View Full Version : What is going on in this CUNTry

08-10-11, 02:08 PM
One of the main reasons i bought my Astra 1.3 Cdti last year was how cheap it was to run.
Now last November when i bought it i paid £90 for 12 months tax.
Today i recieve a tax reminder for £115 for 12 months!!!!!!
What the fukk is going on here????!!!
Just how on earth can they warrant a £25 increase in duty on my car???
Is it more damaging to the environment this year??? Is it fukk.
Im sick of this countrys government,that is just an absolute piss take,on top of everything else,its just getting ridiculous now.
Im absolutely seething:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

08-10-11, 02:20 PM
Cuntry is ****ed, we all hate it just as much as you. Except the fat cat bankers that keep ****ing things up to line their pockets.

08-10-11, 02:25 PM
Yeah i don't get this huge tax increase bull****! they have even hiked both my nova's one's up, the track cars now £210 12 months and the 1.2 is £115..
IF your cars a newish one it's based on the age, and it will keep going up massively, it's to get you to change it in for a newer "less" un friendly one..

Read here..


Basically instead of it being every other year (24 months) going up £5 now it looks to be rising £10 £15 every 12 months! and that is a total joke really... Has motorbike tax stayed at £15 a year for around 10 years or something stupid???

08-10-11, 02:25 PM
I totally agree.
How do they expect people to live day to day with the cost of living now in this country ??
Everything is just so expensive . I know its no excuse but no wonder the younger generation turn to crime .
They cant physically earn enough to live or buy a house or run a car ??

I dread to think how my daughter is going to afford the deposit on a house or the ever increasing gas / electric and tax bills . Then theres car insurance , tax , fuel etc etc .

When all the looting was going on they basically admitted on the news the youth who arent born into money have little chance of saving to buy a house or earning enough to run one .

I agree country is knackered and its only going to get worse for us people working and struggling to pay bills .

08-10-11, 02:28 PM
ultimatley its europes fault, but our government follows them like sheep.... lets not start another "demonstration" lol http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/international/burning-EU-flag.jpg

08-10-11, 02:32 PM

Shall we lol

08-10-11, 02:36 PM

Shall we lol

shhh youl get the fuzz on here with the dogs pmsl

its all going to the dogs....then again, with the state this country is in I doubt very much that the dogs would want it either

Alex J
08-10-11, 02:39 PM
you get fined less for driving without tax and insurance in this hole than if you follow the rules.

08-10-11, 02:40 PM
**** sake my Astra Road tax is end of December and has gone up another £10 now on £245 a year, **** it I'm selling it!

So i will pay what works out at over £20 a month in "ROAD TAX" and still pay 58.95 per liter of "road/fuel" tax..


Try this if you want a shock!


Then get angry at this....


WTF this country need to change, something has to happen soon, if there going to hike the tax up again on fuel in Jan 2012 by another 3.02p per ltr...

Bio ethanol petrol it is then..

08-10-11, 02:47 PM
whats the VED on a let'd nova a year.... i was thinking of getting another shell to do

08-10-11, 02:53 PM
Immigration - that way forward!

08-10-11, 02:59 PM
Yeah I'm stating to think "we" as in all the English/Scottish/welsh should just up and leave this place to all these sodding immigrants who love it so much, they can live here, we will go live in there cheap ass country's! lol

08-10-11, 03:15 PM
ultimatley its europes fault, but our government follows them like sheep.... lets not start another "demonstration" lol http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/international/burning-EU-flag.jpg

Seeing that euro scum flag burning has made my day :)

08-10-11, 03:19 PM
Seeing that euro scum flag burning has made my day :)
at least i won £18.40 on the euro last night, so with that im taking my broke ass to Moldova and start up a casino...

edit...whilst on the subject I googled Moldovan Women....

Needless to say

Good Morning!


08-10-11, 03:46 PM
i have always worked since leaving college but after i got layed off from my last job and i have now got a daughter, the job centre informed me that if i was to get a full time job i would be £22 a week better off than i am now, i look at the woman as to say that doesnt sound right. i hate not worked but i cant justify working 40 hours a week for £22, and out of that i gotta pay fuel to get to work,

its backwards how the system is run!

i saw a picture on facebook yesterday saying "put all the government on minimum wage, and watch how fast everything changes" <--- i would love to see that!

08-10-11, 03:46 PM
just paid £119 for 6months on my van

08-10-11, 04:39 PM
I pay £103 a year on a Subaru GT road tax and £450 Full comp Ins and £1.10 a liter of petrol.
And £1 a beer in town.

08-10-11, 04:48 PM
I pay £103 a year on a Subaru GT road tax and £450 Full comp Ins and £1.10 a liter of petrol.
And £1 a beer in town.

