View Full Version : Yay I just wrecked my iPhone

07-10-11, 12:32 AM
So here's the story I got given a iPhone 3GS 16 giggles for free last year from my mate. It worked perfect lol apart from the sleep button was a bit temperamental and the rear cover was scraped with a couple of splits and a load of dust between the front screen and LCD which made the front screen come away from the frame and the rubber seal was damaged.

Last month I thought **** it new back case so set about that and all was good and back working even the sleep button was sorted. Then 3 weeks ago I thought I'll get the new frame that would cure the damaged seal and after swapping over the home button and earpiece I thought **** it new front screen so I stuck it to the frame with the adhesive stickers and fitted all back together and it was like new.

Last week the top of the front screen popped up. It hadn't stuck for some reason so new sticky pads and same happened again :cry: the bottom was stuck solid so tonight I was taking it off again to put a new sticky pad at the bottom and super glue the top and upon using my suction cup the screen cracked lol

General Baxter
07-10-11, 12:40 AM
you have done your self a favor by killing your douch phone,

anyone with an iphone, is just following a trend, if they stuck an I on a lump of turd everyone would want one,

dont fall into the hole

07-10-11, 12:47 AM
I take it you've had a iphone then baxter? I bet the answer is no lol

Very useful things to have tbh, loads of quality devices in one

General Baxter
07-10-11, 12:50 AM
iv got an nokia n8,

i did not even have an ipod,

the only thing I i have is

iplayer from the bbc, as its free on the tv lol, which is also free on my phone lol

07-10-11, 12:58 AM
An iPhone does everything I needed a laptop for but is hand held and I can get exactly what I see on my iPhone on my tv :d

07-10-11, 01:03 AM
Tbh the iPhone has had it's day, samsumg s2 blows my iPhone 4 into the weeds IMO

( I have ifail 4 the wife has galaxy S2, I want her phone lol )

General Baxter
07-10-11, 01:04 AM
ill win this,

iphone, itunes, ipad, iCRAP lol

its simple

07-10-11, 01:06 AM
Idont care I'm happy with it

General Baxter
07-10-11, 01:07 AM

07-10-11, 01:16 AM

07-10-11, 01:23 AM
Baxter get back to playing cap guns with boys in the woods

07-10-11, 07:47 AM
I can't say anything for the iPhone but the iPad is awesome, I love mine :)

07-10-11, 09:20 AM
i dunno if any one else has this issue i have the same phone, bought it off my sister as she was so strapped for cash and couldnt feed the kids, that i payed more than every one else would give her..Im using it, i do have a htc hero to back it up. I like the phone i love apple products alot, ive had a macbook now for 3 almost 4 years and i cant fault it!

BUT OMG THE PHONE IS SO SLOW! im close to smashing it up my self tbh.. any one else have this issue? oh and i cant download apps :/

07-10-11, 09:26 AM
BUT OMG THE PHONE IS SO SLOW! im close to smashing it up my self tbh.. any one else have this issue? oh and i cant download apps :/
Is it jailbroken?

07-10-11, 09:26 AM
They are phones for god's sake, ok they can interweb a bit, but they can't exactly make lame people walk, or cure lepers......they are just a phone... My daughter (13) is sneaking hers up to bed & spending hours on facebucket..so she has not got enough sleep, so i think they are the work of a dark force... I'm going to get a strongbox to put it in.

07-10-11, 09:30 AM
Is it jailbroken?

nope not that im aware off, ill ask her but im sure i asked this as i didnt want a jail broken one as with the mac it would pick it up probably..mind with little snitch running 24/7 it prob wont :/ i dont know i just want to be able to text and not be ahead of it!

07-10-11, 09:31 AM
They are phones for god's sake, ok they can interweb a bit, but they can't exactly make lame people walk, or cure lepers......they are just a phone... My daughter (13) is sneaking hers up to bed & spending hours on facebucket..so she has not got enough sleep, so i think they are the work of a dark force... I'm going to get a strongbox to put it in.

she will still get to it...have you not worked out young teenagers yet! u were one once remember!

07-10-11, 09:35 AM
Yes, i was a teenager, but i had things like part time jobs, & evening jobs, so i was usually really tired..

This daughter was busted by the missus the other night at 2.30am, when she spent 20 mins trying to sneak downstairs to put the tv on..this is something that has been happening recently, we've found her on the settee under a throw with her school uniform on & and the telly on subtitles only, and she was claiming that she had just got up early...

07-10-11, 09:53 AM
Yes, i was a teenager, but i had things like part time jobs, & evening jobs, so i was usually really tired..

This daughter was busted by the missus the other night at 2.30am, when she spent 20 mins trying to sneak downstairs to put the tv on..this is something that has been happening recently, we've found her on the settee under a throw with her school uniform on & and the telly on subtitles only, and she was claiming that she had just got up early...

i used to stay up all night on the computer doing photoshops :/ but mum never knew that.. But thats just silly thats how you get caught.. and not good on her if shes up all night bloody watching tv. Maybe she just cant sleep?

07-10-11, 10:05 AM
I stayed up all night doing my homework when I was early teens as i would be too busy playing on my Raleigh burner and cb.

07-10-11, 10:23 AM
nah see i refused to do homework unless it was course work...

07-10-11, 10:28 AM
I think it was going towards my standard grades

07-10-11, 10:40 AM
I stayed up watching Bits and Vids. :cool: What was Photoshop?! lol lol

07-10-11, 10:52 AM
Adobe photoshop, Photo editing bacically. used to sit up all night making websites, and changing photos to how i think the cars or people should look, and editing models pictures from the car shows..

soo yeah would be up all night as get lost in it.. and when i came to the age of 16 i was drunk most the time too! opps

07-10-11, 10:54 AM
lol I meant it wasn't about (or readily available) when I was at secondary school in 93-98. lol

The TV show Bits on Channel 4 was where it was at! :d 4 Later FTW.
do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep
do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep
do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep
do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep
do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep do not sleep
do not sleep do not sleepdo not sleep do not sleep

07-10-11, 11:06 AM
LMAO! ahh ok haha im dence ill admit that!!! Whats bits ive heard of that before but no idea what it is!

07-10-11, 12:05 PM
lol Was a computer game/console review show presented by three girls. Emily, Boof and Alex iirc. I do believe two thirds of them were hot.

Plus they used to fcuk about and fight a lot. :d

07-10-11, 03:03 PM
sheep lol

i agree too, my lady just got the S2 and now i also want one, also, Android is freeware so you can change what you like and do what you like and are not dictated to by Apple as to what you are allowed to do, lets face it, it took ages for bluetooth and a light to be implemented onto the iFollow, get a decent bit of kit (also the new iPhone 4s is apparently like comparing a Fiesta 1.3 to a 1.2, sod all difference apart from one has a light now) ooooo whatever next, maybe the 5 will even be able to include a user removable battery! PMSL

lol I meant it wasn't about (or readily available) when I was at secondary school in 93-98. lol
the computers at my school all had green screens, so unless you wanted to photoshop a poddington pea onto a nice green field . mind you games back then were all based on text popping up

>you have entered the blue room and find a yellow key, what would you like to do?

>use the fish
>exit blue room
>use the map
>take yellow key

gotta love the old BBC computers!!

07-10-11, 05:23 PM

They are phones for god's sake, ok they can interweb a bit, but they can't exactly make lame people walk, or cure lepers......they are just a phone
Which isn't what some people would have you believe. Hence the name Jesus Phone lol

08-10-11, 10:51 AM
The future of technology....

The Old BBC Computers! Green Screen FTW

09-10-11, 04:26 PM