View Full Version : I hate xmas but...

18-10-11, 09:26 AM
Gona make this one a bloomin good one lol

But im stuck on what to get my partner, He loves playing on his xbox...me i find this mundane but you lot might be able to help me decide

Ive put it down to two majour presents, 1 being a drivers day (the lambo, r8, ferrari, and recipiants choice) and the other being a ltd ed xbox modern warfare 360

Which one do i do..both are around the same price :roll:

18-10-11, 09:48 AM
Modern warfare sucks balls

Get him Forza 4 or Gears of war 3

18-10-11, 10:14 AM
Day in detuned cars would be fun.

18-10-11, 10:15 AM
give him an 'up the gary' voucher, he'll appreciate it much more than some plinky plinky toy thing....

18-10-11, 11:44 AM
up the what o_0

i dont know if he plays gears of war tbh :/

In all honesty i know nothing of xbox games...with games i sit and play sims 3 on my mac for about 20 mins and get bored of it so safe to say im not much of a gamer!

18-10-11, 12:31 PM
Get him nothing lol

18-10-11, 12:42 PM
give him an 'up the gary' voucher, he'll appreciate it much more than some plinky plinky toy thing....

going by previous ASW'ing I reckon shes the kinda girl that does that anyway

18-10-11, 01:22 PM
www.adultwork.com (http://www.adultwork.com)

18-10-11, 03:32 PM
im so confused, i will have to look at the links later cause im in work so cant see....I expect its something rude though :P

18-10-11, 03:38 PM
what makes you think that?

18-10-11, 03:41 PM
Driving experience. Don't get him an Xbox when he already owns one!

18-10-11, 03:46 PM
oh i dunno...its you guys?

18-10-11, 03:48 PM
Driving experience. Don't get him an Xbox when he already owns one!

owns the old one and the draws playing up...would i heck buy a new one with out a good reason for it. dont beliving in updating stuff unless its broke :P

18-10-11, 04:40 PM
Buy him a ride in either my nova turbo or twin carb'd XE. Only £149.00 incl petrol, lol

18-10-11, 09:41 PM
www.adultwork.com (http://www.adultwork.com)

go figure lmao....is that where you go to is it ;) haha....

and **** im ide pay for a go in it my self!!!! awesome cars... jelous

18-10-11, 10:08 PM
What about an ex box where you put all his **** in it

18-10-11, 11:19 PM
Why not be an amazing gf and get him both? I'm surprised no one has mentioned this already to be fair... Shame on you lot and your slacking.

19-10-11, 09:22 AM
i would but cant afford to sadly, ide love to get him both but both being around 270 quid each its a tight one :/

19-10-11, 09:56 AM
its a tight one

so you are doing the gary voucher then......? lol lol

19-10-11, 02:50 PM
lol lol