View Full Version : loud scrapping noise, mainly when turning right. ??

18-11-11, 10:34 PM
hi guys, i have a problem. there is a rather loud scrapping/scratching noise coming from the front of my car. it mainly only happens when i turn right but sometimes when just drvivng normally. possible wheel bearing? does anyone have any other ideas. cheers.

19-11-11, 07:38 AM
i love the spelling....... all i can think of is some gippo shouting 'any old iron'

do you have mud flaps? could be one of those rubbing, if not it could be massive size tyres hitting the gearbox or inner arch, or the outer cv joint has gone. the wheel bearings usually sound bad all the time, but if this one is loose, it could be causing the brakes to rub on cornering.

its time to jack it up, support the front on stands & have a good poke about

19-11-11, 07:50 AM
Have you lowered the car? It may be catching the strut on turning.

Do you have brake dust shields still on the front, I had them on an old Nova and whilst changing my alloy I'd knocked the shield which meant onturning caused a scrape.

19-11-11, 11:30 AM
rear wheel bearings or rubbing rear arch?

19-11-11, 11:37 AM
Check your brake pads, inner ones as well they can wear faster. has it got an xe fitted? not rubbing the chassis leg?