View Full Version : Gone

30-11-11, 07:36 PM
GTF in! (only applies to the non-gayers on this forum). :partytimellispleasemaketherightappointment:

30-11-11, 07:40 PM

30-11-11, 07:41 PM

Pistol Pete
30-11-11, 07:44 PM

30-11-11, 07:46 PM
gotta be something footie related?

30-11-11, 07:47 PM

MON? Looks unilikely. We can do much better than SB though (without expecting the world...) :d

30-11-11, 07:54 PM
Im disapointed that he didn't have the time to take you down to the championship :d

As always, The mighty Toon FTMFW :d

30-11-11, 07:56 PM
Football sucks anal glands

30-11-11, 07:59 PM
Football sucks anal glands

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAnIM0AFmogV4aEKR4aXUSUutkzIFzp YvPaGdY6GhPdzIvH9l10Q
http://www.pngclub.com/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhQSEBMUExQWFRUVGCEZFhgVFh0ZIBgdGBUaGh0aHB 0fHCciHRokHR4dHy8gIycpLCwuGB8xODAqNSYsLCkBCQoKBQUF DQUFDSkYEhgpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKS kpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKf/AABEIAJAAkAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAADAQEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQcGBAEDCAL/xABMEAABAwICBAoECgcFCQAAAAABAAIDBBEFBgcSITETFjVBUV R0k7PSImFxkQgUIzIzcnOBobIkQlJigrHRJZKjwcIVFyY0NkNT ouH/xAAUAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AnOac01ba6ra2qqGhs8gAEzwABK4WA1tgs lXG6t65U9/J5kZu5QrO0S+K5KEDfjdW9cqe/k8yON1b1yp7+TzJQhA343VvXKnv5PMjjdW9cqe/k8yUIQN+N1b1yp7+TzI43VvXKnv5PMlC82QN+N1b1yp7+TzIOb a3rdT38nmTvRxo5lxOfcWU7D8rJ/pb0vP4DfzX6tJmi+XDZC9l30rj6D+dv7r/AF9B50GZ43VvXKnv5PMjjdW9cqe/k8yUkLwgb8bq3rlT38nmRxureuVPfyeZKEIG/G6t65U9/J5kcbq3rlT38nmShCBvxureuVPfyeZNcq5qq3V1I11VUOa6eME GZ5BBlbcEF20LJpvlDlCj7RF4rUBm7lCs7RL4rkoTfN3KFZ2iX xXJQgEIQgEIQgFr9HWj6XFJ9UXZCzbLJbcP2W9Lz0c29ZFfSc2 b6XBMGpNRjeFlgY6OIbNdzo2lz3noudp+4INfhZpKF0FBFZrnN JZGNps0Xc93t6TvK9uI1tNNK6hm1S6SLX4N/wCuwkt2esEe0KE6I8clqswtmneXSSMkuf4DYAczRzBd/wAIKrfFilLJG5zHtgBa5psQeGk2oEGk/RXJhrzLFd9K47Hc8ZP6r/8AI86nxX0jo80kw4rTupKsN4ct1XNd82YW3gftdI9V185VMeq9 w6CR7ig9SEIQCEIQCb5Q5Qo+0ReK1KE3yhyhR9oi8VqAzdyhWd ol8VyUJvm7lCs7RL4rkoQCEIQCEIQeQV1V+JSTuDpXlxa1rBc7 mtAaAOgABciEFA0HctQfUf4ZT/4SLf02lPPwBHukd/VZvQo+2NU3r1x/huWm+Ekz9LpDzGEj3P8A/qCSUtS6NzXtJa5pu0jYQRz3X5qJi97nG13Ek29ZuvWhAIQhAIQ hAJvlDlCj7RF4rUoTfKHKFH2iLxWoDN3KFZ2iXxXJQm+buUKzt EviuShAIQhAIQhAIQhBt9DUlsapfWXD/Dctf8JMfpFH9m784WM0P8tUf1j4blt/hKt+Voj+5J+ZqCKoQhAIQhAIQhAJvlDlCj7RF4rUoTfKHKFH2i LxWoDN3KFZ2iXxXJQm+buUKztEviuXbo4pWSYrRskaHsdKA5rh cEbdhHOgzlkWVQzjhMLMzxQsjY2IywgsDQG+lq32bl7cXweEZs jgETBEZWDgw0atjHe1t29BKrIsrppyybTto2VFLFHGYJNSURMD djwN9ug6v95YTQ7lltXiTeFaHQwtMsgcLggWABvssSR7igw1kW Vb094VTwmiNPFHG2Rj3Hg2hut8wgm3qKnmU6tkVdTPla18Ykbr tcLgtJsbg+o3QceE4rJTTMmhdqyRm7TvsbEbvvXfmbOFVXlhqp OEMYIbsAtffuWn025dZS4n8kxrI5Yw9rWiwBF2mw9o/FUDMWQadmAuiZFGKuCnZK9waNfeSbnfbY8fcg+fbIsqjoOwKGW SrqKiNj4qeG9ntDgCbuJ29DWn3phkHDYKjCcYnfBEXgvdGdQeh 