View Full Version : got banned form asda last night lol

07-10-11, 10:27 AM
went shopping lastnight with the mrs to get some stuff for her birthday today etc

came out of asda and there was police every were one riot van blocking the exit n a t5 on the entrance

came over to my car and there was a copper n a store manager ther handing bans out ? wtf i thought

they said your a boy racer blah blah and all that crap and nomral shoppers cant park to go shoping,they stopped evry single car going out handing bans out

i said i been shopping and the searched my shopping cheeking the recept (spelling)

police got new powers now they reckon trying to stop people parking up etc

got banned for a year from any store?

our asda has ANPR readers on the way in

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/309587_2066081978754_1445917278_31755598_628452103 _n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/297303_2066082578769_1445917278_31755599_45985897_ n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/314359_2066083218785_1445917278_31755600_100465194 8_n.jpg

07-10-11, 10:30 AM
Oh well tescos it is lol

07-10-11, 10:31 AM
Ring sun, mail, mirror etc, & then the bbc.. People like radio 5live love this sort of stuff

07-10-11, 10:34 AM
Yeah but you can appeal that easily because you were shopping, so you can tell them to stick their ban up their ****!

07-10-11, 10:38 AM
Oh well tescos it is lol

foods better any way!

07-10-11, 10:40 AM
i really do not understand that at all. why do they want to throw away custom! there own fault i guess

07-10-11, 10:44 AM
You say they have ANPR, did they pick you up on something then?

If you are all legal and they just singled you out because of your car, despite you having been shooping there if I was you I would have walked back in and demanded a refund. Told them they don't have to ban you, as you will never shop there again.

Then contact the media.

07-10-11, 10:45 AM
Lol I'd have brung there shopping back and demanded a refund cheeky gits and I wouldn set foot in the place again

07-10-11, 10:45 AM
Cos for the few they get wrong, it'll bring in loads more people when they're not too scared to come in and park of the "boy racers" in the corner.

I'd get the ban lifted and kick up a fuss, but I wouldn't shop there any more out of principal!

I bet you're forgetting to tell us about the heroic handbrake turn and wheelspin you did on the way out lol

07-10-11, 10:50 AM
as you goin into asda there a camera mounted on the wall as you drive past it flashes your number plate up, store manger reckons its linked with the police to catch cars with no tax etc ?

yes the cavs all legal or it wouldnt be out on the road fella lol

lol ian

another thing a copper said he could do me for being parked with the engine running lol and give me 3 point's

sat ther 2mins for it to warm up cold night tapping xe lol

07-10-11, 10:50 AM

A mate of mine once nearly got in a fight with an ADSA shelf stacker. Can't think why, I mean all he said was "How knackers, where are the curry flavoured Pringles?" Dumbass! lol

07-10-11, 11:31 AM
as you goin into asda there a camera mounted on the wall as you drive past it flashes your number plate up, store manger reckons its linked with the police to catch cars with no tax etc ?

yes the cavs all legal or it wouldnt be out on the road fella lol

lol ian

another thing a copper said he could do me for being parked with the engine running lol and give me 3 point's

sat ther 2mins for it to warm up cold night tapping xe lol

they clearly dont realise old engines need love and attention unlike their new high powered bmws which they should warm up but dont care about so dont (cause they dont have to pay to have them fixed its free from bmw direct.)

07-10-11, 11:37 AM
A copper said he could give you three points for sitting there with the engine running??? What a crock of sh!t. If he can do that then everyone who has to stop on the M25 due to traffic not movin should get three points.

On what grounds exactly have you been banned then?? Clearly you were shopping there... Maybe you didn't spend enough to qualify for the "escape the ban" card.


As said before. Go to the press and make a fuss.

07-10-11, 12:08 PM
I reckon they're sick of him ransacking the 'ghetto shelf' as soon as reduced goods go on sale. The Police presence was just acting as back up muscle. lol

Alex J
07-10-11, 12:13 PM
lend me your car to go there.

