View Full Version : Corned beef

28-10-11, 02:38 PM
[Regional joke ^]

Well in one ear anyway. Years of using cotton buds have finally caught up with me, and I have impacted ear wax in one of my ears. Getting them syringed at the doctors this afternoon.

Can't wait tbh. Sick of waking up with one ear feeling 'full' and constantly trying to clear it my swallowing etc.

Hope they do both. I have great hearing, but I guess it has been on the decline for a while now and I haven't realised.

Still aced a medical hearing test a few weeks back though. :cool:

Anyone ever had this done?

28-10-11, 02:55 PM
I need to get my left ear sorted, it's quite muffled and feels really full, especially after a bath. I'm to scared though lol

Alex J
28-10-11, 02:57 PM
pictures of the wax or gtfoh

28-10-11, 02:59 PM
I need to get my left ear sorted, it's quite muffled and feels really full, especially after a bath. I'm to scared though lol

Sounds familiar. You should get it sorted! I will report back with a pain rating.

lol @ Merris. I'll try, but I'm not making myself look like a mug! lol

28-10-11, 03:06 PM
Sounds familiar. You should get it sorted! I will report back with a pain rating.

lol @ Merris. I'll try, but I'm not making myself look like a mug! lol

Thankyou, if it doesn't hurt to badly I may go get it sorted lol. It's been like it for quite a while though. The worst thing is I sleep on my left side so i'm extremely muffled on that side when I wake up in the morning.

28-10-11, 03:07 PM
try having no choise but to feel that every day because you have a perferated ear drum lol!...im almost completly deaf in my right ear loL!

Alex J
28-10-11, 03:12 PM
lol @ Merris. I'll try, but I'm not making myself look like a mug! lol
i do it all the time, its fine! you never saw my bottom in club chat did you lollollol

28-10-11, 03:14 PM
i do it all the time, its fine! you never saw my bottom in club chat did you lollollol

I'm surprised there aren't more girls on here with all the bottom flashing lol.

28-10-11, 03:39 PM
puft ive never seen any bottoms :(

Alex J
28-10-11, 03:48 PM
puft ive never seen any bottoms :(you couldnt have missed this one lol

28-10-11, 04:31 PM
Hayley gets this done quite regularly.

I keep meaning to as well, I'm deaf as a plank. Really noticed it in recent years too. So if at a show, you're talking to me and I'm staring blankly back at you, don't be offended, it means I can't hear a damned word you're saying lol

28-10-11, 06:09 PM
I have glue ear/s Fluid behind the drums,deaf as a post i am,went to see a specialist a few months back and they need an operation-the risks involved werent worth it,they offered me hearing aids instead!

28-10-11, 08:24 PM
As Jack said, I get mine done quite a lot. I was told by one nurse once that once you start having it done, you have to keep having it done every six months or so maybe. I quite enjoy the feeling of the warm water being shot in your ear but sometimes they go a bit deep and it makes me cough. lol

I remember once I had it done and I felt soo dizzy when I got up to leave because I had got used to being off balance I suppose. and my mum said I was shouting instead of talking. lol.

Its a great feeling afterwards tho, it always amazes me how muffled everything was before syringing.....

oh and you get to see the guck they sloosh out... :tard: