View Full Version : mk1 car parts prices??

20-11-11, 01:48 AM
i might have the chance of mk1 saloon but its crashed damaged, so before i jump in and buy it, i'm trying to price up the costs to fix it.

it will need,
a set of mk1 headlights
mk1 grille,
mk1 wings,
and a front bumper and slam panel.

roughly how much am i looking for the parts, as i dont want to buy the car and have to spend loads on buying part to fix it.

any advice/input would be much appreciated

20-11-11, 03:04 AM
mk1 headlights £10-£15 pound a pair
mk1 grill £10-£15 pound for a pov spec one
Mk1 wings £30-£50 for second hand pair
front bumper - £15-£20

If your not picky and dont mind tatty parts, there plenty of people just wanting to shift bits, so you could blag some bits probably, all depends on how anal you get, if your after a cheap repair it can be done very cheaply, if your wanting mint parts you pay the extra
i got a grill and front bumper that i would give away but your miles away lol

20-11-11, 03:37 AM
i would just want it fixed to start with, but i get very picky with parts and want everything how it should be :D once its fixed and on the road, i can take my cav off road for a rebuild/general strip and sort all the little problems out, and use the nova as a run about until i want the nova looking its best aswel :D

think i will go and visit him and see how cheap i can take it off his hands for :D

Pistol Pete
20-11-11, 08:51 AM
£200 to get all the needed parts? Can you do the slam panel yourself? If not that will be an extra cost.

20-11-11, 11:36 AM
i cant do it myself but i used to work in a body shop and quite good friends with the owner so he will lend a hand.