View Full Version : Got laid off today :(

tony k
28-10-11, 10:22 AM
Well as most of you know,been having a few issues at work with my health,been off about 6 weeks in 3 months,had a few disciplinarys over it(even know I had a doctors letter),had my final one last week,then had to pop in work today for a meeting,they have terminated my contact,reason for they are calling it repetitive absences,well hopefully will be asking a few places if I have got a case

Worst thing now is gotta find a new job,deffo not signing on,hate that place

28-10-11, 10:25 AM
That's not on mate get in touch woth citizens advice

28-10-11, 10:26 AM
Sorry to hear :( I hope you find something else soon :)

tony k
28-10-11, 10:37 AM
That's not on mate get in touch woth citizens advice

I know mate,should have a claim there hopefully

tony k
28-10-11, 10:38 AM
Sorry to hear :( I hope you find something else soon :)

Thanks Tanya

General Baxter
28-10-11, 10:40 AM
it all depends on what your 'illness' was,

as they can get rid of you, as 'your not fit to do the job'

say bad back, and you job was lifting 25kg, and you cant do it, they say bye bye

tony k
28-10-11, 10:43 AM
Oh just spoke to my mate,who asked the bloke in his work,who works in HR,his said when I get my letter through confirming my dismissal,I have to appeal against it first,then see why they write back with,then I can see about a tribunal then,so more of a waiting game,well atleast I get paid to the end of the month(next month),plus any holiday I'm owed

tony k
28-10-11, 10:45 AM
it all depends on what your 'illness' was,

as they can get rid of you, as 'your not fit to do the job'

say bad back, and you job was lifting 25kg, and you cant do it, they say bye bye

It's not a bad back or anything,I've had it since I was 6 months old

28-10-11, 10:51 AM
It's not a bad back or anything,I've had it since I was 6 months old

Were they made aware of the illness before you started?

28-10-11, 10:53 AM
Have you talked to acas I think.that's what there called

28-10-11, 11:42 AM
CAB (citizens advice B), get some advice.

28-10-11, 11:46 AM
tbh Id bypass CAB and go straight to an employment solicitor, some have a 'first X time free' lark too.
You will need to take your contract and also the termination letter to them.

28-10-11, 11:53 AM
That is a better idea Stuart:thumb:

28-10-11, 11:56 AM
the Mrs had a small issue with the way her old company were laying down some BS rules and changes which were unfair and a breach of contract etc, we talked to CAB and they were about as useful as google, so we went to a proper solicitor had the free chat and got them to write a letter (cost £50) and to handle the response (another £50) which resulted in the BS going away. But by that time she was hacked off (and so was I having to hear about it) so she handed in her noticed and got signed off for 4 weeks with stress :)

28-10-11, 12:42 PM
ring acas. they will tell u weather u have a case, i had this and i had one so im sure u will, they are basically saying your doctor is incompetant (cant spell it) and they think you are fit to work regardless so beacuse you have been signed off ill...bye bye

Dont work for comet do you lol!?

28-10-11, 02:10 PM
Sorry to hear that Tony! :(

Hope you find something sharpish mate! Definitley heed the above advice!

28-10-11, 02:11 PM
Human resources are the biggest load of sharks there are. My mrs is a nurse, she works nights 99% of the time & she got dragged thru a disciplinary where they made her agree not to be ill more than 3 days in the next year... But on appeal, the panel were forced to backtrack on every single item as it was either wrong, illegal, or both.