07-10-11, 12:14 PM
Sounds to me like something is missing from this story. I really cant see the police running an operation with no previous evidence of naughty behaviour around that asda. Not saying you were the one being naughty but surely they cant slap a ban on you for no apparent reason. Although, saying that i suppose if its from the store rather than the police, they can ban whoever the fook they feel like.

Alex J
07-10-11, 12:17 PM
how about this???


07-10-11, 12:19 PM
how about this???


Steer from the rear, or you're a queer. :d

Wonder how many comments compliment him on his 'drifting'. lol

I reckon something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x6zp1t_f38 has occured previously tbh. lol

Alex J
07-10-11, 12:20 PM
or maybe this style lol


Alex J
07-10-11, 12:27 PM
or, `just nipping in asda for a loaf of bread and a burnout`

07-10-11, 12:35 PM
Write a letter to the chief constable demanding some answers... Like what proof of any offence did they have etc.......

07-10-11, 12:36 PM
One wheel burnouts make me want to hurt things. lol

Alex J
07-10-11, 12:37 PM
One wheel burnouts make me want to hurt things. lolits not about the winning, its about the taking part that counts lol

07-10-11, 12:46 PM
its not about the winning, its about the taking part that counts lol

lol. You look like a tit though! Sitting in the car, smoke pouring off one side thinking you're the boy and the other side is stationary. Never cool - fun though! lol

Alex J
07-10-11, 01:03 PM
lol. You look like a tit though! Sitting in the car, smoke pouring off one side thinking you're the boy and the other side is stationary. Never cool - fun though! lol
this bloke is cool!!!!!!!!


1.6 gsi
07-10-11, 01:26 PM
Ring sun, mail, mirror etc, & then the bbc.. People like radio 5live love this sort of stuff

Agreed. Screw them

07-10-11, 01:27 PM
nothing missing form story

asda have always been a place for boy racers over the years etc

gf had gone bk into asda this morning and spoke to manager and he said we got to write a letter to head of asda and they review tapes ect and got to photocopy my reciet and send with letter

07-10-11, 01:57 PM
The police need to understand there is two types those boy racers who speed around the streets causing trouble and the normal driver with a modified car that is sensible

07-10-11, 02:00 PM
The police need to understand there is two types those boy racers who speed around the streets causing trouble and the normal driver with a modified car that is sensible

agreed, and i get dragged into the wrong crowed quite alot, even tho i drive sensible and 9 time out of 10 have my daughter in the car with me.

as for the asda ban i would be straight in there askin for proof and reason for the ban

07-10-11, 02:21 PM
this bloke is cool!!!!!!!!


now theres a nice angle grinder.

also maybe you should ask them what they believe defines a "boy racer"...... then do them on discrimination grounds lol

07-10-11, 04:53 PM
thats some joke! i would go straight to the asda manager and ask them why you got banned and what prove they have. they cant just give out bans because your car is not standard.

07-10-11, 05:17 PM
Write to the head office, simply state that you feel there is no proof of you (particularly you) doing anything wrong and you feel you've been unfairly grouped with a stereotype that you have nothing to do with - and are quite offended by it lol - and maybe suggest that it has seriously changed your view (and for all the hundreds of other people you;re going to tell about this) about the store's image as it seems they're all too keen to disciminate people based on the vehicles they drive, etc etc.

See what response you get from there, ideally you'd want an apology and maybe some vouchers to entice you back in to the store. If that doesn't work out, then get the media involved. lol

07-10-11, 05:29 PM
ring jeremy kyle

Calamity Josh
07-10-11, 05:31 PM
If i was you i'd go into asda with your car and see what they do, they need something solid to ban you like that! On the other hand my mate's banned from waitrose for going in there drunk and making the gingerbread men have sex... but that's another story, three years later and they still won't let him in lol

07-10-11, 05:36 PM
go in there and nut him...at least have a good reason to be banned

07-10-11, 05:37 PM
gingerbread sex lmfao lol

lol bubba

07-10-11, 06:27 PM
This will simply be a case of they were there to rid the boyracers from the carpark and they have simply picked up on you due to you being in the cav!

