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29-11-11, 05:19 PM
I need a new phone, and am thinking of getting a contract on a Samsung Galaxy S2, one of the deals I have seen includes 500mb of data p/m. Is this enough for forum bashing and youtube etc, or will I use it in no time?

29-11-11, 05:23 PM
Things like email, general surfing, app downloading, phone updates etc are no problem at all. I don't spend ages on the web on my phone, maybe about 20 mins max for checking stuff then logging off. Most I've ever used is just under 400meg.

If you do a frequently check out vids then it's not difficult to exceed 500meg.

At home I use wifi so that helps.

29-11-11, 05:28 PM
Cheers mate. Was thinking that Youtube and streaming etc would hammer it. Will keep that stuff for home if I go for one. A mate text me and said the most he has used was just under his 500mb limit.

Can you keep an eye on your minutes/texts/data useage? If it's say £21.50 p/m, that's all I wanna pay. lol

29-11-11, 05:32 PM
I still do a bit of streaming/youtube when I'm uber bored and may check a couple out now and again but I don't do it all the time.

What network you going with? I'm on Vodafone and they have an app that tells you what you've used so far (works on iPhone's and Android afaik). So far this month I've used 290meg and on Friday my allowances reset. You can also get a data counter on Android called 'My data manager' - tells you what you've used with the network and wifi.

29-11-11, 05:32 PM
i get 500mb but get a text when im close to using it all and even when i go over only get charged £5 for every 500mb after that

29-11-11, 05:34 PM
I still do a bit of streaming/youtube when I'm uber bored and may check a couple out now and again but I don't do it all the time.

What network you going with? I'm on Vodafone and they have an app that tells you what you've used so far (works on iPhone's and Android afaik).

what app is that, im on vodafone and that sounds quite useful

29-11-11, 05:36 PM
Thinking of 02 Tek, that Android app does sound handy!

29-11-11, 05:37 PM
what app is that, im on vodafone and that sounds quite useful

Called 'My Vodafone' it's free of course. Tells you your minutes, texts and web usage give or take a day or so.

Thinking of 02 Tek, that Android app does sound handy!

That app is well worth it dude. Free on Android.

29-11-11, 05:42 PM
+rep coming your way Tek :thumb:

29-11-11, 05:50 PM
Thanks :thumb:

29-11-11, 05:53 PM
3G watchdog is free in droid market, and is excellent for keeping tabs on data usage. Can be configured to warn you when you hit certain levels etc.

As for 500mb, I don't use anywhere near that as I find myself jumping on wifi wherever possible. Leave all your data intensive stuff to home, so market downloads, updates etc.

Haven't looked at it on Android, but I had a Symbian version of Opera on my old N95 which compressed pages before getting them. Took a snicket longer to load, but saved a load on data usage.

29-11-11, 06:42 PM
All the 'big' phone companies have apps now that let you know the bill pain.

29-11-11, 06:49 PM
Check out 3 for cheapness too... Main downpoint for them used to be poor coverage, but they have a better 3g coverage than O2 and Vodafone combined now.

29-11-11, 08:15 PM
Ive got an iPhone with Tesco mobile, (apparently unlimited data useage) what the limit is I don't know, anyway, as I do t have wifi at home I use my phone constantly, this month I've used 5.4gb and never been charged more than what my bundle is, I pay £45 a month btw,

But on the iPhone, if you reset your data everytime your new allowance starts you can check data on the phone by going on

29-11-11, 10:09 PM
3 is the only one with true all you can eat data (afaik) everyone else sets a fair usage policy. If it's mainly mobile tinterwebz you is after, I'd recommend the One Plan on 3.

30-11-11, 08:24 AM
3 is the only one with true all you can eat data (afaik) everyone else sets a fair usage policy.
Whats their contention though? I'd rather have a 500Mb cap on a 10:1 contention than unlimited data on 30,000:1 lol

30-11-11, 02:19 PM
I usually go over my 500mb a few days before the end of the month, but thats me being on facebook and uploading pictures to it all the time lol

30-11-11, 02:26 PM
i use about 2gb per month lol

boring sit on ass job FTL lol