28-10-11, 02:55 PM
This is.why.I'm.now a member of gmb, I've had meetings over my attendance as I had 3 days of all separate from.each other due to my back.playing.up ever since I was involved in a crash in the work van all employers seem like **** holes lately

Alex J
28-10-11, 03:13 PM
This is.why.I'm.now a member of gmb, I've had meetings over my attendance as I had 3 days of all separate from.each other due to my back.playing.up ever since I was involved in a crash in the work van all employers seem like **** holes lately
it was the way you drove lol

tony k
28-10-11, 03:31 PM
Thanks for all the comments guys and girls,the guy from my mates work rang acas,that's who told him to say,appeal against it,then see what they write back,sent the letter recorded today,so should hear something back next week

Stuart,will have a look on the net over the weekend for solicitors,then phone around see what they say

Alot of people said i should have a case here

28-10-11, 03:37 PM
Have you talked to acas I think.that's what there called

thats what i said :wtf:

28-10-11, 03:50 PM
I said.it.first lol

28-10-11, 03:52 PM
thats what i said :wtf:

I said.it.first lol

Does it really matter who said it/said it first? lol

Anyway...I hope you get the result you want and that the case goes in your favour...which hopefully it should! :)

28-10-11, 03:56 PM
Bloody women geez lol

28-10-11, 08:10 PM
Human resources are the biggest load of sharks there are. My mrs is a nurse, she works nights 99% of the time & she got dragged thru a disciplinary where they made her agree not to be ill more than 3 days in the next year... But on appeal, the panel were forced to backtrack on every single item as it was either wrong, illegal, or both.

My wife is a HR manager and a bloody good one! I think you will find it is accountants that are the sharks along with senior management.
The wife is very well liked and respected by all of her staff. The very few occasions when staff have been dismissed and appealed, none have been successfull as she does everything by the book.

I was taken to disciplinary for something I had not done by a jumped up, brownie point grabbing muppet of a manager.
After some help from the wife and a couple of hours hard work by me I made him look about 2 inches tall and discredited all of his so called evidence. I took great delight in making him feel stupid and making him apologise.
I have heard his managers are now trying to dispose of the incompetant moron. lol

28-10-11, 08:43 PM
sorry if my opinion about hr depts doesn't match yours, but i have experienced working for a huge multinational company & their hr dept were idiots too... i learnt also that any company that has a 'customer service' dept really hasn't got a clue, all staff should be there to serve the customer, and if that means hr actually trying to make life easier for their human resources, then so be it.

Pistol Pete
28-10-11, 08:53 PM
Well as most of you know,been having a few issues at work with my health,been off about 6 weeks in 3 months,had a few disciplinarys over it(even know I had a doctors letter),had my final one last week,then had to pop in work today for a meeting,they have terminated my contact,reason for they are calling it repetitive absences,well hopefully will be asking a few places if I have got a case

Worst thing now is gotta find a new job,deffo not signing on,hate that place

Bad news on the job front. Defo get some advice.

I fail to understand why people take this attitude??? You have paid your taxes, earn some back! Swallow your pride and do it. It may be the only cash you can get.

28-10-11, 09:26 PM
If I were you I'd DEFO register as unemployed, if the shoite hit the fan when your money runs out and you don't have a job you'd wish you did,

Any money due to you from the job centre folk will be based on your first contact with them NOT your date of you losing your job,

Secondly don't Fcuk about waiting on the company and appealing as you only get around 4 months ( maybe 6 ) to lodge a claim for unfair dismissal, after that your onto plums,

CAB are pretty crap tbh all they do is give you information but will never act on your behalf, ACAS will help you but only after you go through the grievance proceedure that your company could spin out so long you'd end up out of time,

Go to a employment lawyer as said earlier,

( my facts are based on scots law and may differ in England )

Also some PPI claims require you to be registered as unemployed for more than 30 days before they cover your payments, like your mortgage, car finance etc

28-10-11, 09:36 PM
Baf luck mate, Working for the nhs i can Say as a general rule HR dept are there for the employer, even when it come to sticking by bad decisions. Organisations tend to brush over HR balls ups. I'd would defo appeal, you'll probably find it an insult in the end but you may force them to make a mistake in writing which might earn you something later. The africans where I work run rings around HR, can't you rent an African? or I'll post one to you, lol