Did you use to live in the UK, and then moved out there for work or what mate?

08-10-11, 05:17 PM
Yer I lived in Bolton Lancs until I was 28 then went to Germany to work there and now here in Czech.

08-10-11, 05:23 PM
cherry ftw tax dodging is the way forward,though they have given me a better tax code this year i now get anothe7 7k before i get taxed so im ringing them to see if im due a rebate on last year if hey have just realised ive been paying too much

08-10-11, 05:44 PM
cherry ftw tax dodging is the way forward,though they have given me a better tax code this year i now get anothe7 7k before i get taxed so im ringing them to see if im due a rebate on last year if hey have just realised ive been paying too much
Ive come to realise that the honest hard working man gets fukk all out of life been straight and honest.
While all the rogues have sky and nice cars,holidays abroad etc.
Im 26 and never even been to scotland or Wales ffs.
Im doing summat wrong,im just angry in general just lately.
I graft my knackers off and for what?? to have my pants pulled down every time i wake up!
Somebody needs to do something,went out last night to watch football,£3.30 a pint.
The nation is going to turn into a country of numb thunderheads as the only thing to do that dont cost loads of money is sit in and drink cans/smoke gear.

08-10-11, 06:38 PM
road 'tax' has not been called road tax for atleast 5 years, if not more lol.... its VED so they dont feel obliged to spend it on the transport infrastructure.

Not saying cost rises are good, but the country is massively in debt and in order to cover that we need to receive a kicking for 'not paying' during the alleged good times of the red army... What I did find 'funny' (in a wrong way) is the boss's early 06 plate V8 Vantage is £245 a year in VED whereas the other boss's 08 plate V6 TT is £450 lol

08-10-11, 06:42 PM
mr blair and mr brown have completely fcuked this country, things wont get any better imo

08-10-11, 06:44 PM
Its annoying as we didnt put the country in debt-labour government did,but we pick up the pieces.

08-10-11, 06:53 PM
Its annoying as we didnt put the country in debt-labour government did,but we pick up the pieces.

well 'someone' voted for Labour.........
Twasnt me lol

08-10-11, 07:21 PM
well 'someone' voted for Labour.........
Twasnt me lol

Not that i have an opinion that counts, but lets be fair there all as bad as each other, Thatcher did a good job... the UK's GDP was high, but so was unemplyment, and the only reason the GDP was so good was because she started selling off and closing all the things that made the government money back in the 80's like council houses (now we have an affordable housing crisis) all the gas , water, electricity (now were not on a national grid companies can monopolise prices how they like without the proper regulation they had under state ownership) British steel (watch the full monty for that one) National Rail (she set the wheels in motion for John Major on that one and since rail fares are nearly twice as high in our country compared to the next highest) pretty much we used to be a manufacturing nation, well thats all gone by the by now, she did her best to ruin Ireland and theyve only just started to recover now, and the whole waste of time and money with the Falkland Islands then John major spent billions upon billions on black wednesday, which were basically pi**ed up the wall, then went to war with Bosnia, then Blair screwed it up by spending shed loads on the "war on terror" and as such increased the fuel dutys to cover it, a war we were dragged into by the yanks, Brown pi**ed what little money we had left by saving the banks... and as for the latest moron, well only time will tell, but so far he has increased VAT and Fuel duty.


08-10-11, 07:25 PM
well 'someone' voted for Labour.........
Twasnt me lol

lol me neither lol

Anyone who does needs shooting lol

08-10-11, 08:32 PM
Tis unfortunate but serves this country right, labour let everybody in the first time round and showed the world we are a bunch of soft ****s who dig deeper into our pockets to pay for every other bastr@d and gave it all away the second time round.
My dad said one day we'll have a revolution, we couldn't afford it nowadays. Lol

09-10-11, 03:52 PM
Not saying cost rises are good, but the country is massively in debt and in order to cover that we need to receive a kicking for 'not paying' during the alleged good times of the red army...

or...heres another plan. next time a country needs aid...tell them to get f'cked. why should we send money to help people when we got problems here

09-10-11, 04:19 PM
the track cars now £210 12 months
£215, actually. lol

whats the VED on a let'd nova a year.... i was thinking of getting another shell to do
£215 (for over 1.5 litres)

I dread to think how my daughter is going to afford the deposit on a house or the ever increasing gas / electric and tax bills
Quite. Its a struggle now tbh; I have zilch money for a deposit, and most of the places round here are ridiculous prices. The kinda thing that even with a 25 year mortgage I'd never pay it all off before retirement!

cherry ftw
Note to self, change fuel tank and filter on the cav. lol