View Full Version : black ice on the roads this morning.......almost crashed my nova

06-12-11, 08:52 AM
so 15mph on a sheet of black ice on a bend caused me to slide off the road, it didn't matter whether i was using the brakes, steering or gears, all i saw was the back of a 30 sign heading ominously towards me, then the car went up the verge & the lh front wheel got some purchase, and turned it at the last second... i missed the sign post with my lh side by about 5mm.....
car is ok, but i will be going home the long way round tonight...

btw, i think english councils aren't gritting to save money....... discuss

Alex J
06-12-11, 09:14 AM
was you trying to drift again ?

06-12-11, 09:22 AM
They had all the signs warning the gritters were out on the m1 this morning but i didn't see any between larndan and wakey...

06-12-11, 09:24 AM
Certainly not saving grit up here, well on our motorway network, 7 full treatments in the last 48 hours my runs costs £1000 per treatment lol

But the roads out my village are shoite, the main roads were ice and the side roads have barley been treated

06-12-11, 09:28 AM
Good to hear, i'm heading up to jockeneseland in a couple of hours. probably won't make it all the way up there today though.

06-12-11, 09:36 AM
To be totaly honest I have no idea what it's like near the borders, we cover Glasgow and the surrounding areas, I treat the Kingston bridge on the M8 which has around 300,000 vehicles a day use it.

10 lanes ( 5 each way ) and 7 slip roads all with 2 lanes each which I have to treat 1 lane at a time lol I'm popular at rush hour.

06-12-11, 09:40 AM
I'm heading to Livingston and expect snow! i was promised some around Leeds but I guess the bloody norfics were lying :roll:

06-12-11, 09:42 AM
If your coming up the m74 you will see some, it's partially melted then froze so it's bloody solid now lol

06-12-11, 09:46 AM
was you trying to drift again ?

i actually drive very safely in cold/wet/foggy etc. weather.... i followed some yoof in his civic out of my estate this morning and he was giving it vtec yo all the way out to the bypass, and i was tailing him at about 20-25mph in 3rd hoping he would crash it..

06-12-11, 09:46 AM
Meh, as long as it looks like snow i'll be happy lol will probably aim for carlisle tonight so will be be coming up the 74.

06-12-11, 09:57 AM
its still quite warm here ive only got one coat on at the moment

06-12-11, 10:25 AM
Was out following a gritter last night, kept well clear in case he scratched my paint with his grit lol

06-12-11, 10:39 AM
Was out following a gritter last night, kept well clear in case he scratched my paint with his grit lol

They dont use actual grit... its just rock salt (which again isnt rock or grit) lol

The roads to the office were ossum fun this morning.... think I need some winter tyres now

06-12-11, 10:46 AM
stu. grit is the common name for road salt, which is actually graded 'rock salt' so it is in hard pellets, like stone grit, as it dissolves slower in contact with ice. there is also a posh version which has mollasses (treacle) blended in.... some also blend sharp sand in, so it gives a grippy layer, but this is mostly on paths.

its called rock salt simply because it is harder stuff than white salt. it mostly comes out of the ground in winsford cheshire. in my time i have delivered thousands of tons of it.

06-12-11, 10:49 AM
No gritters (or salters or whatever the funk you want to call them lol) out down here yet thankfully. Usually the council just spaffs crap all over the road around this time of year; that which doesn't pebble dash the front of my cars just gets washed away by the rain. Then when it does actually freeze, they've run out. lol

06-12-11, 12:10 PM
The other year, the local highways depot couldn't get the gritters/snowploughs out because there had been an accident right outside the gates!!!!!

06-12-11, 12:31 PM
nankang Snow SV-2's on order lol, front only :d

06-12-11, 01:10 PM
Lots of ice on untreated roads round here,just requires a bit of common sense and caution really.

06-12-11, 01:12 PM
the borders has had a fair bit snow, some school services are closed but most of the main roads are ok

its funny watching them trying to get up the hill outside my house revving the tits of in 1st gear haha

learn to drive fools lol

06-12-11, 01:42 PM
that is the thing that really annoys me.... especially when i pass said revver at just above tickover in 3rd...

06-12-11, 01:56 PM
reminds me of this lol

06-12-11, 02:18 PM
i don't know which is sadder, him not being able to get up there, her for filming him, or him then putting it on youtube

06-12-11, 02:21 PM
I dont know, but it just has fail written all over it

06-12-11, 03:07 PM
Just seen some epic snowy views coming over the pennines on the A66. makes the job fun getting paid to see stuff like that :)

06-12-11, 03:59 PM
And only yesterday it was oooh hobbit what about the novice drivers in vans and cars lol

06-12-11, 04:00 PM
pp.s glad you and the car are safe mate

06-12-11, 04:02 PM
And only yesterday it was oooh hobbit what about the novice drivers in vans and cars lol

the word i used was amateur....

we were talking about driving on big roads with traffic & snow.... not twisty country lanes with total black ice coverings.....

