installed on mine are gmail/ebay/facebook etc, the usuals. Got a camber app too which got the camber setting on my mk4 pretty much spot on! lol

29-12-11, 12:15 AM
S2 is 2011 phone of the year beating the iPhone 4s - they are popular as they do everything the iPhone does with a bigger screen and it's not a closed platform.

Android can't be that bad, Apple copied the notification bar in iOS 5 ;)

29-12-11, 12:05 PM
Didn't know there was an iphone app for the Samsung? Does it make the screen smaller, stop you from removing the battery and make the processor slower? :confused:

edit - guess it also blocks the flash player :roll:

Not only that, but it makes the phone heavier, screen res lower and forces you to use iTunes lol
Kies Air ftw!

29-12-11, 01:17 PM
I have had iphones for many years

Got a Galaxy S2 atm, in some ways its better than a iphone, larger screen, more free apps etc

But IMO a iphone is much more user friendly, plus a quick jailbreak makes all apps free

If a iphone 5 has a larger screen I will get one I think

29-12-11, 01:23 PM
Not only that, but it makes the phone heavier, screen res lower and forces you to use iTunes lol
Kies Air ftw!
I use iTunes anyways lol

29-12-11, 01:41 PM
I use iTunes anyways lol

FLAC files, decent speakers, back to back test with winamp... then uninstall itunes lol

29-12-11, 03:05 PM
My battery is currently critically low, so the phone is in power saving mode and the.processor is running slowly now, about that of a fully charged iPhone.4S. lol

29-12-11, 03:27 PM
A fully charged iphone? Must be plugged into the mains lol

30-12-11, 08:48 AM
Apple tax? The build quality of the iPhone 4/4s far surpasses the plastic of the others. Plus iPhones hold their value, each operating system update is transferable so an iPhone 4 has the same features (bar a couple) as the 4s.

Plus iCloud, AirPlay, especially when used with apple tv are reasons alone to get the iPhone.

But the main reason the iPhone is my personal choice, is the operating system. It is by far the best, easiest to use and most stable. Recent stats show that around 20% of the apps on the android store don't even work/will crash your phone.


Keith, it's not only the cost of the additional cost on the phone for my tariff, it's the actual cost of the tariff...

For example, if I want a Samsung Galaxy S2 on 02 with 600mins, the phone is free, and the tariff is £32. If I want the Apple iPhone 4s 16gb in black or white, with the same mins etc, the phone is £99.99 and the tariff is £37.

What annoys me more, is that I've been with O2 for 10years and I get the same deal as a new customer... RUBBISH :(

30-12-11, 10:54 AM
i bought an htc hero G2...£60 job done. although it doesnt have anti shake on the camera which is a bit annoying. lol i dont really like many of the new phones out :/