I have had similar a while back when i had my GSi/turbo rep TD cav in my local tesco, its under the store so the carpark is the perfect hangout for all of the locals, due to the ones that race up and down the carpark, everyone gets moved on pretty swiftly these days.

Anyways i had been parked up for a while as it was winter and id been to the jetwash at the petrol station, then taken my car into the carpark and proceeded to leather it off and polish it (yes i know that sounds sad but it was winter and snowy outside so couldnt do it anywhere else) after finishing this off i was hanging about chatting to a few of my mates when a T5 rolled up and the officers asked who's the the 'red cavalier with the loud exhaust' was, i told him it was mine but didnt have a loud exhaust and he cut me off arguing that the tesco staff had identified my car as the one that had been racing up and down and had a really loud exhaust!

At this point i couldnt contain my amusement and burst out laughing, which finally cut him off and he asked what i was laughing about, i pointed at the new standard exhaust that was on it (pea shooter ftw) and asked him how a diesel with a standard exhaust system could be fast and loud, he looked at me and frowned stating that 'he wasnt stupid and knew that a cav GSi wasnt a diesel' so i fired it up, he calmed down after this and started talking to us and i pointed out that we were on the other side of the carpark and under a cctv camera so we couldnt possibly be accused of any wrongdoings, he was leaning on my boot spoiler at this point and i told him not to as id just polished it, he was like 'oops sorry mate' LOL lol

07-10-11, 07:01 PM
Other idea... Change the registered keeper to your missus & keep going in as if nothing ever happened....

07-10-11, 08:07 PM
That's why moms shop at asda. Lol.

Personally id skip the complaints and letters and just tell the papers. You might even get a pic of you and your car in the nationals. You'll be a local hero. Lol

07-10-11, 08:42 PM
A whole new meaning to "That's Asda price" lol

08-10-11, 12:18 AM
It actually annoys me a little when people call me a boy racer, I'm not a boy racer at all. For starters I'm a fully qualified man but I'm not a man racer either, I'm a car enthusiast.

A bit like how you cant call train enthusiasts nerds as they get upset, boy racers are usually 17/18 year old that can only wheel spin by doing reverse drop outs lol

08-10-11, 01:42 PM
boy racers are usually 17/18 year old that can only wheel spin by doing reverse drop outs lol

Errrrr what do the drop outs on a klein frame have to do with driving?


08-10-11, 01:59 PM
Errrrr what do the drop outs on a klein frame have to do with driving?


Nothing, why?

09-10-11, 03:42 PM
I've always known them as 'reverse to firsts' lol

Staple move of the underpowered car park dwelling ball sac.

09-10-11, 03:44 PM
rollbacks :d

09-10-11, 03:49 PM
rollbacks :d

Aye, that too. Bloody kids with their handbrake starts and wheelies!

09-10-11, 03:50 PM
Real heroes did reverse doughnuts

09-10-11, 03:53 PM
real cars needed boys pushing the front lol

09-10-11, 03:55 PM
does your nova look really chav'ie or something, this seems absoutly rediculous.

09-10-11, 03:59 PM
Real heroes did reverse doughnuts

Still remember a stolen Orion Ghia full of charver rogues in fingerless gloves ripping the handbrake on at around 50mph, flicking it 180* and then performing the mother of all roll backs. Smoke pouring off, on the limiter. Must have got up to 3rd gear before it started moving forward again. :lol:

Still scum mind!

09-10-11, 04:02 PM
chavy??? no mate is a cavy gsi on 18s with morettes hardly a chav car

09-10-11, 04:04 PM
chavy??? no mate is a cavy gsi on 18s with morettes hardly a chav car

Sorry mate, but that is a nailed on charv car in the Police/general publics eye!

09-10-11, 04:07 PM
ya i know that police hate old cars etc

surpose what you class as chav tho

09-10-11, 04:08 PM
Mine isn't chavvy, its a greenpeace nightmare lol

09-10-11, 04:12 PM
ya i know that police hate old cars etc

surpose what you class as chav tho

Anything not standard, or even anything that looks to be modified. Example being when I was pulled in mates bog stock Accord Type-R a few years back and asked if the mods were declared.