8kXAN6AL8yCPWRZUzLukqghpoYZcKilexoa6Q6l3m+83Z/MreaQsbw/CnwtdhkEvCtLgQ1jdWxtbawoPney8K46OPimJVOJTfE4o2CJmp GWtcGHVeCRssCTt3KIyDaUH5sm2UOUKPtEXitVD0mYNBFgeFyx xRsfIG672tALrw32nedvSp5lDlCj7RF4rUBm7lCs7RL4rky0X8 sUP2w/kUtzdyhWdol8Vy92RsVjpsRpZ5SRHHIHOIFzYX5hvQabTVUujx 2V7CWuaIy0jeCGCxCXaPsRknxyjkleXvdMLucbk+iRtXp0o5hh rcSlngJMbmtALm6p9FoB2FcOSMVjpcQpZ5SRHHIHOIFyAAebnQ XB9S2pxPGMMkOyoiD478z2xAH/AEu/hWLwKJ2F5frJnDUnq5TTsvvAaSx38n+4JRjGfIxmAYhTlxiD23 uLEt1Q14tv3XXu0vZ+gxCSnZSk8BEC43aW3e47dh6Bz/vFA209/RYX9i78sakN1Q9KucaaujoW07nEwRFr9ZhbtIZuvv3KeFBf8Uw j/a0GAVNtb0wyb2NbrOv/ABRn+8vGD5pE+Z62ncbxTRGnAvsPBNv5x96R6LNKtNQ4c+CoL9 dr3OhAYXA6zQbX5vSv71OMAzC6DEYqtx2tm4R56Q53pfgSgp3x I4XlutDtktRUOiHrAdwez1arXH+JfjRPyBi/sd4CU6Y9IlPiLaeOlLjGwue/WaW+k6wAsd9hc39a58g52pqXCcQppnOEtQHcGGsJBvFq7TuG1B OYj6Q9qsPwj/p6L7J35go7GdoVE0y51psRlpnUznOEbC12swtsS4HnQaH4OjwD iBIuBGwkdP0mxcrtJ2EXP9jt/wDT+iU6IM602His+MOc3hmNazVYXXID99t28KdPO0oLfpvqmS4 PhskbODY9wc1n7LTDcBSXKHKFH2iLxWrZZ+ztTVWE4fTQucZYA 3hA5hAFotXYdx2rG5Q5Qo+0ReK1AZu5QrO0S+K5KE3zdyhWdol 8VyUIPNls8v6IsRq4hLHCGMdta6VwZrDpA3rK4ZI1s0ZeLsD2l w6QHC/4K96UMuVuINp5sNl16cR/Rxy6m299YbQDssLHdZBHszZArKAt+MwlrXGwe06zSei43fenUW hLFHNBEDbEXHyrOf70xxDOFbTYZLh+I0kry/6OWZxBZuIsS06xB3HWvtSvIWbqx+JUTHVUzmGZgLTI4gi+4i+5 B7f9x2K/+Bves/qkr9H1YKeoqDG3g6ZxZKdduxzSAQBfbtPMtlppzRVQYvJHDUTR sEbDqskc0XLNuwFMstTuflLEXvcXOc9xcSbkkuZckoIuwXIT3M eSqqhfEyoYGOlF2WcHXF7c27akcXzh7VZ9P/8AzmHfUPiNQZUaDsVP/Yb3rf6pPmLRvX0MfCTwER7i9pDgL9JG5UrTvWVbKqmFM+oa3gf S4FzwL67t+rsvb/JdWiuarkw6v/2gZTTcGdU1F7/Ndr2LtpFrfegkOHZMqZ6OWrjYDBDse7WAsRa+zed49668s6OK3 EIjLTRtewO1SS9rdoANtp9a3uRP+lcT+s78ka9mjuodHlfEXsc 5rmvcWuaSCDqM3EIMhU6FMVY0n4sHepsjCfddYmppnxvLHtLHN Ni1wsQeggrQ4RpFr6eVsjaqZ1jtbJI54cOghxOxbnTlh8csNDi DGhrqhgD7c5LA9pPSRchBIE3yhyhR9oi8VqUJvlDlCj7RF4rUB m7lCs7RL4rkoTfN3KFZ2iXxXJQgY5fo45amGOZ5ZG94a94/VBNr7RZbjN+V63BKkfE5angHAFsjL2JttDg0at79I3KbgrdYDp lxGlibGJGysaLNEzNYgDd6V7lBRct4nUV+B1xxRt2MYTFJIzVJ swkHcNodazgOeykejw/2rRfbs/mujNOkyur2cHNIBHe/BxtDWm3TbafvWfwnE3088c0ZAfG4OaSLgEHZsKDcaeuWpfs4/wAi0+jWnNXlzEKSGxm1nWbfabhrm+8ghSnMuZJq6oM9QQ6RwAJ a0NFmiw2BGX8yVFFLwtNIY32sbbQR0OB2Ee1B1YRkurmqWQtp5 Q8uAOsxwDdu0uJGwAbVRNPla12I0UQILo2DXtza0mwe4X+9JZ9 PmJuZqgwtJ/WbGL/ibfgsFVYlJLMZpHl8hdrFzjck+tBfNL+kerw2enjpjGGyRaztd mttDyNm3oUnzJpXxCuiMU0oEZ+c2NoYHe220j1XS3NWcqjEXsf Uua50bdVuq0N2Xvzc90iKCyZEP/CmJ/Wd+SNfvR9C5+VsSaxpc4ucAGgkn0WbgFN8NzrUwUU1HG5ogmuX gtBJvYGx3jcPcuzK+kutw+F0NM9jWOdrkOjDtpAG8+xBx4PkWt qZWxx00tybEuY5ob6ySAAFQNOdcyKCgw9rg51PGC+3NaMMb77E +5Z+o05Yq9pbwzG352RNB99lhqysfLI58jnPe43c5xuSfWUHoT fKHKFH2iLxWpQm+UOUKPtEXitQGbuUKztEviuShanNWWqp1dVu bTTkGeQgiF+0GVxBHo7rJVxWq+q1Hcv8qBWhNOK1X1Wo7l/lRxWq+q1Hcv8AKgVoTTitV9VqO5f5UcVqvqtR3L/KgVoTTitV9VqO5f5UcVqvqtR3L/KgVoTTitV9VqO5f5UcVqvqtR3L/KgVoTTitV9VqO5f5UcVqvqtR3L/ACoFaE04rVfVajuX+VHFar6rUdy/yoFaE04rVfVajuX+VHFar6rUdy/yoFab5Q5Qo+0ReK1fjitV9VqO5f5U1yrlqqbX0jnU04AnjJJhe AAJWkknVQf/2Q==