06-12-11, 04:07 PM
Lol yer I know what you ment mate, I was on some back lanes coming into the cv9 area and you could see were it has started getting really icy

06-12-11, 04:16 PM
cv9 is just up the road from where i work...

i have personally driven this lane at least 5000 times and i know to be careful, but this morning was especially trecherous. it has a bad camber too.

06-12-11, 04:21 PM
Excuses excuses... what are you a race car driver? lol

To be fair its the roads you know the best that catch you out as you get complacent.

06-12-11, 04:56 PM
i was not complacent at all hobbit, i knew it would be icy, but this morning was the slippiest i've ever seen. on the next lane over, the fire engine went off on a bend..and took 4 hrs to be recovered. i hope whoever they went out to save was ok.

06-12-11, 04:58 PM
Oh, that slippery type ice... :p lol

06-12-11, 05:36 PM
There was snow on my car this morning :/

06-12-11, 05:46 PM
Yeah was very slippery this morning, not gritters have been out here, it was the same yesterday too, didn't see any sing of it when i drove to Brum.

06-12-11, 06:17 PM
Was only wet here this morning and not as cols as yesterday as the rain on my car wasnt frozen but was yesterday, im very disappointed as we had epic snow last year:cry:

06-12-11, 06:28 PM
be patient spud, it could still arrive.....quite soon

06-12-11, 06:39 PM
When it arrives im not risking being stuck in leicester ages away from home lol

06-12-11, 06:45 PM
tj are you back at work or something???

06-12-11, 06:48 PM
Yer mate first week back woop woop, they couldn't prove anything didn't think they would be able to tbh

06-12-11, 08:01 PM
be patient spud, it could still arrive.....quite soon
I hope to god it doesnt.
That said it has been cold,just got in from collecting,its down to 0-0.5 already......

06-12-11, 08:43 PM
loads of grit about in doncaster
i was out gritting last night at 5.30pm and then the late shift
was out again at 3.30am this morning
and there out again 3.30am wednesday morning as well

no snow just cold

06-12-11, 09:01 PM
<3 Slippy round-a-bouts at the midnight hour <3

06-12-11, 09:44 PM
Had gritters in the area last night gritting all the local roads and dual carriage ways. cars were all frosty in the morning but roads seemed fine.

06-12-11, 11:39 PM
I'm heading to Livingston and expect snow! i was promised some around Leeds but I guess the bloody norfics were lying :roll:

**** all up here mate. It's in the NW. I suggest you check your weather map better. lol The worst we have had is heavy frost last Thursday, and we are higher up. This meant I encountered an upside down Clio on the NSL road I use to travel between villages on the way to work. lol

I am taking a mate to Southport for a car on Friday afternoon, bet that's gonna be fun(!)

07-12-11, 09:16 AM
saw loads on the m74 and m8 around 5am this morning. was it you Bazil?

07-12-11, 12:46 PM
I'm on day shift but my brother was on last night doing a run between 4:30 and 6 am, so you may have seen him.

This is what you'd see, the mono-ethylene glycol is stored in the silver 1000 litre tank behind the cab and is pumped to the rear of the trailer to a spraybar with 10 nozzles that apply it to the road surface


07-12-11, 12:57 PM
The lights are bright on the trucks I wish I had my sunglasses on lol

07-12-11, 01:13 PM
Still no sign of snow down here, ive been working nights for atleast 4 weeks now, and only 1 icy night so far!

07-12-11, 02:17 PM
This is what you'd see...

didn't see anything like that! just normal gritters. does that leave an orange/red trail? i thought it was blood at first but then guessed it was something you guys were putting down.

07-12-11, 02:25 PM
^^^ coolant leak lol

07-12-11, 02:29 PM
the width of the lane for miles on end? that's alto of coolent...

must be a gm v6 lol

ben doodar
07-12-11, 04:19 PM
this was the snow around the moors where i live on sunday night

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/388753_332805793400441_100000130702856_1506542_126 8039557_n.jpg

08-12-11, 12:16 AM
Na hobbit Glycol is deep blue mate, as I say we only do Glasgow areas

12-12-11, 11:17 PM
And this is why i've been to the scrappy and bought two of the two manliest looking 14" tyres they had...

With regards to the black ice, we had a large patch of that on the roundabout at the bottom of our road...some bellend came round a bit quick in a mk3 astra 3door and managed a respectable 180 degree spin.

I found it highly amusing, im betting he shat himself...