I asked what mods and was told not be clever and then informed of the 'big spoiler and Tyne Tunnel exhaust' lol lol

Personally, if i saw a tidy Cav GSi with Morettes and tastetful 18" wheels, I wouldn't think it was a barried up motor, but it's all different to those who think anything 'old' is crap, and anything that deviates from factory look, no matter how much it suits is 'boy racer' territory. lol

The police never gave me any bother in my A reg Volvo, even when basically caught in the act of a bit of streeto. Your face musn't fit mate! lol

09-10-11, 04:44 PM
chavy??? no mate is a cavy gsi on 18s with morettes hardly a chav car

sorry if the question offended you but was a genuine one, for all i knew it could have been a corsa with a evo vent and a massive spoiler lol

09-10-11, 05:08 PM
its ok fella lol

plenty of fiberglass crap up ere lol

09-10-11, 05:14 PM
when i had my 1st nova i once got pulled after leaving tesco underground carpark (had been for a munch), i got about 30 seconds down the road and got pulled over and was politely told that he could "hear" me speeding

they must have phsycic powers now

Alex J
10-10-11, 08:38 AM
novas and cavs are chav, so am i:d, i come from the home of burburry, addias three stripe joggers , reebok classics, and a ben sherman shirt so i know my stuff lol

Alex J
10-10-11, 08:40 AM
Still remember a stolen Orion Ghia full of charver rogues in fingerless gloves ripping the handbrake on at around 50mph, flicking it 180* and then performing the mother of all roll backs. Smoke pouring off, on the limiter. Must have got up to 3rd gear before it started moving forward again. :lol:

Still scum mind!
that my of been me lol

10-10-11, 10:38 AM
lol merris

10-10-11, 12:31 PM
Private reg time. :) Middle finger to the shop manager. lol

10-10-11, 12:52 PM
just elastic band some plain paper over the plates, and drive in..

11-10-11, 01:12 PM
local paper


11-10-11, 01:36 PM


11-10-11, 01:51 PM
On the night, other offences included:
1 Arrest for Excess Alcohol 61/60 (Female repeat offender)
2 Endorsable Fixed Penalties – 1 No L Plates (3 points and £60 fine) and 1 Defective Tyre (3 points and £60 fine)
2 Non Endorsable Fixed Penalties - 2 Glass Not as prescribed (Dark Tint) (£30 fine)
1 Warning for turning and re-entering High Street
1 Cannabis Warning
8 Negative Breath Tests
1 litter (Reported)

from the police website..... so 8 negative breath tests are an offence now, are they?????

pie, i hope you have contacted the south wales r us newspaper, and demanded that a journalist contacts you because of the heavy handed way that the police dealt with you.

also you should lodge a formal complaint with the police force, because they will have to investigate it....

ps. just what is so special about blackwood that causes idiots to turn up there in droves to annoy car park owners??

11-10-11, 01:58 PM
Mowgli it's not usually the location but the fact people know to turn up there, although I've noticed a direct correlation between places "cruisers" like to hang out and McDonalds locations. They even open 24 hours on a Sunday down my way to rake it in off them lol

11-10-11, 02:00 PM
blackwood use to be a big cruise spot years ago fella use to be rammed bk in the day but then there was no racing just hanging out etc
use to go with a mate when i was 16 etc

but no dick heads have turned it in to a place to drive like cocks

ive wriiting a letter to asda and made a complaint at the police station as one officer was rude to the mrs (got witnes'es but tha means ****all)

takes the piss grrr

11-10-11, 02:37 PM
LMFAO of all the pics in those reports, only the silver golf (?) appeared to be modified. The rest just looked like normal cars. Kroozin' in ma Hilux yo lol

Would be amusing if everyone went out and bought £100 sheds (Focus, fiesta, vectras etc) and filled the car park up lol

11-10-11, 05:13 PM
stuff like this makes my piss boil....one year at RTTS we were all back in Pool, sat in B&Q (about 50 of us) and they moved us on....they then had complaints over the next 2 hours for groups of cars driving around looking for somewhere to go!