30-11-11, 08:01 PM
Football sucks anal glands

You're thinking of your mouth mate.

Im disapointed that he didn't have the time to take you down to the championship :d

As always, The mighty Toon FTMFW :d

Mighty. :lol: Wait til the paint pot winner is figured out and/or the injuries/suspensions etc take their toll. Alan Partridge is not the answer to long term stability, never mind success - but that's all you're getting at the Mike Ashley Thunderdome or wtf the lopsided carbunkle of a council owned footy ground is called now. lol

Can't take anything away though, the scum are playing well at the minute, that collection of no-marks really grab games by the scruffs of their necks - and ride a massive amount of luck too! :P

30-11-11, 08:10 PM
You're thinking of your mouth mate.

Mighty. :lol: Wait til the paint pot winner is figured out and/or the injuries/suspensions etc take their toll. Alan Partridge is not the answer to long term stability, never mind success - but that's all you're getting at the Mike Ashley Thunderdome or wtf the lopsided carbunkle of a council owned footy ground is called now. lol

Can't take anything away though, the scum are playing well at the minute, that collection of no-marks really grab games by the scruffs of their necks - and ride a massive amount of luck too! :P

Agreed,cut the clippings while it still looks promising!! lol

01-12-11, 12:16 AM
Aww .... Can't rep mr TJ.

