View Full Version : Oil in XE inlet manifold

28-11-11, 03:50 PM
Just removed my powercap to trial fit an SFI box, opened the bufterfly and noticed a puddle of oil at the bottom of the inlet.

I know I've started threads about oil consumption before, but what would cause this symptom? Excessive pressure pushing it into the inlet?

It's had the 'breather mod' done (removing most of the rockers baffle plate)

28-11-11, 06:56 PM
Pressure past the rings forcing it through the breather system.
Is it using much oil still?

28-11-11, 07:06 PM
Oh hell yeah, loads lol

Might get an oil catch tank to monitor how much it breathes?

28-11-11, 07:08 PM
I would tbh, especially if it gets rev'd hard.

28-11-11, 07:17 PM
Ah it's an XE it's better then water being there! lol

Mine use to have it on the standard inlet, but catch tanks are a good idea.

28-11-11, 07:22 PM
Haha yeah, expected a bit of oil recirculating but not a fricking puddle in the inlet lol

1L tank y'reckon? http://www.obpltd.com/obp-shop/alloy-oil-catch-tanks/race-car-1-litre-round-bulk-head-mount-oil-catch-tank?pop=0

28-11-11, 07:25 PM
Yeah thats a good size, and not bad price, seeing as similar one's on ebay cost about that.

28-11-11, 07:36 PM
Am a Mechanic and you would be horrified to see the amount of oil new cars have in the inlets. I wouldn't worry to much and I would expect it to use about a litre of oil to 1000mile under normal conditions, but maybe double/tripple that under hard conditons.


28-11-11, 08:05 PM
Well I have to give it a few glugs out the container before pretty much every drive. I'll be able to monitor mileage and oil breathing with a catch tank though, maybe a 2L would be better lol

28-11-11, 08:10 PM
Use a 1ltr, but mount it up by the screen part of the bulk, near your corsa pedal box etc, so least the oil is being pushed up into it and not just running down into it on corner a low speeds etc.

28-11-11, 08:34 PM
Good thinking batman, got some room in the scuttle on the rollcage/strut brace thing. THANKS SCOTT.

28-11-11, 08:38 PM
One of those big F.O. cordial bottles is what you want by the sound of!

29-11-11, 05:15 PM
Works fine Mazz but I enjoy spending money too much lol