View Full Version : fireworks and dogs

05-11-11, 07:47 PM
How do you try and keep your dog calm then ?

We have been a two hour walk playing loads of fetch but he is still lively so I'm trying to distract him with treats seems to be working well so far.

05-11-11, 07:55 PM
Put the telly on louder than normal to try and drown out the noise.

Calamity Josh
05-11-11, 07:56 PM
keep him inside, shut the curtains and turn the tv up louder!

05-11-11, 07:57 PM
told mine too sit down and shut up! well shouted sit down and shut up, and now he just lyed on the floor growling when one goes off

05-11-11, 07:57 PM
seems to be working well so far.

then keep doing it?

05-11-11, 07:59 PM
Yer I'm doing that aswell

05-11-11, 08:01 PM
Get some of these lol


05-11-11, 08:03 PM
Some better ideas here though Mr Jolt.


05-11-11, 08:06 PM
Is he scared? You're supposed to stay calm, so curtains and loud TV sounds like a winner.

05-11-11, 08:11 PM
Yer think its fear but he don't show it as being fear as such but think that's more to do with his breed

05-11-11, 08:17 PM

05-11-11, 08:21 PM
mutt muffs Ftw!

05-11-11, 08:27 PM
Our dog is terrified, she won't let anyone leave the room without her on ya heels.

We use this http://www.dorwest.com/

05-11-11, 08:36 PM
Defiantly going to be trying some of these things.for new years eve, its only got worse since last year when a bunch of little dicks set one of at me and him I chased the ****s for ages until one of them started crying and I thought.my work was done at that lol

05-11-11, 08:39 PM
My dog isn't bothered and seems pretty happy


05-11-11, 08:42 PM
Dunno why mine is like it he is a rescue dog maybe that has something to do with it

05-11-11, 08:46 PM
I was joking in order to use the funny pic :( My old dog (RIP) used to be terrified of 'em, hiding under the sofa/table etc. I think that's partially why I don't like them myself.

Crank up the DnB and have a mini rave with your dog.

05-11-11, 08:51 PM
I did realise that mate lol although for a second I thought that it could be your dog lol

05-11-11, 08:57 PM
Keep them in and put music/tv on, not stupidly loud though.

05-11-11, 09:15 PM
i have working dogs and 4 pups so we have brought them all inside for the night the seem privaliged lol

05-11-11, 09:25 PM
What do you do with your dogs work wise, as most working.g dogs I know (shooting ones) there not as bovered by the fireworks

05-11-11, 09:37 PM
Lola is just tense and shivering, but ive stayed calm and Phoebe (the older, kind of wiser dog) isnt bothered, so she's feeding off that at a guess. if one goes off nearby, she just walks behind my legs and hides

06-11-11, 06:27 PM
mr jolt, have 5 cocker spaniels a spaniel cross a 3/4 collie cross grayhound and a bedlington terrior i use the collie cross on the lamp spaniels up the shoot for beating ect and sometimes use the on the ducks down the moors and the bedlington for the rabits we only brought them in as of the pups are only 7 weeks old and we didn't know what they would be like but the seem to be fine with them, may be the fact they have a history of 42 FTCH and all well knows workers lol

General Baxter
06-11-11, 06:30 PM
cats ftw,

mine tries to catch them in the window :p

06-11-11, 06:39 PM
mr jolt, have 5 cocker spaniels a spaniel cross a 3/4 collie cross grayhound and a bedlington terrior i use the collie cross on the lamp spaniels up the shoot for beating ect and sometimes use the on the ducks down the moors and the bedlington for the rabits we only brought them in as of the pups are only 7 weeks old and we didn't know what they would be like but the seem to be fine with them, may be the fact they have a history of 42 FTCH and all well knows workers lol

amazing you find time for cars lol the only thing close to working I have done with my dog is a bit of ratting had about 4 and he has had 2 foxes

06-11-11, 06:41 PM
lol my brother has cats he says you feed them the go out when they like, walk them selves ect but i gave his cat a good old shcok before it decided to sleep in the engine bay of my mini i started the car ad he had a little shock from the ht lead lol

06-11-11, 06:41 PM
mr jolt may i ask what dog you have?

06-11-11, 06:51 PM
I've got a staffordshire bull terrier right now, when I was a kid I also had a whipped mix lab

06-11-11, 06:59 PM
when I was a kid I also had a whipped mix lab

that sounds like you invented angel delight

my dog, flower, is a 14 year old collie X. this year is the first time she has been scared of them. so i sat her on my lap & reassured her that all was ok, and she stopped shaking after about an hour, but this year, the local displays were particularly loud.

06-11-11, 07:01 PM
its only my bedlington that dont like them because they suffer with bad ears hint why i wont take the gun out around her

06-11-11, 07:11 PM
I'm looking at getting another dog soon as I can afford it if I cut down my drinking lol don't know what breed but it will more then likely be a rescue dog and there fore another bull terrier breed lol

06-11-11, 07:16 PM
lol mad i think i need to cut down to i put more drink in my body than i put petrol in my cars!!

06-11-11, 07:21 PM
I just need a fun car for the weekend so drinking isint the only option lol

06-11-11, 07:23 PM
well i have a few options but most of them consist of overtime walk the dogs have a drink or build the track slag whilst having a drink haha lol

06-11-11, 07:28 PM
Mate if you drink will walking the dog some people give you money especially if you sit down for a rest for a bit

06-11-11, 07:36 PM
lmao now i know im from newport but geeez lol i may even grow a beard lmao

06-11-11, 09:09 PM
Try this (http://www.petsathome.com/shop/serene-um-calm-xtra-large-breed-tablets-x-45-for-dogs-by-mark-and-chappell-36603) stuff. Don't have to worry about fireworks with ours, but we used this when crate training. Supposed to contain a chemical thats found in Turkey meat, so acts like a natural sedative - everybody likes a snooze after xmas dinner lol

Won't knock them out, but just takes the 'edge' off :thumb:

16v Nova Kev
06-11-11, 09:15 PM
my 2 are going nuts. i recon bear the youngest one would ragdoll the first person he saw setting them off.

06-11-11, 09:23 PM
i always have beef on christmas day, and always fall asleep afterwards..

what i reckon this stuff is, is the vitamin b(can't remember which one) that is in all breads & flours, and yeast. when you eat loads of it, it causes a deficiency of another vitamin and sends you sleepy.