01-12-11, 05:18 PM
Aww .... Can't rep mr TJ.

This is the only car site I frequent where it seems the majority don't like football. You strange people.

01-12-11, 05:37 PM
I don't know why but I just hate it, never use to as a kid even played for my primary school lol, one thing that annoys me about it is when people shout at the tv in the pub like a complete pleb lol

01-12-11, 07:57 PM
How lucky is Steve Bruce,He lost his job on the last day of november but for the first day of december all department stores are looking for a fat git with experience of wearing read and white..........

Think he knew his time was up when wigan scored that hilarious injury time winner last saturday.

01-12-11, 08:05 PM
This is the only car site I frequent where it seems the majority don't like football. You strange people.
I cant believe it either.

01-12-11, 08:22 PM
Im a big football fan, as I'm typing im watching Stoke v Kiev,
Hate the fact that everyone moans about football on here tho, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

What's the fans opinions on Utd v palace? I feel embarrassed to say I'm a Utd fan :(

01-12-11, 10:57 PM
MON! :d:cool: *opens beer*

01-12-11, 11:07 PM
Im a big football fan:(

Union of
C ????

01-12-11, 11:23 PM
Union of
C ????



The above **** is a typical example of your post 1992 turncoat Sunderland A.F.C supporter who started following the mags when Sky adopted the 'Geordie Nation/Entertainers/Barcelona of the North', and along with John Hall changed the origins of the word Geordie forever in the deluded belief that they would win something of note after their long, baron wait. Yeah Sunderland have been waiting a while, but not as long as this 'massive and successful club' up the road.

FYI, SAFC are the 6th most successful English club ever. Where's NUFC (Edd)? lol

'Beefy' in the picture used to travel home and away with the SAFC South Shields supporters branch until NUFC was magically formed in 1992. Funnily enough, this is also when they got their extra 30K fans from. Want to take a guess which colours a lot of them used to wear? :ROLLEYES:

He's a fat fcuking mess - and I would say the same if the traitorous cnut was still red and white!

01-12-11, 11:46 PM
We are the GEORDIES!!!...haha good luck in the championship next season you will need it.

Everyone said wait till you play the big boys, that was the makems dream for us to loose all three games on the trott but....to bad it going to be 4 points out of 9 when we beat chelsea.

ohhh and by the way 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1....even ameobi scored.


01-12-11, 11:59 PM
lol another mug without a clue! Add to our 6 league titles (more than your 'big/successful' team a record NINE - ONE victory in the league, can you guess who that was against?

The term Geordie referred to anyone from our area until John Hall and Sky changed things in 1992 mate. I remember being at Roker Park in the 90's and you would hear the lads singing 'mackems, geordies, mackems geordies...' we have a lot of geordie Sunderland fans.

Mackem is spelled wrongly on your amusing pic too, for a change(!)

Our dream is to improve on our 10th place finish last season mate, not to see you get thumped off City and probably Chelski. Things will take care of themselves. A better run club with a better class of players, better resources and more cash will always rise above the laughing stock barcodes!

Just read that Pardew is a better manager than MoN. Take a team to a European final then come back Paint Pot boy. Sacked by a league 1 club and only one team were daft enough to give him a job - cos noone else would take it. I love the constant amusement that NUFC delivers. Always on the wrong cover of the paper!

There's still plenty games to go mate - we were no lower than 6th for a lonnnnnng time last season - Hull and Reading etc have all been near the top come Xmas too... ;)

Aye, the 5-1 was very embarassing, but our season wasn't based on that. As we proved by dropping 4 points to you, giving games away for half the season and still finish higher.

The only shadow we are in mate is from that lopsided tumour of a council ground that you rent!

lol lol lol

02-12-11, 12:09 AM
we will continue this convo when you lot come to our council ground but intil then....have you ever seen a mackem in milan? lol

am just meggin by the way a love banter like this +rep

02-12-11, 12:11 AM
we will continue this convo when you lot come to our council ground but intil then....have you ever seen a mackem in milan? lol

am just meggin by the way a love banter like this +rep

lol Aye just we had our act together when the PL started and could have thrown a (good few) quid at it and had a punt like NUFC did. As you know, none of us stand a chance now! lol

You lot love us, all the songs you create about us and record in studios and then put on Youtube... We're the obsessed ones though(!)

Aye, me too 'marra'. Always have this craic with my scum following deluded skunk mates. lol

02-12-11, 12:25 AM
some of the songs i laugh at never mind you lot.

we the only ones on here that actually like football?

02-12-11, 12:31 AM
You, me, Andy and Edd I think mate. lol

02-12-11, 12:52 AM
Im disapointed that he didn't have the time to take you down to the championship :d

As always, The mighty Toon FTMFW :d

you dont know how much i love you right now.

+rep everyday for a week lol

02-12-11, 01:00 AM
you dont know how much i love you right now.

+rep everyday for a week lol

lol Is it Edd's turn to be the new jawdee messiah now then? :p

Get ya bedsheets oot lads wah divint like Pourjew nee mare! Boycoutt (sp on purpose, pedants) tha clurb Get that FCB oota wah clurrrrb! lol lol

02-12-11, 03:12 AM
You, me, Andy and Edd I think mate. lol

And me but I don't ever bother with it on here as the last to be picked faggots that whine about it on here drive me nuts, if you don't like football then don't read the fooking thread, instead they come out with retarded comments that they think is amusing.

02-12-11, 09:49 AM
And me but I don't ever bother with it on here as the last to be picked faggots that whine about it on here drive me nuts, if you don't like football then don't read the fooking thread, instead they come out with retarded comments that they think is amusing.

Imagine that on a open public forum lol

02-12-11, 10:40 AM
No but any topic about football attracts the same gimps making the same queer comments, oh they make my sides split.

02-12-11, 11:00 AM
And me but I don't ever bother with it on here as the last to be picked faggots that. howhine about it on here drive me nuts, if you don't like football then don't read the fooking thread, instead they come out with retarded comments that they think is amusing.

And how do you expect people to avoid threads about football when the title and first post say nothing about football?

02-12-11, 01:18 PM
You, me, Andy and Edd I think mate. lol

You forgot me limp :(

I liked bruce as a manager! Don't worry though, you can have steve kean soon lol

02-12-11, 01:25 PM
You forgot me limp :(

I liked bruce as a manager! Don't worry though, you can have steve kean soon lol

Soz Lee! lol Fcuk Mrs Doubtfire! He was ruining everything that the club has worked so hard to achieve. we are on the verge of becoming a force to be reckoned with, and Short has made the right choice in giving him the bullet.

Surprised he went before Kean like! :eek::d

I agree with Ben, fair enough the title was vauge, but even when it was revealed to be about football the usual suspects started posting their dross. I await the "I am not gay so don't enjoy watching 22 men in shorts chase a bag of wind about" :roll:lol

LLTN is also a fan iirc. Although he's a Stokie/Sunderland B Team fan I do believe!

02-12-11, 01:29 PM
LEEDS Fan here, don't watch much football any more since I cancelled my Sky Sports when Leeds got relegated lol

Edd, we shared the skills of a quality player RIP Speedo (not the swimming trunks)

02-12-11, 01:32 PM
Relegated from which league Southie? lol
Dirty dirty Leeds! lol

I don't much care for Leeds, but cannot knock the support! There should be some good Speed tributes this weekend. The scum are planning black and white cards that depict his shirt, should look good.

Just hope they don't all turn professional mourners again and attempt to out-greive all the other clubs, ala Sir Bobby Robson.

02-12-11, 01:32 PM
I think he was doing great before they got rid of bent, obviously the results have shown since then that he had to go. I quite like sunderland and they definetly have the potential to be a great team, at least this year you have no chance of going down as there is some awful crap in the league at the moment, blackburn being the worst! No matter how bad you think you're doing, just think of the venkys and the way they have ruined one of the oldest clubs going within 12 months and then things dont look too bad afterall lol

It's a very odd forum when it comes to football, the only place that it is known that you are gay for following the sport.

02-12-11, 01:38 PM
I think he was doing great before they got rid of bent, obviously the results have shown since then that he had to go. I quite like sunderland and they definetly have the potential to be a great team, at least this year you have no chance of going down as there is some awful crap in the league at the moment, blackburn being the worst! No matter how bad you think you're doing, just think of the venkys and the way they have ruined one of the oldest clubs going within 12 months and then things dont look too bad afterall lol

It's a very odd forum when it comes to football, the only place that it is known that you are gay for following the sport.

Yeah he was doing OK initially, but spending all of that money and not having a striker to show for it - then sending your only one out on loan?! - no wingers, no plan b, rushing lads back too soon from injury, the weird constant injuries themselves, winning twice at home since Jan '11 and only twice in the league so far, 14 games? As for B£nt, maybe it would have been better in the short term to offer him a better deal, but i do like to see some principles and see that no-one is bigger than the club. He looked wounded at his AVFC press conference, I reckon they called his bluff... lol

Just wish SAF had let us sign Wellbeck!

The writing was deservedly on the wall! Just pleased for once we have acted before it's too late - and hopefully MON will come in - and we don't get another Howard Wilkinson or Ricky Sbraiga (although Ricky begrudingly got the job done!)

Bol-Ewood Park deserves better i agree. Crap manager with insane owners that don't have a fcuking clue about the game or how to run a club! Does SK still have to fly out to India every week to meet with them?
A team that won the PL should never be in the position Rovers are in now. it seems even worse than when you were relegated.

LOL @ 'them' accusing us of being gay, it is a strange one! All they can back it up with is foreigners diving and hairbands etc. Not all footy is like this. Definitley picked last as Ben says lol. My mates new unit is inside a converted factory with an awesome 5 aside pitch, so I'm told. That will get some use! :d

02-12-11, 01:43 PM
Relegated from which league Southie? lol
Dirty dirty Leeds! lol

I don't much care for Leeds, but cannot knock the support! There should be some good Speed tributes this weekend. The scum are planning black and white cards that depict his shirt, should look good.

Just hope they don't all turn professional mourners again and attempt to out-greive all the other clubs, ala Sir Bobby Robson.
They needed relegation to fund the errors of a certain chairmans balls-up with finances :roll: I wonder who's still on the payroll? Probably Fowler lol

Leeds game against Millwall will be errr... probably as rough and ready as ever on and off the pitch, just hope the Millwall fans show a little respect for Speed.

02-12-11, 01:49 PM
Yeah he was doing OK initially, but spending all of that money and not having a striker to show for it - then sending your only one out on loan?! - no wingers, no plan b, rushing lads back too soon from injury, the weird constant injuries themselves, winning twice at home since Jan '11 and only twice in the league so far, 14 games? As for B£nt, maybe it would have been better in the short term to offer him a better deal, but i do like to see some principles and see that no-one is bigger than the club. He looked wounded at his AVFC press conference, I reckon they called his bluff... lol

Just wish SAF had let us sign Wellbeck!

The writing was deservedly on the wall! Just pleased for once we have acted before it's too late - and hopefully MON will come in - and we don't get another Howard Wilkinson or Ricky Sbraiga (although Ricky begrudingly got the job done!)

Bol-Ewood Park deserves better i agree. Crap manager with insane owners that don't have a fcuking clue about the game or how to run a club! Does SK still have to fly out to India every week to meet with them?
A team that won the PL should never be in the position Rovers are in now. it seems even worse than when you were relegated.

LOL @ 'them' accusing us of being gay, it is a strange one! All they can back it up with is foreigners diving and hairbands etc. Not all footy is like this. Definitley picked last as Ben says lol. My mates new unit is inside a converted factory with an awesome 5 aside pitch, so I'm told. That will get some use! :d

Welbeck would of been a perfect signing for you, glad SAF kept him though! If you do get MON then you should have a great future, you dont get much better than him. No matter who you get though you wont be going down.

Don't be calling me a rovers supporter, you know im a manc fan lol Probably why i like sunderland so much, it's like we gave bruce the first chance to buy our players, was always good knowing that it was always a guaranteed win against you, doubt bruce would ever pee SAF off by beating his side Lol. Im a massive believer in always being behind your team, i would never slate anything that united do even though they dont have much chance at stopping city this year. However if i was a rovers fan i would be calling for the venkys to do one asap. Should easily be up there with the likes of villa/fulham/etc, best thing for the club is to go down and the venkys to get bored and fcuk off, it'll be very hard to come back up for them though.

02-12-11, 01:51 PM
Re: Leeds. I should hate them but for some reason i've always wanted them to win things, i cant wait for them to come back up, hopefully they'll manage it this year. Millwall will be entertaining lol

02-12-11, 01:52 PM
DP (no, not that).

02-12-11, 01:54 PM
They needed relegation to fund the errors of a certain chairmans balls-up with finances :roll: I wonder who's still on the payroll? Probably Fowler lol

Leeds game against Millwall will be errr... probably as rough and ready as ever on and off the pitch, just hope the Millwall fans show a little respect for Speed.

Yeah, relegation has done them good. Uncle Ken appears to be doing a fine job of sorting out the mess! Hopefully most of the old boys have been given the heave ho. lol

Miwwwaww w@nkers! They had better. Seen your fans singing there's only one Gary Speed for 11 minutes from the 11th minute from your game when you turned Forest over the other night. :cool:

Millwall are famous for being c0cks and crap, nowt else! Along with WHUFC they really do think a lot of themselves. Fcuk knows how the 'ammers get so much media love (like NUFC, which noone can deny) and films made about them!

I love watching Green Street for the LOLZ.

02-12-11, 01:55 PM
The premiership needs Leeds for the rivalry matchs and teams always will revenue from the games, sadly so do the local constabulary when other teams want to kick off after games to prove a point.

The Leeds V Millwall games are always watchable lol

02-12-11, 01:56 PM
Re: Leeds. I should hate them but for some reason i've always wanted them to win things, i cant wait for them to come back up, hopefully they'll manage it this year. Millwall will be entertaining lol

I'd be happy for them to come back, but their time in the sun has long gone imo. I'd like to see SAFC make an FA Cup final again, versus Leeds. :d

02-12-11, 01:57 PM
Anyone v Millwall can be, cos they make pricks out of themselves all the time. lol Leeds take no sh!t though, so will be a good un!

I wanna see MUFC vs LUAFC as a Premiership fixture once again.

02-12-11, 01:59 PM
Limp I've got this foilie, got any swapz lol


02-12-11, 02:06 PM
Limp I've got this foilie, got any swapz lol


lol It makes me laugh how the 'C' is like a sad jawdee face. We see that plenty of times, and we all love it! They think the reason most other clubs laughed and celebrated their relegation from the PL is cos they were a big club and everyone was jealous, when infact it is because they feel they have a divine right to silverware and think they're one of the top teams who everyone loves. That fateful day at Villa Pk proved otherwise! They were sobbing like bairns. lol

As for the swap, would you like black or white? Both official club garments, just oozing with class I'm sure you'll agree mate!


02-12-11, 02:08 PM
Will it clash with my face though lol


03-12-11, 08:03 PM
Everyone said wait till you play the big boys, ....to bad it going to be 4 points out of 9 when we beat chelsea.

Try one point! Typical scummers, a decent start to the season and they think they're Champions League material!

Deluuuuuuuuded (said in your native tounge). lol

11-12-11, 07:13 PM
Awesome to see the players have some fight in them today, and everyone worked their socks off. The SOL sounded awesome once again too.

Seeing Quinny and MON celebrating was awesome!

Start looking over those shoulders barcodes. ;) Our season starts today! :d

11-12-11, 07:37 PM
i just read the match report.....
i thought you were playing someone decent.... blackburn is hardly real madrid...

11-12-11, 07:45 PM
i just read the match report.....
i thought you were playing someone decent.... blackburn is hardly real madrid...

When you have previously only won twice all season, three times at home since January and have no strikers, then it is a very good result mate!

Yeah, only Blackburn, but this was vital to restore self belief and confidence in the lads! A fantastic performance from all concerned.

11-12-11, 07:55 PM
i hope they have o'neill on a cast iron contract, he has been known to walk from other clubs, just as they get sorted out..

11-12-11, 08:53 PM
i hope they have o'neill on a cast iron contract, he has been known to walk from other clubs, just as they get sorted out..

Unsure what deal he has tbh. Sunlun were his boyhood club though, so hopefully (assuming his wifes health remains OK) he is in it for the long haul.

Make no mistake, this is the best managerial appointment we have made in my lifetime. Superb owner/chairman, Quinny and now MON. This is one very well run club with a few quid. Now to match it on the pitch - consistently! lol